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電腦與通訊系 D epartment of C omputer and C ommunication. 崑山科技大學 Kun Shan University. Contact: Dr. Churng-Jou Tsai Tel: 886+6+2050-532 e-mail: cjtsai@mail.ksu.edu.tw. 1. 1. 認識電腦與通訊系 About DCC. 1. 100% 教師擁有資通訊專業證照。 100% faculty staff got relevant ICT certifications completed .
電腦與通訊系Department of ComputerandCommunication 崑山科技大學 Kun Shan University Contact:Dr. Churng-Jou Tsai Tel: 886+6+2050-532 e-mail: cjtsai@mail.ksu.edu.tw 1 1
認識電腦與通訊系About DCC 1. 100%教師擁有資通訊專業證照。 100% faculty staff got relevant ICT certifications completed. 2. 三大特色專業學程 Three creative specialty programs:wireless communication, multimedia and network techniques. 3. 全系教師100%助理教授以上資格。 There are 12 teachers (100% ) of teacher with above a assistant professor degree. 4. 超過60%教師具業界實務經驗。 Over 60% faculty in computer science with industrial experiences. 5. 加強軟硬體整合訓練。 To strengthen the integration training of hardware and software. 6. 注重跨領域整合教育。 Focus on interdisciplinary and integrated education.
學生專題競賽成果Competition results of Student Projects 96年起全國性競賽得獎成果輝煌:第一名3件、第二名6件、第三名7件、第四名1件、佳作17件、第六名1件、優選獎2件、現場人氣票選獎1件、最佳創意獎1件、最佳潛力獎1件,共計40件。 Since 1996, the excellent national contest results of a total of 40 projects and listed as follow; won first place three times, won the second place six times, won the third place seven times, won the fourth place once, won the masterpiece prize seventeen times, won the sixth place once, won the preferred prize twice, won the site Popular Choice Award once, won the Best Creative Award once, won the best potential award once.
專利作品比賽International invention exhibition for patent works 會說話且會聽話的聰明咖啡機 • 2010年匹茲堡第25屆國際發明展金牌獎 (The smart coffee machine embedded the function of talk and listen, INPEX 2010 Gold Medal award)
專利作品比賽International invention exhibition for patent works 互動式語音控制咖啡機 • 2011年瑞士日內瓦第39屆國際發明展金牌獎 (Interactive voice-control coffee machine, inventions geneva 2011 Gold Medal award)
專利作品比賽International invention exhibition for patent works 新型調光照明裝置 • 2011紐倫堡發明銀牌獎 (A new dimming lighting device, iENA 2011 Silver medal award)
專利作品比賽International invention exhibition for patent works 多語系互動式語音咖啡機 • 2011韓國首爾國際發明展金牌獎 (Interactive voice-control coffee machine in multi-language, SIIF 2011 Gold Prize award)
專利作品比賽International invention exhibition for patent works 不必重新佈線之調光燈具 • 2011韓國首爾國際發明展銀牌獎 (A new dimming lighting for connecting with traditional lighting system, SIIF 2011 Silver Prize award)
專利作品比賽International invention exhibition for patent works 互動式開心水族箱 • 創新發明2011(3Cii)銅牌獎 (Online Realtime Sharing Aquarium, 3Cii 2011 Bronze Medal award)
專利作品比賽International invention exhibition for patent works 緊急指示照明器及緊急指示照明設備 • 2012年瑞士日內瓦第40屆國際發明展特別金牌獎、日內瓦市政府官方特別獎及伊郎特別獎 (Intelligent Emergency Escape Indicator and System, inventions geneva 2011 Gold Medal award、Special Prizes from Geneva City and I.R.IRAN)
電腦與通訊系分組 • 無線通訊組:盧春林、蔡崇洲、林志鴻、梁東雄等老師 • 多媒體組:劉崇汎、郭晉魁、郭崇仁、吳崇民等老師 • 寬頻網路組:王建仁、陳國泰、蔡政穆、程榮祥等老師 • 目前已開發的作品: 多語系語音咖啡機、緊急逃生指示系統、槌球機、歡樂對對碰、智慧生活服務系統、開心水族箱、跌倒偵測裝置、APP程式、…。 • 作品範圍: 包含無線通訊、軟硬體整合控制和APP應用程式等
電腦與通訊系之最The Best of DCC • 師資陣容強。 All teachers with a highly qualified educational background. • 專利數量增加全校最快。 The school’s fastest of the increasing of number of patents. • 技術授權與轉移領先群雄。 To be a winner of the technology licensing and transfer. • 產學研計畫三年共五千萬 The total project funding amount made 50 millions in 3 successive years. • 畢業生升學暨就業率高達90%。 Graduates careers and employment rate up to 90%. • 專利作品獲獎率領先群雄 Patent works of award-winning ahead of the pack.
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