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Feminism 4. Review, Examples & Conclusion. Outline. Feminist Literary/Critical Strategies in Brief French Feminism ; examples Radical Feminism: Some Issues Postmodern Feminism and Gay and Lesbian Studies: Some Issues Feminisms in Taiwan Conclusion.
Feminism 4 Review, Examples & Conclusion
Outline • Feminist Literary/Critical Strategies in Brief • French Feminism; examples • Radical Feminism: Some Issues • Postmodern Feminism and Gay and Lesbian Studies: Some Issues • Feminisms in Taiwan • Conclusion
Feminist Literary/Critical strategies • Open accusation; social activism, (e.g. B. Kruger • Separatism: critique of patriarchy (its sexual/textual politics), discover/focus on women’s writings (gynocriticism), lesbianism (Woman-Identified Woman) • Celebrating Female Sexuality and Feminine Writing: French Feminists,夏宇, 安卓珍妮 • Empower female characters(Granny W); Discuss women’s issues (e.g. housekeeping, body, etc.) ; Atwood; Plath and Virginia Woolf • Revising tradition: e.g. fairy tales; 夏宇; Atwood • Mimicry; Parody; conscious use of dual language (e.g. Cindy Sherman) • Compromise: domestication of female desire
French: Feminine Écriture • Female Body feminine writing • Against the psychoanalysts’ emphasis on Oedipus complex and the Father. • Against the fixity of male writing and systems of thoughts (e.g. linear logic) • Cixous: phallogocentrism • writing from the body; write in white ink; in the Realm of the Gift vs. the Realm of the Proper (property-- appropriate--the fear of castration)
Irigaray: This Sex Which is not one • autoeroticism; plural sexuality; • an alternate discourse that is multiple, fluid, and heterogeneous, • feminine style: • mimicry; • "self-touching" and "self-affection" – autoeroticism in writing
Irigaray: Mimicry + Parody e.g. • Sylvia Sleigh, The Turkish Bath, 1973
Kristeva: the semiotic • Emphasize the “pre-Symbolic” (or the languages before social language); • The semiotic: its utterance is a flow or rhythm instead of an ordered statement; • expression is fluid like the free-floating sea of a womb or the milk of the breast.
Kristeva: the semiotic e.g. 1 Black Iris III, 1926
Kristeva: the semiotic e.g. 2 Cunt as Temple, Tomb, Cave or Flower, 1974 Judy Chicago
Kristeva: the semiotic e.g. 3 Pollock, Jackson Blue Poles: Number 11, 1952
Reference: Pollock, Jackson Blue Poles: Number 11, 1952 Context: 1. existentialism ("existence precedes essence"); alone in the void (alienation); 2. the Cold War: post-Hiroshima; the Soviet Union gets the bomb in 1949; 3. the 50's beat generation (pushing to the edge of one's consciousness.) 4. Jungian analysis (the collective unconscious; the archetype; mythic structures embedded in everyone's unconscious). 5. Inspired by jazz improvisation; listened to records by Charlie Parker while he painted. Also influenced by Native American sand painting and the idea that painting could be ritualistic, a rites of passage. (source: http://www.csulb.edu/~karenk/20thcwebsite/439mid/ah439mid-Info.00011.html )
Issues raised by Radical Feminists • Critiquing Patriarchy: e.g. Kate Millet, Marilyn French • Pornography • Gender re-definition: Androgyny, Separatism • Gender roles: Motherhood as constraint? • Bad sex? Good sex? • Does our body determine our sexuality and does our sexuality determine everything else in our lives?
Postmodern Feminism and Gay and Lesbian Studies • Arbitrariness of sex/gender hierarchy. • Cyborg; gender as corporeal style denies the centrality of women’s biological identity the loss of the categories of gender and body; the loss of particularity. • Definitions of feminist or lesbian writing (do the writers have to be female or lesbian?)
Feminisms in Taiwan • 1. 台灣婦運於1970年代開始,主要成員為呂秀蓮、鮑家麟、楊美惠、李元貞。 • 2. 1980年代中期,以性別問題成立的團體紛紛成立,如:「婦女新知」、「婦女展業中心」、「主婦聯盟」、「進步婦盟」、「彩虹專案」等。 • 3. 1985年台灣大學人口研究中心成立婦女研究室,為台灣第一個婦女研究中心。 • 民法親屬篇;教材;優生保健法 • 林芳玫青輔會.顧燕翎台北市社會局長 • (source: http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/Literary_Criticism/feminism/femiTai.html ) 台灣女性處境白皮書︰1995. 劉毓秀主編
Feminisms in Taiwan (2) • 4. 女學會,女書店 • 5. 性別研究室 http://sex.ncu.edu.tw/course/index.htm • Major Issues: • 性解放運動(豪爽女人—解構賺賠邏輯 不是每個人都玩得起的遊戲? 戀愛像騎腳踏車) • 女權火,照夜明 (我要性解放、不要性騷擾;風騷清純,干你屁事? 擾亂視聽) 彭婉如基金會 • 香爐事件 女性作家就一定是女性主義作家? • 公娼存廢 表演、游擊政治
Feminisms in Taiwan (3) • 表演、服飾與性別主體 --張小虹 (主體情慾跨越性別界限,建構於表演和衣服縐褶之間) • 後殖民、本土關懷︰阿媽的故事(江文瑜編 玉山社出版); • 媒體批判︰林芳玫等
Conclusion? • Not over yet. Nor limited to the academia. • Critical attention should be paid to every aspects of our lives, just as ‘feminist’ practice in every moment of decision. • Has never been just a political movement for women alone. The discussion of gender categories and identity can be deepened and enriched when the other critical perspectives are added to our discussion.
Reference • 張淑麗(Shu-li Chang). 「當代台灣女性文化評論的過去(未)完成式╱未 來進行式:豪爽、表演、聒噪、及其他」,《文化研究在台灣》, 陳光興主編,台北 :巨流,2000: 137-71。 • 劉亮雅 「台灣女性主義文化批評 1900-1999 」.《文化研究在台灣》, 陳光興主編,台北 :巨流,2000: 172-81.