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STRATINC-INTERREG III C. Oslo, May 24-25. Report on activities. Coordination Committee Meeting Inter-regional/Inter-sectoral Meeting LA&A. Stratinc Interreg III C. COCOM meeting 2 Inter-regional inter-sectorial meeting, focused on :

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  1. STRATINC-INTERREG III C Oslo, May 24-25 Report on activities Coordination Committee Meeting Inter-regional/Inter-sectoral Meeting LA&A

  2. Stratinc Interreg III C • COCOM meeting 2 • Inter-regional inter-sectorial meeting, focused on : « Knowledge of clusters, communities and sectors needs for strategic intelligence » Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  3. Stratinc - activity report • Summary : • Activities achieved • Activities in progress • Coordination activities • Improvement of the coordination efficiency • What to do after Oslo meeting Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  4. Stratinc : Activities achieved • Administrative : • Start up report : April 2004 • Progress report 1 : March 2004 • Local Steering groups (LSG) : list of members (except RCM) • Local Working groups (LWG) : list of members (except RCM) • Database of people involved in Stratinc Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  5. Stratinc : Activities achieved • Administrative activities: Intra-regional meetings : LWG (and LSC) • One in Mancommunidad Nord Tenerife : December 2003 (LSC+LWG) • One in Murcia : February 2004 (LSC+LWG) • Two in Oslo : January and April 2004 • Lorraine, one (?) • NRW (NeMa – 75 companies and R&D for material technology) • RCM ? Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  6. Stratinc : Activities achieved • Finance activities : • Progress report 1 • See D. Lorette guidelines Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  7. Stratinc : Activities achieved • Common instruments : • Logo Stratin.c: contribution from Lorraine and Tenerife, consultation of all partners, democratic choice • Web site : www.e-innovation.org/stratinc thanks to Urenio and RCM • Reminders (3) Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  8. Stratinc : Activities achieved • Questionnaires : • Prepared between January and March 2004 • Contribution from Murcia : February 2004 • Contribution from Tenerife : December 2003 • Distributed end from March by Lorraine • Have been in use for 2 months • Selection, first interviews of SMEs : all partners Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  9. Stratinc : Activities in progress • Surveys : • Milestone with Oslo meeting • First results : Overviews of the sectors - Oslo Biotech Cluster, Lorraine Wood Cluster, Fruit Juice Cluster Murcia, Wine Cluster Tenerife, New Materials Cluster NRW (NeMa initiative) ICT Cluster Thessaloniki (?) • Difficulties : • ? • Solutions ? Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  10. Stratinc : Activities in progress • PSIP : • General profile and conditions for a PSIP : first draft by Lorraine with inputs from Murcia (February 2004) • PSIP « model » : contribution from Mancomunidad N. Tenerife, first findings in NRW Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  11. Stratinc : Activities in progress • Scientific Committee : • First meeting : Oslo • Three experts : Maximiano Martins (P), Jaime del Castillo (E), Michael Laubenheimer (D) • One expert missing : Paulette Pommier (F) Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  12. Coordination activities • Leader : • After elections in France at regional level the former people responsible for the project has been substituted : Mr. Barcellini is the new DGS, Mr. Patrick Abate is the new responsible for Innovation in the CR Lorraine • The situation generated a few delays : for feeding the web, for the questionnaire finalisation Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  13. Leader : Inter-regional information flow Start-up and Progress report 1 Inputs in surveys (questionnaires), web, logo Scientific Committee Supported by partners and external consultant Partners : RCM web site implementation Oslo Teknopol : inter-regional meeting, preparation, venue of Oslo meeting Tenerife, Murcia, NRW, OT, RCM (?) : LWG meetings Coordination activities Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  14. Coordination activities • LA&A : under Lorraine responsibility • Assistance to Start up report, Progress report 1 • Distribution, consultation on Logo • Call for information : LSC, LWG, web, questionnaire, Scientific Committee, surveys • Distribution of information : questionnaires, lists of SMEs, etc. • Reminders : December 1st, February 26 with a workprogramme until July, April 27 Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  15. Improvement of the coordination efficiency • Intra-regional meetings (LSC, LWG) : send the information when they are organised, and the outputs of such meetings • Database : check the list, update the info • Reminders : do we continue ? • Surveys, papers : send information, contributions, as soon as possible, don’t forget we must feed the Scientific Committee Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  16. Improvement of the coordination efficiency • Web site : need for procedures • Objectives : • Demonstrate that the project is going on, and running well (do not forget that it is the « visible » part of the STRATINC experience) • Have a friendly management • Strenghten the use of the web through the different clusters using it as a tool facilitating exchange • Awareness-raising of the network Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  17. Improvement of the coordination efficiency • Web issue, suggestions for a discussion : In general feed it with the results achieved : Box partners : database, lists of companies, presentation of intra-regional partners such as EIC, business organisations you work with Box surveys  : questionnaire, + results/findings Box seminars and workshops : agenda of meetings, presentations, outputs of meetings, … Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  18. Improvement of the coordination efficiency • Web issue, suggestions for a discussion : Box PSIP : papers for discussion, contributions from the partners Box Library: each partner provides a list of articles, books, etc., and links to other web sites visited (?) Box Cooperation : ask Panagiotis to write down a « manual » Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  19. Improvement of the coordination efficiency • Web issue : How to implement it ? • Through the project leader • After each meeting « outputs » • Working papers • Communication : prepare a communication plan • Regional/national news papers • EU business organisations Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  20. Improvement of the coordination efficiency • Do you agree on ? : • A two-month timeschedule for people working on the project • A quarterly workprogramme (as the WP March July 2004) • A two-month reminder • A two-month short reporting on every hot issue following headings such as meetings, results of meetings, surveys, results achieved, PSIP needs… • Updating of the web site : once every two months Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  21. What to do after Oslo meeting • Surveys • Complete the surveys on clusters : a draft report for July, a final synthesis for September (mid) • PSIP • Contribute to the draft prepared by Lorraine : until end of July, contribution from Murcia and Tenerife • Draft for September a synthesis on SI needs of each cluster Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  22. What to do after Oslo meeting • Preparation of the Step « benchmarking PSIP contexts », focused on : • Technical state-of-the-art in each area • And conditions for experimentation in each area • Market tools survey and benchmarking (software) : see Ceis and Pierre presentation • Targeted results : validate the findings during the Meeting in Thessaloniki Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

  23. Reminder • Thessaloniki in September: to be decided one PSIP (and where) or a PSIP for each cluster depending upon each partner ? • After Thessaloniki first test for technical experimentation in each area : discussion /results • Tenerife meeting in February, March ? • Installation of software tools and testing phase • Methodological Guidebook : concept, draft 1 • NRW meeting STRATINC will be closed on December 2005 Lacave Allemand & Associés - assistance to the coordinator - Mai 2004

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