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ELECTRICITY QUALITY OF SERVICE REGULATION IN ITALY. Ferruccio Villa Quality and Consumer affair Department Head of Electricity Quality of Supply Head of Electricity and Gas Smart Metering fvilla@autorita.energia.it Study visit of FTS Milan, 4 March 2010. AGENDA.
ELECTRICITY QUALITY OF SERVICE REGULATION IN ITALY Ferruccio Villa Quality and Consumer affair Department Head of Electricity Quality of Supply Head of Electricity and Gas Smart Metering fvilla@autorita.energia.it Study visit of FTS Milan, 4 March 2010 Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
AGENDA • Overview on the electricity quality of service regulation • Short overview on the electricity and gas smart metering regulation Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORKRegulatory Authority’s legal powers AUTOMATIC COMPENSATIONS IN CASE OF STANDARD NON-FULFILLMENT Art. 2(12) para. g) QUALITY-TARIFF LINK Art. 2(19) para. a) Art. 2(12) para. e) SANCTIONS IN CASE OF MISRESPECT OF REGULATORY ORDERS Art. 2(20) para. c) Regulatory Authority QUALITY STANDARDS(guaranteed/overall)and DIRECTIVES Art. 2(12) para. h) (vs. customers) (vs. utilities) PROPOSALS FOR LICENSING Art. 2(12) para. b) and o) (vs. licensing admin.)
LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORKGuaranteed and overall standards • The law foresees two types of quality standards • Guaranteed standards (GS): have the function of ensuring that all consumers receive a minimum quality leveland therefore are oriented to the protection of (worst-served) customers through compensations; • Overall standards (OS):have the function to monitor the company performance at system leveland therefore are oriented to promoting improvement through incentive/penalties schemes • It’s up to the Authority to choosewhich type of standard apply to different quality issues Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORKGuaranteed and overall standards • Guaranteed Standards • referred to each single transaction between customer and utility • detailed knowledge of the company performance, down to individual customer level (detailed measurements are needed) • Guaranteed standard = minimum quality • CQ: maximum time to connect the customer with simple work • CS: maximum number of interruptions per year that affect the single customer • Overall Standards • referred to the average performance of the utility in a given area • monitoring function through periodic publication of results (might affect the reputation of the company, if not its financial results) • Overall standard = average quality (or quality at a given percentile) • CQ: at least 90% of customer’s claims answered within the maximum time for substantial reply • CS: maximum number of interruptions per year per customer (average in a given area) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
A CONCEPTUAL MAP FOR SERVICE QUALITY REGULATION Powerqualitycontracts Regulatorymeasurement guidance Publicationactual quality levels Multiple/Very long interruption standards Guaranteedquality standards Volt.Qual.Monitoring systems Telephoneresponse incentives Incentiveand penalty mechanism Volt.Qual.minimum standards MAKE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PROTECT WORST-SERVED CUSTOMERS PROMOTE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FAVOUR AND TEST MARKET MECHANISMS COMMERCIAL QUALITY CONTINUITY OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE QUALITY Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
MONITORING CONTINUITY OF SUPPLYDISTRIBUTION Powerqualitycontracts Regulatorymeasurement guidance Publicationactual quality levels Multiple/Very long interruption standards Guaranteedquality standards Volt.Qual.Monitoring systems Telephoneresponse incentives Incentiveand penalty mechanism Volt.Qual.minimum standards MAKE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PROTECT WORST-SERVED CUSTOMERS PROMOTE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FAVOUR AND TEST MARKET MECHANISMS COMMERCIAL QUALITY CONTINUITY OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE QUALITY Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
Regulatory measurement guidance:Continuity of supply - basic concepts • Territorial classification of affected customers • LV customers involved in interruptions • The telecontrol system • The interruption register • Force majeure • How continuity is measured • Who measures continuity • Audits on continuity data Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
TERRITORIAL CLASSIFICATION OF AFFECTED CUSTOMERS • A territorial classification is needed in order to set separate and acceptable standards • Italian classification • Urban (“high density”) areas: territory of municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants • Sub-urban (“medium density”) areas: territory of municipalities with more than 5,000 and less than 50,000 inhabitants • Rural (“low density”) areas: territory of municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
LV CUSTOMERS INVOLVED IN INTERRUPT. Until 2007: estimation • Interruptions due to faults at HV or MV level: Estimate of number of LV users involved = MV/LV transf. involved * ratio of LV users per MV/LV transf. (calculated separately for each district level) • Interruptions due to faults at LV level: Estimate of number of LV users involved = LV lines involved * ratio LV users per LV line (calculated separately for each district level) As from 2008: actual number • Through information systems (e.g.: SCADA, GIS, etc.) • Through smart metering systems (financial incentive; in this case the registration of the actual number of LV customers has been postponed to 2010) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
THE TELECONTROL SYSTEM • The Italian continuity of supply regulation sets a minimum requirement about telecontrol system (HV and LV level) • Every event of opening and closure of breaker (at HV or MV level, >1 kV) must be automatically detected and recorded • There must be an automatic printing of all events on the grid • The telecontrol system must be able to control at least the HV and MV circuits at the terminals of each HV/MV, MV/MV transformer stations and MV switching stations or interconnection station with other DISCOs • For faults on LV networks only manual registration is required but all the telephone calls must be reported in written in a separate register • in order to verify that crews have been engaged after all telephone calls for repairing the fault Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
Example: telecontrol system in a network HV/MV station HV/MV station MV/LV substations Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
Example: telecontrol system in a network Breakersthat must be remotely controlled HV/MV station HV/MV station MV/LV substations Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
THE INTERRUPTION REGISTER • For each interruption, the distribution company must record the following data in the “interruption register” • Type of interruption (long/short/transient) • Starting time (see also telecontrol system) • Number of customer affected • Duration (for each group of customers with same duration) • Voltage level (T, HV, MV, LV) • Code of the affected circuits • Cause (force majeure, external damages, other) • Specific documentation if cause = F.M. or EXT.DAM. • Specific documentation if interruption notified • At the end of the year, an electronic copy of the register in sent via e-mail to the regulatory authority Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
FORCE MAJEURESimplification process • 1st Regulatory Period (2000-2003) • Only documental evidence • 2nd Regulatory Period (2004-2007) • Choice between documental evidence and statistical alghoritm (Major Event Days) • 3rd Regulatory Period (2008-2011) • Only statistical alghoritm(Exceptional Condition Periods) + possibility of documental evidence for few specific cases Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
HOW CONTINUITY IS MEASURED • Interruptions are described through • Timebetween events or numberof interruptions (for eachtype) in a period of time (in general, 1 year) and in a given distributionterritory(homogenous!) of N customers • SAIFI: average number of long interruptions per customer per year (MAIFI for short interr.) • SAIDI: average duration of interruption per customer per year • Per each interruption of the same type, maincharacteristicsto be recorded are • Customers affected (involved) Ni SAIFI, SAIDI • Duration (time of start & finish) Di SAIDI Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
WHO MEASURES CONTINUITY • Distribution company • Remote control system (SCADA): allows automatic registrationof each interruptions starting time and each breaker operation • Italy: compulsory on each HV circuit and each MV circuit • Interruption register: contain all data requested for each interruption(manually updated) • Italy: compulsory for each long and short interruption; users can have access to the register • Regulatory Authority • Is provided each year with yearly continuity indicators and an electronic copy of the register and makes audits • Italy: per each territorial district (~300): SAIDI, SAIFI, MAIFI, separately for: planned and unplanned interruption, causes of interruption, voltage quality level, territorial density • Customers: individual information for major ones • Italy: customer can ask for individual measurement Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
EXAMPLE OF CONTINUITY YEARLY DATA PROVIDED TO THE AUTHORITY(enforced from 1999) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
AUDITS ON CONTINUITY DATA Steps for audit evaluation • Planning • Choice of the telecontrol centre/districts to be audited • Preparation of “check-list”, according to specific situations • Formal decision • Regulatory order issued by the Authority and published in the internet website without names of the selected companies • One week in advance: announcement • The Operator is informed about the documentation it has to make ready and the date/place of the audit • During the audit: • Filling the check-listregarding operator business administration, procedures of interruptions management, telecontrol system …) • Random sampling interruptions to be checked • Final minutes of the audit operation • After the audit: - Report of the audit cointaining calculation of 3 indexes (accuracy, correctness, registration system), communicated to the company • final deliberationfor approving or rejecting (after formal contraddittorio) on the basis of indexes results Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
ASM Bressanone BZ APB Brunico AE-EWBolzano BL SO PN AGS Riva del Garda TN VB UD LC ASM Rovereto GO VA VI CO BG TV - A DEVAL AO TV - B TV - M AUDITS BY AEEG ON CONTINUITY DATA BS AIM Vicenza VE - B AcegasTrieste BI VE - A NO TS ASM Brescia AMPS Seregno MI VR Milano AEM VE - M VC AGSM Verona PD CR Atena Vercelli LO AEM Cremona TO MN PV ASM Voghera Torino AEM RO AS PC AL PR FE RE AMPS Parma CN CN GE - M MO BO RA GE - A GE - B SV META Modena AMI Imola MS SP AMAIESan Remo FO IM LU PT PO RN FI PS AN AR PI SI LI MC PG AP GR TR TE - B TE - M ASM Terni VT PE RI CH RM - M AQ Legenda Zecca Ortona RM - A RM -B Roma Acea CB IS FR FG LT CE BN 1998-99 SS BA AV AMET Trani NA - A NA - M 2000 NU - M NA - B Sippic Capri PZ BR TA - A TA - M MT OR SA NU - B NU - B 2001 TA - B LE CA 2002 CS 2003 KR 2004 CZ 2005 VV 2006 RC ME Cefalù Enel Cefalù non Enel PA - B PA - M TP PA - A CT EN AG CL SR- B RG - A SR- A RG - M SR- M RG - B AUDITS ON CONTINUITY DATA Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
INCENTIVE REGULATIONDISTRIBUTION Multiple/Very long interruption standards Powerqualitycontracts Regulatorymeasurement guidance Publicationactual quality levels Incentiveand penalty mechanism Volt.Qual.Monitoring systems Telephoneresponse incentives Guaranteedquality standards Volt.Qual.minimum standards MAKE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PROTECT WORST-SERVED CUSTOMERS PROMOTE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FAVOUR AND TEST MARKET MECHANISMS COMMERCIAL QUALITY CONTINUITY OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE QUALITY SAIDI: as from 2000 SAIFI+MAIFI: as from 2008 Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL SERVICE QUALITY REGULATION • Adjust regulatory scheme objectives to account for specific factors • Keep the scheme as simplest as possible in order to give companies right signals for investments • Quality regulation is never a permanent solution: periodic evaluation and revision • Quality regulation greatly benefits from a gradual approach to the implementation process • An open dialogue across all interested parties is a fundamental part of an efficient regulation Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
1. ADJUST REGULATORY SCHEME OBJECTIVES TO ACCOUNT FOR SPECIFIC FACTORS • Gap between level of continuity in Italy and other major EU countries (FR, UK, DE) • OBJECTIVE A: improve the Italian average level of continuity towards European benchmarks • Gaps between Northern and Southern regions • OBJECTIVE B: reduce variation of regional and district levels around the country average level • Liberalisation and privatisation processes • OBJECTIVE C: Increase network investments for maintaining good levels (if achieved) or for improvement • OBJECTIVE D: Ensure customer satisfaction for electrical service Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
2. SCHEME AS SIMPLEST AS POSSIBLE /i REGULATION (once every 4 years) SETTING STANDARDS FOR IMPROVEMENT AND SETTING REWARD/PENALTIES PARAMETERS • Ex-ante for 4 years • Reference to long-term objectives • Improvement baseline • Reward/penalty parameters (based on WTP customer survey) IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL (every year)COMPARING ACTUAL LEVELS WITH STANDARDS AND APPLY FORMULA FOR ACTUAL REWARDS AND PENALTIES • Each year t, companies are rewarded or penalised according to their performance • Tariff is consequently adjusted Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
2. SCHEME AS SIMPLEST AS POSSIBLE /ii Stdt [CML-SAIDInet] LivPart LivObk t 0 1 2 3 4 … … … 12 REGULATION (once every 4 years) SETTING STANDARDS FOR IMPROVEMENT • Ex-ante for 4 years • Reference to long-term objectives • For each district a given improvement is required year by year (each company must improve a% each year in each district) j: Territ. District (1..300)k: Territ. Density (High/Medium/Low)t: year (regulatory period: 4 years) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
2. SCHEME AS SIMPLEST AS POSSIBLE /iii Unitary incentive/penalty ex-ante [€/kWh-not-served]based on WTP/WTA survey IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL (every year)COMPARING ACTUAL LEVELS WITH STANDARDS AND APPLY FORMULA FOR ACTUAL REWARDS AND PENALTIES • Each year t, companies are rewarded or penalised according to their performance Actj,t (unitary reward/penalty parameters are set ex-ante at the beginning of the regulatory period) • Tariff is adjusted yearly: ±qt = Qt /allow.revenues [%] • Reward and penalties are capped Qt [€] +Max Actt [CML] Stdt -Min Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
2. SCHEME AS SIMPLEST AS POSSIBLE /iv UNITARY INCENTIVE/PENALTY PARAMETERS used in the second regulatory period (2004-07) national reference (SAIDI-net):urban 25min/cust/year, rural 60min/cust/year For further details: Bertazzi, Fumagalli, Lo Schiavo,CIRED (2005) paper n. 300 Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
Example: URBAN AREAS 90 90 ) ) 1° REGULATORY PERIOD 1° REGULATORY PERIOD 80 80 70 70 2° REGULATORY PERIOD 2° REGULATORY PERIOD 60 60 interruptions not attributable to distribution companies interruptions not attributable to distribution companies 50 50 CUSTOMER MINIUTES LOST CUSTOMER MINIUTES LOST 40 40 30 30 20 20 Reference standards Reference Reference 10 10 (net of (net of standards standards 0 0 1998/99 1998/99 1999/00 1999/00 2000/01 2000/01 2001/02 2001/02 2002/03 2002/03 2003/04 2003/04 2004/05 2004/05 2005/06 2005/06 2006/07 2006/07 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 REFERENCE STANDARDS REFERENCE STANDARDS TARGETS TARGETS ACTUAL LEVELS ACTUAL LEVELS 2. SCHEME AS SIMPLEST AS POSSIBLE /v INCENTIVE REGULATION ADJUSTMENT FROM 1ST TO 2ND REGULATORY PERIOD Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
3. PERIODIC EVALUATION OF EFFECTS /iObjective A Improve overall continuity level for Italy SAIDI - 1998-2008 (excluded load shedding and big incidents on the Transmission network) AVERAGE EXTRA-PRICE FOR CUSTOMERS 2000-2003: ABOUT 3 €/CUSTOMER/YEAR2004-2007: ABOUT 4 €/CUSTOMER/YEAR Interruptions out of DSOs responsibilities Interruptions due to DSOs responsibilities Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
3. PERIODIC EVALUATION OF EFFECTS /iiObjective A Improve overall continuity level for Italy SAIDI - 1998-2008 (only interruptions due to DSOs responsibilities) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
3. PERIODIC EVALUATION OF EFFECTS /iiiObjective A Improve overall continuity level for Italy SAIFI - 1998-2008 (excluded load shedding and big incidents on the Transmission network) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
3. PERIODIC EVALUATION OF EFFECTS /ivObjective B Close the gaps between North and South SAIDI - 1998-2008 (excluded load shedding and big incidents on the Transmission network) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
3. PERIODIC EVALUATION OF EFFECTS /vObjective C Improve network investments Investments for quality (dedicated) source: Enel response to AEEG consultation paper (2003) Effects of regulatory incentive scheme for continuity of supply Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
3. PERIODIC EVALUATION OF EFFECTS /viObjective D Ensure customer satisfaction Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
4. GRADUAL APPROACH: EVOLUTION Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
5. OPEN DIALOGUE: MULTIPLE CONSULTATION Jun-03 Jul-03 Nov-03 Jan-04 Jan-04 Jan-04 4. 3rd CONSULTAT. PAPER 1. 1st CONSULTAT. PAPER 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. 2nd CONSULTAT. PAPER 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS D. 4/04 QUALITY CODE 2004-07 • Includes both continuity and service quality • Technical report with first impact analysis • Quantitative assessment of effects of 1st regulatory period • Objectives for 2nd regulatory period • Alternatives • Views invited on issues • Draft legal text (“ordinance”) • Further alternatives taking into account comments • Range of values for mainparameters • Stressed objective of convergence • Further alternatives taking into account comments • Range of values for mainparameters From 2007: RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
EUROPE, DURATION OF INTERRUPTIONS(EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS ARE EXCLUDED) Source: CEER, 4th Benchmarking Report, 2008. Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
EUROPE, NUMBER OF LONG INTERRUPTIONS(EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS ARE EXCLUDED) Fonte: CEER, 4th Benchmarking Report, 2008. Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
GUARANTEED STANDARDSDISTRIBUTION Powerqualitycontracts Regulatorymeasurement guidance Publicationactual quality levels Multiple/Very longinterruption standard Guaranteedquality standards Volt.Qual.Monitoring systems Telephoneresponse incentives Incentiveand penalty mechanism Volt.Qual.minimum standards MAKE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PROTECT WORST-SERVED CUSTOMERS PROMOTE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FAVOUR AND TEST MARKET MECHANISMS COMMERCIAL QUALITY CONTINUITY OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE QUALITY Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
MULTIPLE INTERRUPTIONS /I • For MV customers • Maximum number of long interruptions in a solar year are concerned • Guaranteed stds: • MV customers have right to automatic compensations if their plants/protection relays guarantee selectivity with protection relays of the DNO (through written declaration to the DNO, according to DNO’s specifications – exemption for new customer plants) • MV customers who do not send the declaration to the DNO pay an extra tariff component • Interruptions due to FM and third party damages are excluded • Upstream interconnected DNOs (or TSO) must contribute to automatic compensations to customers proportionally to the number of long interruptions of their responsibilities that involve downstream interconnected DNOs Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
MULTIPLE INTERRUPTIONS /IIWorst served customers • Distribution by Italian region (2006-2008) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
MULTIPLE LONG INTERRUPTIONS Standards in force in Europe Source: CEER, 3rd Benchmarking Report on Electricity Quality of Supply, 2005. Updates for Spain and Italy Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
VERY LONG INTERRUPTIONS /IStandards • Guaranteed standards are applicable to both normal and exceptional events • Statistical method for identifying “Exceptional Condition periods” (can be integrated with documental evidence for few specific cases) • Suspension of clock for safety issues • Company must pay guaranteed standards • In case of major or exceptional events, companies are compensated through a dedicated fund • All customers put a little money in the fund • Companies are incentivised in order to improve their performance in “normal conditions” • Companies must put money in the Fund according to their actual quality net of major and exceptional events • Companies receive a sum that is proportional to the expected quality (decreasing over time) Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
VERY LONG INTERRUPTIONS /IIAutomatic reimbursements Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
VERY LONG INTERRUPTIONS /III • 2003:Blackout for transmission/dispatching problems (lost interconnections with abroad during night) • 33M customers affected (only Sardinia at safe), up to 24 hours (Sicily) • 2004: Large interruptions in some regions due to exceptional severe weather. • More than 2 M customers involved in 4 large events (7 regions); • Around 400.00 customers interrupted for more than 12 hours • Around 50.000 cust. for more than 2 days (up to 5 days, 2.000 cust.) • 2005: First round of consultation • 2006: Second round of consultation • 2007: Third round of consultation and final decision (July) • 2008: Implementation time • 2009 1st July new standards for all MV-LV customers in case of very long interruptions with automatic compensations Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
VERY LONG INTERRUPTIONS Standards in force in Europe Source: CEER, 3rd Benchmarking Report on Electricity Quality of Supply, 2005. Updates for Spain and Italy Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
COMMERCIAL QUALITYDISTRIBUTION Powerqualitycontracts Regulatorymeasurement guidance Publicationactual quality levels Multiple/Very longinterruption standard Guaranteedquality standards Volt.Qual.Monitoring systems Telephoneresponse incentives Incentiveand penalty mechanism Volt.Qual.minimum standards MAKE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PROTECT WORST-SERVED CUSTOMERS PROMOTE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FAVOUR AND TEST MARKET MECHANISMS COMMERCIAL QUALITY CONTINUITY OF SUPPLY VOLTAGE QUALITY Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas