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Analyzing the Audience

Audience-Centered Speakers. Good speakers are audience centered.Egocentrism the tendency of people to be concerned above all with their own values, beliefs, and well-being.You must know who you are talking to gain a desired response from your listeners. Audience Analysis - Demographics. AgeGend

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Analyzing the Audience

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Analyzing the Audience Chapter 5

    2. Audience-Centered Speakers Good speakers are audience centered. Egocentrism – the tendency of people to be concerned above all with their own values, beliefs, and well-being. You must know who you are talking to gain a desired response from your listeners

    3. Audience Analysis - Demographics Age Gender Racial, Ethnic, Cultural Background Group Membership Socioeconomic Status Occupation, education, place of residence Disabilities

    4. Situational Audience Analysis Size of the audience Physical setting of the speech Time limits for the speech The audience’s feelings toward the topic The audience’s feelings toward the speaker The audience’s feelings toward the occasion

    5. Gathering Audience Information Informal Inquires Questionnaires Interviews

    6. Remember… The most successful audience adaptation occurs before the speech begins!

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