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Optimizing Robustness while Generating Shared Secret Safe Primes. Emil Ong and John Kubiatowicz < emilong@cs.berkeley.edu > University of California, Berkeley. Motivation. Several multi-party algorithms need or benefit from using safe primes
Optimizing Robustness while Generating Shared Secret Safe Primes Emil Ong and John Kubiatowicz <emilong@cs.berkeley.edu> University of California, Berkeley
Motivation • Several multi-party algorithms need or benefit from using safe primes • Usually, for RSA moduli (e.g. Shoup’s RSA signature scheme) • In many of these algorithms, the safe primes must be shared secrets to preserve security
Generating safe primes as shared secrets: Prior Work • Algesheimer, Camenish, and Shoup (CRYPTO ’00) • Developed several novel mechanisms for modular arithmetic • Honest-but-curious model
Our contribution A safe prime generation method which is robust and “efficient” • Use a robust form of distributed sieving to find safe prime candidates • Provide optimized methods for multiparty modular arithmetic
High Level Overview • Find a safe prime candidate • Sieve for rough numbers – those without small prime factors • Ensure the number is • Test the compositeness via a distributed Miller-Rabin test
Distributed Sieving(Malkin, Wu, and Boneh, NDSS’99) • Each player finds a random “rough” integer (i.e. one relatively prime to the product of the first b primes, ) • The players generate additive shares such that • Players choose a random • Locally compute to obtain an additive share of
Making Distributed Sieving Robust • Each player finds a random “rough” integer (i.e. one relatively prime to the product of the first b primes, ) Need to prove each is genuinely rough • The players generate additive shares such that Prefer threshold (polynomial) sharing • Players choose a random Need to share the polynomially, prove their size • Locally compute to obtain an additive share of
Robust Distributed Sieving • Each player finds a random “rough” integer Each is shared polynomially along with a ZK proof • The are multiplied using the usual method (Ben-Or, Goldwasser, and Wigderson) • Players choose a random and share them polynomially, along with a proof of size • Locally compute to obtain an additive share of
High Level Overview • Find a safe prime candidate • Sieve for rough numbers – those without small prime factors • Ensure the number is • Test the compositeness via a distributed Miller-Rabin test
Distributed Miller-Rabin Input: Secret shares of prime candidate • Locally compute e = (φ – 1) / 2 • Repeat m times: • Choose a random g (0 ≤ g ≤ φ - 1) • Compute shares of gemod φ • If gemod φ,output failure • Output success
Compute shares of gemod φ Reshare the bits of e as β1,…, βn c=(g-1)* βn+1 For i=n-1 downto 1, Do d=(g-1)*βi + 1 c=((c2 mod φ) * d) mod φ Output c Note that Modular exponentiation(Algesheimer, Camenish, and Shoup, CRYPTO ‘00)
Optimization: Lookup tables • Alternate perspective: is a “lookup” of a 2 element table: 1 and g • Problem: Sharing bits of a secret can be expensive • Idea: Try to optimize by doing a lookup in an arbitrarily sized table • Break the exponent into larger pieces than bits → fewer shares
Generalized Modular Exponentiation Compute shares of gemod φ • Precompute g0mod φ, g1mod φ, …, gη-1mod φ • Reshare e in base-ηas η1,…,ηω(ω=n/η) • c=LOOKUP(ηω) • For i=ω-1 downto 1, Do • d=LOOKUP(ηi) • c=((cη mod φ)* d) mod φ • Output c Result: The number of modular multiplications is reduced from 2log2e to log2e+ω
Lookup procedure Input: g0mod φ, g1mod φ, …, gη-1mod φ, • For i=0 to η-1, do • For i=0 to η-1, do • Locally compute Normalization (Adapted from Bar-Ilan and Beaver, PODC 1989):
Summary • Robust distributed sieving for safe prime candidate selection • Improvements to modular arithmetic in the multiparty setting • Current work: implementation
Conclusions and Lessons • Modular arithmetic optimizations can be useful in general • Safe prime generation is still slow (up to 5 minutes locally) • The algorithm is non-trivial to implement • If possible, avoid safe primes for now while we optimize further ☺
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