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Baloo says, “Get B.A.L.O.O.Trained”. B.A.L.O.O. = B asic A dult L eader O utdoor O rientation
Baloo says, “Get B.A.L.O.O.Trained” B.A.L.O.O. = Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation It is basic outdoor training taught by experienced Scouters to those who have an interest, desire, and courage to be the BEST Outdoor Leader possible to OUR Boys. BSA requires that all leaders have B.A.L.O.O. training to take Scouts on any Scouting day or overnight trip. Skills Taught: • Outdoor Flag Ceremony • Outdoor Cooking • Fire safety and building • Equipment • Health and Safety • Camping Program • Campsite Safety • Nature Hikes • Games Logistics: Where: Bert Adams Boy Scout Reservation Covington, GA When: October 7-9, 2011 Cost: $15 cash or check for the whole weekend, includes lunch on Saturday Register: Please contact Lester Harris if you will attend by September 30, 2011. Payments made by September 30 can be by check. After September 30, all payments must be in cash and received by October 4. A minimum of 10 paid registrants is required to have a class. If necessary, cancellation notices will go out by October 6, 2011. Any payment s received will be refunded. Contacts: Lester Harris, lesterh@comcast.net Audrey Bagby, abcdbagb@hotmail.com Apryl Harris, aprylrivers@yahoo.com