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Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation in Rehabilitation: Techniques & Principles

Learn about the history, definitions, principles, and methods of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) for effective neuromuscular rehabilitation. Understand how PNF techniques enhance movement patterns and functional responses in patients.

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Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation in Rehabilitation: Techniques & Principles

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  1. RHS 323: PNF Ahmad Alghadir, M.S. Ph.D. P.T. Room: 2071 aalghadir@hotmail.com alghadir@ksu.edu.sa Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  2. Required text • D.E. Voss, M.K. Ionta, B.J. Myers, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation: Patterns and Techniques, Harper & Row Publishers Inc. 3rd ed. 1985. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  3. Terms • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. • Proprioceptive Facilitation Techniques. • Neuromuscular Rehabilitation. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  4. History • 1950s. • Originator: a clinical neurophysiologist named Herman Kabat, M.D. Ph.D. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  5. Definitions • “Facilitation means: 1) the promotion or hastening of any natural process; the reverse of inhibition; 2) specifically, the effect produced in nerve tissue by the passage of an impulse; the resistance of the nerve is diminished so that a second application of the stimulus evokes the reaction more easily.” Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  6. “Proprioceptive means: receiving stimulation within the tissues of the body.” • Neuromuscular: pertains to the nerves and muscles. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  7. “PNF may be defined as: methods of promoting or hastening the response of the neuromuscular mechanism through stimulation of the proprioceptors.” Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  8. Principles • Techniques of PNF are similar to normal functional patterns of motions because they are related to normal responses of the neuromuscular mechanism. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  9. “The normal neuromuscular mechanism is capable of a wide range of motor activities within the limits of the anatomical structure, the developmental level, and inherent and previously learned neuromuscular responses.” Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  10. “The innumerable combinations of motion available to the mature, normal subject in meeting the demands of life have been acquired through a well-established developmental pattern and many learning situations requiring physical effort and skill.” Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  11. The normal neuromuscular mechanism becomes integrated and efficient at subconscious level without awareness of individual muscle action, reflex activity, and a multitude of other neurophysiological reactions. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  12. “Variations occur in relation to coordination, strength, rate of movement, and endurance, but these variations do not prevent adequate response to the ordinary demands of life.” Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  13. Deficient neuromuscular mechanism - due to faulty development, trauma, or disease of the nervous or the musculoskeletal systems – is inadequate to meet the demands of life. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  14. “Deficiencies present themselves in terms of limitation of movement as evidenced by weakness, incoordination, adaptive shortening or immobility of joints, muscle spasm, or spasticity.” Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  15. “Specific demands placed by the physical therapist have a facilitating effect upon the patient’s neuromuscular mechanism.” • “The facilitating effect is the means used by the physical therapist to reverse the limitations of the patient.” Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  16. The method • Techniques of PNF are diagonal and spiral in character. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

  17. “Techniques of PNF are used to place specific demands in order to secure a desired response.” • Techniques of PNF are used as means of accelerating the learning process as well as improving strength and balance. Ahmad Alghadir M.S. Ph.D. P.T.

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