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DELIVERY INDUCTION Presented by Patricia Tuckett November 2010

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DELIVERY INDUCTION Presented by Patricia Tuckett November 2010

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    1. November 2010 DELIVERY INDUCTION Presented by Patricia Tuckett November 2010

    2. November 2010 What we’ll cover The BIG picture Our Institute Faculties and delivery teams Your role and responsibilities

    3. November 2010 1: The BIG picture ISO 9001/2008 National Training Framework Training Packages (TP’s) Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) Queensland Skills Plan Sources of funding User Choice Agreements

    4. November 2010 The National Training Framework Training Package Assuring the quality, consistency and industry relevance of training Australian Quality Assuring the quality and consistence of training Training Framework delivery and assessment (AQTF) Australian Assuring the quality, consistency and portability Qualification of education and training Framework (AQF)

    5. November 2010 Training Packages A training package is a set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing people’s skills in an industry. Training packages aim to ensure quality, consistency and industry relevance

    6. November 2010 Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) The AQF sets out nationally recognised qualifications in schools, vocational education and training and higher education It ensures the quality, consistency and portability of training outcomes across Australia

    7. November 2010 AQF

    8. November 2010 Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) The AQTF is the set of nationally agreed quality assurance arrangements for training and assessment delivered by training organisations New AQTF standards have recently been introduced

    9. November 2010 Queensland Skills Plan The QSP outlines the current government’s policy framework that matches the supply of skilled labour to industry’s needs and the economy’s demands There are four key elements and twenty-four actions

    10. November 2010 Sources of funding VRG: VET Revenue General (Profile/Direct Grant) User Choice Fee for service

    11. November 2010 User Choice Agreement Re-negotiated annually Available on Business Services site Requires different rules for archiving Supported by Business Services Unit Contact Kim Bennett on 5219

    12. November 2010 2: Our Institute Quality System Registration Audits Statutory Authority

    13. November 2010 Quality, Registration and Business Improvement Unit BRIT’s quality management system helps us meet the standards of the AQTF and the international quality standard AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008.  The Quality and Registration Unit is responsible for managing this system, and has created a number of quality documents to help us, including: ? Procedures ? Policies ? Forms ? Templates

    14. November 2010 Quality… Maintains staff profiles on the Teacher Profile Management System (TPMS) Processes registration applications Purchases National Training Packages / Syllabus Maintains BRIT’s scope of registration

    15. November 2010 Quality… Investigates and resolve complex award eligibility issues Manages: Delegation 45 Internal and Integrated audits ISO certification Customer comments (CC's) Student evaluations Student and business satisfaction surveys

    16. November 2010 Quality - people to know… Rhonda Flynn – ext. 5315 Manager, Business Improvement Lisa Herman – ext. 5241 Quality & Registration Support Officer Catherine Randalls – ext. 5245 Business Improvement Coordinator

    17. November 2010 Quality – more people to know… Caitlin Jones – Customer Services Support Officer - ext. 5261 John Walsh – ext. 5284 Patricia Tuckett – 6329/5663 Lead Auditor Lead Auditor

    18. November 2010 Registration Under the AQTF we must be registered to deliver training   The BRIT Registration Review Committee meets weekly to view registration submissions Institute Director approved registrations are published in the BRIT Scope of Registration Document (publication site) Registered qualifications are sent to Product Services who add them to ISAS Our registered courses can be viewed on NTIS

    19. November 2010 BRIT Audits

    20. November 2010 Statutory Authority BRIT is currently working with five other regional Institutes with the possibility of forming a Statutory Authority A number of working groups are identifying how the Statutory Authority may operate Updates are given regularly through email broadcasts and at Staff Forums

    21. November 2010 3: Faculties and Delivery Teams Faculties Team Performance Plans Team Program Agreements Individual Performance Plans Training and Assessment Strategies Teaching and learning networks Validation/Moderation Industry Consultation Communication Corridor

    22. November 2010 Faculties There are three faculties across BRIT, with three directors, EPMs for each faculty and a number of delivery teams The BRIT Organisational Chart can be accessed through the Executive link on the intranet

    23. November 2010 Team performance plan - Delivery Your team plan is completed at the beginning of each year Signed by all team members Helpful for writing your own individual Performance Plan (IPP) Kept by EPM

    24. November 2010 Team program agreement A spreadsheet completed by all team members at the beginning of both semesters Records your planned teaching hours, other responsibilities, and proposed leave Managed by EPM or Team Leader

    25. November 2010 Teaching and Learning Network T&L networks put you in contact with teachers in your discipline through the state Every teaching area has a T&LN representative Your T&LN representative can give you information about meetings and advise what is happening in other institutes

    26. November 2010 Validation/Moderation Assessment tools and completed assessments are validated/moderated at least annually by all teaching teams Findings from validation/moderation are recorded on a Validation/ Moderation Record Sheet (BRI-FM5284) Rectifications identified need to be completed by the prescribed date

    27. November 2010 Industry consultation Delivery teams need to regularly keep in touch with industry to ascertain if their training and assessment meets industry needs Industry consultation needs to be planned Feedback from consultation needs to be documented and discussed at team meetings Feedback should be given to industry on any changes made as a result of consultation

    28. November 2010 Communication corridor Each Thursday between 8.30am - 10.30am is designated as our Communication Corridor All staff are expected to be on campus during this time, whether or not they have a scheduled meeting No classes should be scheduled for this time Once a month a mandatory Staff Forum is held at this time and videolinqed across all campuses Forum details are included on the Institute Calendar

    29. November 2010 4: Your role and responsibilities Staff profile Individual performance plans Participate in Institute, faculty and team activities Prepare for delivery Training and Assessment Strategy Delivery Packages (DPs)

    30. November 2010 Staff profile – Caitlin Jones Your staff profile is an important electronic document which shows your employment history, units you are delivering, and mapping of those units to qualifications and currency You need to update your staff profile prior to your performance review; it’s a good idea to keep it updated regularly

    31. November 2010 Individual performance plan (IPP) Your IPP builds on your Team Performance Plan and Team Program Agreement IPPs are prepared at the beginning of each year and agreed with your EPM by 31 March or within 4 weeks of commencement IPPs are generally reviewed in August

    32. November 2010 Participate in Institute, faculty and team activities Industry consultation Team performance plans and agreements Validation/Moderation Planning days / Annual staff conference Communication corridor T&LNs

    33. November 2010 Prepare to deliver your program Develop/update Training and assessment strategy Teaching resources Assessment matrix, tools and model answers Study Guides and Lesson plans Roles and student files There are a number of templates on the Quality Site

    34. November 2010 Training and Assessment Strategy Before training is delivered, a Training and Assessment Strategy (T&AS) is prepared The T&AS is a numbered, electronic document also called an eRegistration Your T&AS details all aspects of delivery including program duration, delivery staff, unit mapping, assessment strategies and resources Each T&AS is reviewed regularly during the Program Planning Review

    35. November 2010 Delivery Packages (DPs) A Delivery Package is Programs / Courses / Classes which have been grouped together for the delivery of training Students know a DP as an “Enrolment (Selection) Form” The responsible teacher discusses the need for a DP with the Team Leader and completes the DP template The DP paperwork is then sent to ISAS Assist for entering into the system Once the DP is on ISAS, students can enrol

    36. November 2010 Select and enrol students Offer and/or conduct RPL Credit transfer LLN support/testing

    37. November 2010 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) RPL allows clients to prove existing skills/abilities through their story, evidence and supervisor’s verification Evidence may include job description, resume, testimonials, work samples or training records Skilling Solutions Queensland provides a free RPL assessment and possible scholarships ($500 or $1000) POOR recording of RPL decisions and the quality of those decisions was a MAJOR issue during our recent monitoring audit

    38. November 2010 Student orientation Orientation checklist Student code of conduct Student rules and handbook Individual leaning plan (ILP) Timetable Study guide - how training will be delivered and assessed Support services

    39. November 2010 Deliver training Provide detailed, clearly written study and unit guides Keep accurate rolls Document student progress Seek assistance from support staff as required Provide feedback and support to students Be a role model

    40. November 2010 Invalid enrolment (IE) When we cannot prove an enrolled student has participated in learning this is called an invalid enrolment (IE) When an invalid enrolment is identified during an IE audit we lose $$$ Keeping accurate rolls/records of student participation is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT and EVERY teacher’s responsibility

    41. November 2010 Assess your students Provide good quality, unambiguous assessments with clear instructions Use an assessment coversheet Document reasonable adjustment Ensure ALL aspects of the unit are assessed Follow CBT principles Provide/document assessment feedback Enter results in a timely manner

    42. November 2010 Competency based training (CBT) An approach to learning that: Places primary emphasis on what the learner can actually do Is focussed on outcomes Is concerned with the attainment and application of knowledge and skills to a specified level of competence Is concerned with achieving flexibility in the use of competency standards at both the national and enterprise level

    43. November 2010 Student results

    44. November 2010 Student results

    45. November 2010 Evaluating student satisfaction Getting started survey Unit/Module survey End of study survey Student focus groups Student exit survey BRI-IP-24 – Student and client feedback

    46. November 2010 Outcome of surveys Discuss findings and actions at team meetings and document in minutes Forward summary of findings and actions to the Director of Studies/Educational Program Manager for information and action if required Where relevant, provide feedback to participants and stakeholders on actions taken and DOCUMENT same Consider findings from surveys conducted throughout the year during the annual program review process in accordance with BRI-IP-130

    47. November 2010 Any questions ?

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