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GUIDE TO TECHNICAL PAPER WRITING. 1 . PAPER WRITING: THE PHILOSOPHY. A paper contains a report on (new) findings and/or solutions. The purpose of the write-up is to convince the reader that your findings/solutions are important and better (than the existing solutions). The write-up describes
1. PAPER WRITING: THE PHILOSOPHY A paper contains a report on (new) findings and/or solutions. The purpose of the write-up is to convince the reader that your findings/solutions are important and better (than the existing solutions). The write-up describes What problems you want to solve/reduce, Why is it important, What you are doing, What have you achieved, How you achieved it, and How much better is it?
2. CONTENTS OF A PAPER • Title • Abstract • Introduction • Main Body • Theory • Simulation/Experimental Design • Results and Discussion • Conclusion • References • Other information: Authors, Acknowledgements, Index
3. CONSTRUCTING THE TITLE(1ST SUMMARY) A title should indicate: • The systems you are working on • The problems you are solving • Your achievements • Your methodology State each point in one or two words
SAMPLE TITLES • Model Optimisasi Multiobjektif untuk Masalah Alokasi Penggunaan Lahan dengan Menggunakan Analisis Data Spasial, Diah Chaerani, Budi Nurani Ruchjana, Vivian Wilhelmina • Pemodelan Lokasi-Alokasi Terminal Bahan Baku untuk Meminimasi Total Biaya Rantai Pasok pada Industri Produk Jadi Rotan, Yuniaristanto, Wahyudi Sutopo, Azizah Aisyati • Evaluasi Usabilitas SIKAPTA Jurusan Teknik Industri UNS Menggunakan Hierarchical Task Analysis, Irwan Iftadi, Yusuf Priyandari, F.E. Cahyaningtyas • Analisa Perilaku Konsumen terhadap Merek Deterjen dengan Markov Chain dan Biplot, Hafidh Munawir, Siti Nandiroh, Reza Latif Romadhona • Perancangan Peta Evakuasi Menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall untuk Penentuan Lintasan Terpendek, Irwan Iftadi, Wakhid Ahmad Jauhari, Beny Nugroho
4. WRITING THE ABSTRACT(2ND SUMMARY) An abstract elaborates the same items as indicated by the Title: • The systems you are working on • The problems you are solving • Your achievements, • Your methodology Elaborate each point in 1 or 2 sentences
SAMPLE ABSTRACT In Solo Raya, there exists more than 400 Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that produce finished products of rattan. Due to the high procurement cost as total operational cost of raw rattan distribution network from the sources, e.g. Borneo and Celebes to the rattan industries, the competitiveness of their products is lower than products from other countries. Therefore, to overcome the problem, those costs should be reduced for example by aggregating the demand of rattan industries. This police needs to be supported by the warehouse for storing and distributing raw rattan. Hence, this research aims to develop a facility location-allocation model so that total supply chain costs, including raw rattan procurement costs as well as facilities opening and closing costs can be minimized. The location-allocation model will be presented in a mixed integer non-linear programming model and solved using MS-Excel Solver. The results are number and location of the warehouse along with the raw rattan allocation in the warehouse to ensure raw rattan supply for rattan industries.
5. WRITING THE INTRODUCTION Introduction section should clearly describe: • The scope of area of research • Motivation factor: The importance of the area of research • Problem Statement: The specific problems you attempt to solve • Critical Review: Weaknesses of existing solutions • The achievements (main results) • The methodology (in brief)
7. WRITING THE CONCLUSION(3RD SUMMARY) Elaborate the items in the Abstract a little further focusing on the results (achievements), and your advantages
WRITING THE REFERENCES • Ensure that all references are quoted in the text • More references in Introduction, and Results and Discussion • Normally, at least 5 references • Follow formats • The later the better
DEFINING AUTHORSHIP • Authors are “intellectual owners”* of the article • Authors are those who directly contribute to the intellects/knowledge contained in the paper • The author who contributes the most (intellectually) appears first, and so on so forth • Other contributors (financially, logistically, morally, physically, administratively, editorially, etc.) are not authors. They should be acknowledged differently.
INTELLECTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS • Structured idea (not a simplistic, general idea) • Theoretical development • Data collection design (simulation, experiment, survey etc.) • Results analysis Note: Writing is NOT an intellectual contribution. It is an editorial contribution.
AUTHORS VS WRITERS • A writer is not necessarily an author • Authors are those who contributes intellectually (knowledge) while a Writer contributes editorially • The author who contributes the most should be the first author
1ST AUTHOR:THE MISCONCEPTIONS? Misconception 1: Students are the first author Misconception 2: Writer is the first author Reason: Generally a scholastic journal article is written by the mainresearcher him/her self. It is not common for researchers to hire a professional writer to write the article, thus the generalization that the writer is the first author Patents, Memoirs, and Biographies are examples of Document/articles written by professional writers (who are obviously not authors)