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V/FRBR-CT | Design Sketches Basic Flowcharts. Some high-level overviews. These slides illustrate the following design ideas : Creating a manifestation : Overview with a sketch of all the main cases Searching : Overview Adding entities (/creating links) : Overview
V/FRBR-CT | Design SketchesBasic Flowcharts Some high-level overviews • These slides illustrate the following design ideas : • Creating a manifestation : Overview with a sketch of all the main cases • Searching : Overview • Adding entities (/creating links) : Overview • Creating entities : Overview
CREATING a manifestation : An overview with all the main cases 1.Click CREATE manifestation ENTERmanifestation info Case 1 (Contributor Exists) : Search/Succeeds, Select, Select Role, Link ADDcontributions Case 2 (New Contributor) : Search/Fails, Create New, Select Role, Link Case 1 Existing work, existing expression ADDcontent Case 2 Existing work, new expression Case 1 Creating/linking child works Case 3 New work, new expression Case 2 Creating/linking source/derived works 5.Click DONE
Searching : generally 1.ENTER search terms 2.Click SEARCH 3.Explore search results Found? Done? Failure Success
Creating : generally Generally, search for a given entity before creating it (i.e., it may already be in the system). Also, creating a manifestation is the general case; the creation of other types of entity (e.g., work, expression, contributor) typically occurs as part of this process. SEARCH manifestation CREATE manifestation
Adding : generally Adding always implies CREATING a relationship; it sometimes involves CREATING an entity (i.e., a contributor or work, or expression) SEARCH entity CREATE entity CREATE relationship
V/FRBR-CT | Design SketchesFlowcharts CREATE manifestation • These slides illustrate the following design ideas : • Creating a manifestation : Overview • Entering manifestation information • Adding contributions to the manifestation : Overview • Adding content to the manifestation : Overview
CREATE : manifestation 1.Click CREATE manifestation ENTERmanifestation info ADDcontributions ADDcontent 4.Click DONE
ENTER : manifestation info There are two main “information” sections in the form: 1) Title & Publication Information and 2) Description Interaction: Each section/subsection of the form dynamically expands and collapses, “accordion” style, when a section header is clicked 1.Title Information 2.Publication Information 3.ID Numbers 4.Physical Description 5.Access Information “Title & Publication Information” “Description” 6.Notes
ADD : contribution SEARCH contributor CREATE contributor CREATE contribution
ADD : content (/expressed works) Note: SEARCH for an “expressed work” begins with SEARCH for a work; work-expressions are retrieved with the SELECTION of a particular work. Typically, the work already exists but the expression does not; so a cataloger will generally i) SELECT a work from search results and then ii) CREATE expression from it. SEARCH expressed work CREATE expressed work CREATE content
V/FRBR-CT | Design SketchesFlowcharts CREATE manifestation : Adding contributions • These slides illustrate the following design ideas : • Adding a contribution : Overview • Creating a contribution (/linking a contributor) • Creating a contributor : Overview • Entering contributor information : Overview
ADD : contribution SEARCH contributor CREATE contributor CREATE contribution
CREATE : contribution CREATE contribution 1.select CONTRIBUTOR 1.select CONTRIBUTOR 2.select ROLE 2.select ROLE 3.LINK contributor 3.LINK contributor
CREATE : contributor Selecting contributor TYPE determines the particular form fields that need to be completed; sections are the same for each contributor TYPE CREATE contributor 1.Click CREATE CONTRIB. 1.Click CREATE contributor 2.Select contributor TYPE 2.Select contributor TYPE ENTERcontributor info ENTERcontributor info 4.Click DONE 4.Click DONE
ENTER : contributor information ENTER : contributor info 1.Name & Description 1.Name & Description 2.Dates & Origin Info 2.Dates & Origin Info 3.Notes 3.Notes
CREATE : contributor Selecting contributor TYPE determines the particular form fields that need to be completed; sections are the same for each contributor TYPE CREATE contributor ENTER contributor info 1.Click CREATE CONTRIB. 1.Click CREATE contributor 2.Select contributor TYPE 2.Select contributor TYPE 1.Name & Description ENTERcontributor info ENTERcontributor info 2.Dates & Origin Info 4.Click DONE 4.Click DONE 3.Notes
ADD : contribution ENTER : contributor info CREATE contribution CREATE contributor 1.select CONTRIBUTOR 1.Name & Description 1.Click CREATE CONTRIB. SEARCH contributor CREATE contributor 2.select ROLE 2.Dates & Origin Info 2.Select contributor TYPE CREATE contribution 3.LINK contributor 3.Notes ENTERcontributor info 4.Click DONE
V/FRBR-CT | Design SketchesFlowcharts CREATE manifestation : Adding content • These slides illustrate the following design ideas : • Adding a content : Overview • Searching for an expressed work • Creating content • Creating an expressed work (?)
Adding content to a manifestation Note: SEARCH for an expression begins withSEARCH for a work; work-expressions are retrieved with the SELECTION of a particular work Typically, the work exists but the expression does not; so: i) SELECT work and then ii) CREATE expression SEARCH expressed work CREATE expressed work CREATE content
CHOOSE : performance information to re-use 1.select EXPRESSION 2.select Performance Info for reuse in this expression 3.LINK expression
V/FRBR-CT | Design SketchesFlowcharts CREATE expression • These slides illustrate the following design ideas : • Creating an expression : Overview • Entering expression information • Adding contributions
CREATE : expression 1.Click CREATE expression ENTERexpression info ADDcontributions 4.Click DONE
ENTER : expression information There is just one main “information” section in the form: Title & Performance Information Interaction: Each section/subsection of the form dynamically expands and collapses, “accordion” style, when a section header is clicked 1.Title Information 2.Performance/Edition Info 3.Other Info 4.Notes
ADD : contribution SEARCH contributor CREATE contributor CREATE contribution
V/FRBR-CT | Design SketchesFlowcharts CREATE work • These slides illustrate the following design ideas : • Creating a work : Overview • Entering work information • Adding work contributions • Adding work structure & relationships
CREATE : work 1.Click CREATE work ENTERwork info ADDcontributions ADD structure & relationships 4.Click DONE
ENTER : work information There is just one main “information” section in the form: Work Information Interaction: Each section/subsection of the form dynamically expands and collapses, “accordion” style, when a section header is clicked 1.Title & Description Work Origin Information 3.Other Info 4.Notes
ADD : contribution SEARCH contributor CREATE contributor CREATE contribution
ADD : work structure & relationships There are THREE sections here: 1) Adding & editing work structure, including child works; 2) adding source/derived works; 3) Adding expressions ADD work structure ADD source and derived works ADD expressions
ADD : work structure & relationships There are THREE sections here: 1) Adding & editing work structure, including child works; 2) adding source/derived works; 3) Adding expressions ADD work structure ADD source and derived works ADD expressions Notes Typically, expressions are added to a work in the context of creating a manifestation. So it typically does not happen HERE, inside the “Work Structure & Relationships” section. What usually happens is this: An existing work is selected and a new expression is created; or else a new work-expression pair is created. It can thus happen that no work structure, source or derived works or expressions are added here.
ADD : work structure & parent-child relationships 1.Click to add structure (associated or child) 2.CLICK to edit label; ENTER a name for the part 3.CLICK box icon to set up work-work relationship for individual parts Design Notes Works (child or parent) might be linked to a work to generate structure. While not typical (we assume the system does not contain “orphan” works), this certainly could occur. We’re therefore thinking that as a cataloger enters the name of a child work (or when she sets a named child part to be a work) the system should perform a search to check and see if the work already exists. 4.Drag & Drop to reorder structural elements 5.UPDATE the work to create any work-work relationships
ADD : source/derived work relationship The basic process of adding a source or derived work-work relationship is the same: search, then select and add (or create and add) SEARCH source/derived work CREATE work CREATE source/derived relationship
Flowcharting resources contributor SEARCH Found? 1.Enter search terms 2.Click SEARCH 1.Choose CREATE Manual process 3.Explore search results CREATE relationship Failed search
New Note… PROBLEM: Hey, where am I? Our cataloger is adding a contribution to an expression that is currently being linked to the manifestation being created. (i) This is similar yet importantly distinct from the last time a contribution was added, but that’s not so obvious. (ii) The WORK record up there appears to contain the expression, which seems backwards. [SH, Apr-07] PROBLEM: Hey, where am I? Our cataloger is adding a contribution to an expression that is currently being linked to the manifestation being created. (i) This is similar yet importantly distinct from the last time a contribution was added, but that’s not so obvious. (ii) The WORK record up there appears to contain the expression, which seems backwards. [SH, Apr-07]