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Asterids – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids , Lamiids

Asterids – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids , Lamiids. Spring 2013. Fig. 8.1. Asterid characters. Molecular data Sympetalous corollas Epipetalous stamens Number of stamens = number of petals

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Asterids – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids , Lamiids

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  1. Asterids – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids, Lamiids Spring 2013

  2. Fig. 8.1

  3. Asterid characters • Molecular data • Sympetalous corollas • Epipetalous stamens • Number of stamens = number of petals • Ovules with a single integument and a thin nucellus (reduction from two integuments and a thick nucellus) • Iridoidcompounds

  4. Asterid characters # stamens = # petals Unitegmic, tenuinucellate ovules Sympetaly and epipetalous stamens

  5. Fig. 8.83

  6. Asterid taxa “Basal” Asterids Order Cornales – dogwoods Order Ericales – azaleas, blueberries, cranberries Lamiids Order Solanales – potatoes, tomatoes, peppers Order Gentianales – gentians, milkweeds, coffee Order Lamiales – mints, olives, snapdragons Campanulids Order Apiales – ginseng, carrots, dill, parsley Order Dipsacales – honeysuckle, elderberry Order Asterales – bluebells, sunflowers Core Asterids

  7. Asterid taxa – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids Order Ericales Ericaceae – blueberries, heaths Lamiids Order Gentianales *Apocynaceae – dogbanes, milkweeds Rubiaceae – coffee, quinine Order Solanales *Solanaceae– potatoes, tomatoes, pepper Order Lamiales *Lamiaceae – mints Campanulids (Part 2) *family required for recognition

  8. “Basal” Asterids:Ericales: Ericaceae(The Heath or Blueberry Family) • Cosmopolitan; most diverse in montane habitats in E. Asia, E North America, S Africa, Australia. Favor acid soils; sunny or part-shaded habitats • Trees, shrubs, lianas, occasionally mycoparasitic herbs lacking chlorophyll; leaves usually alternate and spiral • Diversity: 4,100 species in 124 genera • Flowers: Often showy. Sepals 4-5; petals 4-5, connate forming a cylindrical to urn-shaped corolla; stamens (3) 8-10; anthers inverted, often with appendages, and poricidal dehiscence, pollen grains often in tetrads; carpels 2-10, connate, superior to inferior ovary; fruit a septic. or loculic. capsule, berry, drupe • Significant features: anthers often with poricidal dehiscence & sometimes with appendages; leaves often coriaceous • Special uses: blueberries & cranberries (Vaccinium), Rhododendron and allies (Rhododendron, Erica, Kalmia, Pieris) are showy ornamentals • Family not required

  9. Ericaceaeanthers (Fig. 8.89)

  10. Ericaceae: Rhododendron -ecologically important in forests in the Eastern U.S. and Eastern Asia -the deciduous taxa are known as azaleas

  11. Sarraceniaceae—another origin of carnivory by pitchers

  12. Asterid taxa – Part 1 “Basal” Asterids Order Ericales Ericaceae – blueberries, heaths Lamiids Order Gentianales *Apocynaceae – dogbanes, milkweeds Rubiaceae – coffee, quinine Order Solanales *Solanaceae– potatoes, tomatoes, pepper Order Lamiales *Lamiaceae – mints Campanulids (Part 2) *family required for recognition

  13. Asterids -- Lamiids:Gentianales: Apocynaceae(The Milkweed Family; incl. Asclepiadaceae) • Widespread in tropical and subtropical regions; some in temperate regions • Trees, shrubs, herbs, lianas, vines with laticifers and usually milky sap • Diversity: ca. 4,600 species in ca. 400 genera • Flowers: Sepals usu. 5; petals usu. 5, connate forming bell- funnel- or tubular-shaped corolla; stamens usually 5, filaments always adnate to the corolla, anthers distinct or connate and forming a ring to fused to the stylar head; staminal outgrowths (corona) often present and petal-like; carpels usually 2, connate by styles/stigmas only & ovaries distinct to fully connate, superior ovary; apex of style expanded and highly modified, forming a 5-sided stylarhead, secreting viscin; fruits often paired, each ovary developing into a dry follicle, drupe or berry • Significant features: Usually opposite leaves; pollen in sticky masses (w/ viscin) or in pollinia; seeds flattened, often with a tuft of hairs • Special uses: Some chemical uses (e.g., Catharanthus, “Madagascar periwinkle”) and ornamentals (Asclepias, Vinca, Plumeria, Nerium) • Family required

  14. paired fruits anther views separate ovaries G: stylar head

  15. Apocynaceae – Groups without pollinia Vinca Plumeria Catharanthus Apocynum Thevetia Nerium oleander

  16. corona pair of pollinia

  17. Apocynaceaewith pollinia (Asclepiadoideae) Ceropegia Hoya Calotropus Asclepias Stapelia

  18. Apocynaceae: Asclepias -plants herbaceous, stems erect to leaning -leaves usually opposite, sometimes alternate or whorled -inflorescence an umbel -corona of 5 hooded fleshy bodies, each usually with an incurved horn but lacking a crest -pollen in pollinia, the pollinia suspended -fruit a dry, ovoid or lanceolate follicle, one of the pair often aborting

  19. Asterids -- Lamiids:Gentianales: Rubiaceae(The Coffee or Madder Family) • Cosmopolitan, most diverse in the tropics and subtropical regions • Trees, shrubs lianas or herbs, vines, shrubs; leaves opposite or whorled • Diversity: Ca. 12,000 species in ca. 600 genera • Flowers: usually bisexual and radial; sepals 4-5, connate; petals 4-5, connate, forming a funnel shaped corolla; stamens usually 4 or 5, adnate to corolla; carpels usually 2 (-5), connate, inferior ovary; fruit a loculicidal or septicidal capsule, berry, drupe, or schizocarp • Significant features: interpetiolar stipules (connate stipules) • Special uses: Major commodity is coffee (Coffea); anti-malarial drug obtained from the bark of Cinchona (quinine); ipecac (make-U-vomit) comes from Psychotria; gardenias (Gardenia), Pentas, and Ixora provide ornamentals • Family not required

  20. Rubiaceae interpetiolar stipules

  21. Rubiaceae Pentas Coffea arabica

  22. Asterids -- Lamiids:Solanales: Solanaceae(The Potato or Nightshade Family) • Widespread but most diverse in the neotropics • Herbs, shrubs, trees, vines; leaves alternate; often with a ‘solanaceous smell’ • Diversity: 2,450 species in 91-102 genera • Flowers: Sepals 5, connate; petals 5, connate, forming variously tubular corolla, plicate (folded) ; stamens 5, filaments adnate to corolla, sometimes anthers connivant; carpels usually 2 (-5), connate, oriented obliquely to the median plane of the flower; superior ovary; fruit usually a berry (occ. a capsule, schizocarp or nutlet) • Significant features: Complex chemistry with solanacoustropanealkaloids (belladonna/atropine, nicotine, capsaicin, etc.); stems with internal phloem • Special uses: Many fruits and vegetables (potatoes & tomatoes - Solanum, peppers - Capsicum), tobacco (Nicotiana), some ornamentals (Petunia) • Family required; required genus: Solanum

  23. Solanaceae diversity

  24. Solanaceae: Solanum -herbs or shrubs -corolla regular, rotate, 5-merous, deeply lobed -anthers forming a tube around the style (connivent), with terminal openings; filaments short -fruit a berry, usually 2-locular -ca. 1,400 species, mostly tropical

  25. Economic plants and products: Solanaceae • Edibles: • Cayenne pepper (Capsicum) • Eggplant (Solanum) • Green pepper (Capsicum) • Red pepper (Capsicum) • Potato (Solanum) • Tomato (Solanum)

  26. Solanaceae Economic plants and products: • Medicinal/toxic plants • ~ Alkaloids! • Belladona (Atropa) • Henbane (Hyoscyamus) • Jimson-weed (Datura) • Nightshade (Solanum) • Mandrake (Mandragora) • Tobacco (Nicotiana)

  27. Fig. 8.83

  28. Lamiales -gland-headed hairs -diacyticstomates -oligosaccharides (instead of starch) -anther anatomy -protein inclusions in the nuclei of mesophyll cells -endosperm with a micropylarhaustorium -molecular data -ca. 22 families and 20,000 species

  29. Major Families of Lamiales • *Lamiaceae – mints • Oleaceae – olives, ashes, lilacs • Orobanchaceae – louseworts, beechdrops, Indian paintbrushes • Plantaginaceae – snapdragons, vervains, penstemons • Scrophulariaceae – mulleins, figworts *family required for recognition

  30. Asterids -- Lamiids:Lamiales: Lamiaceae(The Mint Family; Labiatae) • Cosmopolitan • Herbs, shrubs, trees; stems square in herbaceous taxa • Diversity: Ca. 6,800 species in 236-238 genera • Flowers: Sepals 5, connate, calyx radial or bilateral; petals 5, connate, bilabiate; stamens 4, didynamous to more or less equal; carpels 2, 2 ovules per carpel, connate, styles terminal to an often gynobasic, superior, often deeply 4-lobed ovary; fruit a drupe w/ 1-4 pits, an indehiscent 4-seeded pod, or a schizocarp splitting into 4 nutlets or drupelets • Significant features: Opposite leaves (usually); aromatic volatile compounds - mint oils; inflorescences with main axis indeterminate and determinate (cymose) lateral axes, these often congested into pseudowhorls (verticillasters) • Special uses: Many herbs: oregano (Origanum), basil (Basilicum), peppermint/spearmint (Mentha), sage (Salvia), thyme (Thymus); teak wood (Tectona); ornamentals (e.g., Salvia, Callicarpa) • Family required

  31. From Zomlefer Lamiaceae • Corolla: • zygomorphic • sympetalous • bilabiate • Stamens: • 4, didynamous • epipetalous • Ovary: • 2-carpellate • deeply 4-lobed • 4 locules • Gynobasic style • Schizocarp (4 nutlets) • Square stems (herbaceous taxa) • Opposite leaves • Inflorescence: false whorls (verticils or verticillasters) Stachys floridana

  32. Lamiaceae Note verticillate whorls of flowers at each node Nepeta Phytostegia Ocimum Rosmarinus Monarda Clinopodium

  33. Lamiaceae Economic plants and products: • Condiments & perfumes: • Basil (Ocimum) • Lavender (Lavandula) • Oregano (Origanum) • Peppermint (Mentha) • Rosemary (Rosmarinus) • Sage (Salvia) • Spearmint (Mentha) • Thyme (Thymus) Mentha

  34. Lamiaceae Economic plants and products: • Ornamental plants: • Beautyberry (Callicarpa) • Coleus (Coleus) • Salvia (Salvia)

  35. Other interesting Lamiales Orobanchaceae (hemi- and holoparasitic plants) Oleaceae (olive family) lilac Conopholis (parasitic on oaks) ash olives Castilleja (often parasitizes grasses and various forbs Pedicularis (often parasitizes the heath family)

  36. Other cool Lamiales Bignoniaceae Lentibulariaceae – more carnivorous plants Gesneriaceae

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