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Cooperation Mai Dich kindergarden and Tomtebogårds Preschool. Reflections and questions of how we work with ESD, local democracy and gender/ equality in our preschools.
Reflections and questionsofhowweworkwith ESD, localdemocracy and gender/equality in ourpreschools • Mai Dichwants to continue sharing experiences of how we celebrate different traditions. Tomtebogård and Mai Dichshows how the three different ESD perspectives can be included . (ex. Open House and United Nations Day, Lucia, Christmas, New Year, Autumn Light, 20/20 - woman's day in Ha Noi) • Mai Dich has a new plan to work with ESD which they will send to Tomtebogård. Tomtebogårdwill send their plan to Mai Dich. • Tomtebogårdhave sent different examples of how to work creatively with open questions with no obvious answers. • Preschools will send eg. drawings to each other through the regular mail. • Tomtebogårdfacebook page and if possible Mai Dichfacebook page (Funny Kids) will continue to be used to show how both preschools workhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Tomtebog%C3%A5rds-f%C3%B6rskola-och-skola-Ume%C3%A5-kommun/499719693418618https://www.facebook.com/funny.kids.c3?ref=profile • The preschool web pages couldpossibly be used to show the workwith ESD http://www.skola.umea.se/tomtebogardsforskolaochskola.4.13c1b69101a982ca2a8000102860.htmlhttp://truong-mn-mai-dich.caugiay.edu.vn/