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The Art of Asking Questions

The Art of Asking Questions. Purpose. To clarify what “asking the right questions” means To review discussion guide format and content. Objective of Qualitative Research.

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The Art of Asking Questions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Art of Asking Questions

  2. Purpose • To clarify what “asking the right questions” means • To review discussion guide format and content

  3. Objective of Qualitative Research • Recall: The purpose of qualitative research is to generate insights, understanding about attitudes, interests, and opinions (AIOs) • Determines the subjective reality of the subjects

  4. The Stages of Group Processes • Forming • “Inclusion stage” • Storming • “Sizing up” stage • Norming • Commonalities discovered between group members

  5. The Stages of Group Processes • Performing • High energy stage of cooperation within group • Mourning • Wind-down stage

  6. Opening the Discussion (Forming) • The Welcome • The overview of the topic • The ground rules • The “ice breaker” first question

  7. The Art of Asking Questions The right questions are those that assess • What subjects did, experienced, noticed • How they reacted to their experiences, observations • What made them react the way they did

  8. The Art of Asking Questions • What props and costumes were used in the experience • What dialog occurred (who said what to whom), and • When each event occurred (chronology)

  9. The Art of Asking Questions • Questions should be open ended • Dichotomous questions should be avoided • “Why” questions should be avoided • Reframe the question to encourage spontaneity • Leading questions • Avoid “marketing speak”

  10. The Art of Asking Questions: Interviewing Techniques • Validate Different Opinions • Are there any other points of view? • The Pause • Listen for “hidden treasures” • The Probe • Would you explain further? • Is there anything else? • Please give me an example of what you mean? • Summarizing, restating

  11. Wind Down Comments/Questions • Summarize the main discussion points • “Is there anything you’d like to add that hasn’t been mentioned?” • “What one thought or idea would you like my client to take from this session?”

  12. The Art of Asking Questions: Body Language • Restrict head nodding or facial expressions that can be misinterpreted • Neutral affirmations are acceptable (“OK,” “Uh huh”) • But avoid approval-giving words (“Right,” “Good,” “Excellent”)

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