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The Benefit of Simultaneous Engineering

Role of a Simultaneous Engineering Partner. Introduce Customers To The Various Technologies And Layouts Used Today In The U.S. And The Rest Of The World.Become The Main Contact For The Machine Tool Builders Regarding Coolant And Chip Handling Present And Evaluate The Various Alternatives Available

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The Benefit of Simultaneous Engineering

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Presentation Transcript

    1. The Benefit of Simultaneous Engineering At least 95% of the Total Life Cycle Cost are determined during the Concept & Design phase of a project, therefore the more experienced people you have involved at that phase, the more opportunity you have to reduce your Total Life Cycle Cost.

    2. Role of a Simultaneous Engineering Partner Introduce Customers To The Various Technologies And Layouts Used Today In The U.S. And The Rest Of The World. Become The Main Contact For The Machine Tool Builders Regarding Coolant And Chip Handling Present And Evaluate The Various Alternatives Available To The Customer Develop A Plant Wide Plan For Coolant Filtration and Chip Handling Develop Specifications/Specification Adherence

    3. The Simultaneous Engineering Process Define program objectives Identifying and defining strategies and equipment to meet the program objectives Evaluate the strategies and equipment identified Specifications

    4. Examples of Coolant Filtration Objectives Reliability and maintainability Flexibility Simplicity/User Friendly Performance Reducing disposable media consumption Value engineering

    5. Prioritizing Objectives Once objectives are identified they must be prioritized. Some objectives may be mutually exclusive.

    6. Identifying and Defining Strategies and Equipment The S.E. partner will collect the pertinent information from the appropriate machine tool vendors in order to size the equipment The customer and the S.E. partner will list various methods available to meet the program�s objectives The customer and the S.E. partner will decide which alternatives merit further definition The S.E. partner will then prepare flow schematics and proposal drawings of the various strategies defined

    7. Evaluation of the Alternatives T-charts listing advantages and disadvantages of the options Budget Pricing Life Cycle Cost Analysis Benchmarking/Plant Visits Reliability and Maintainability FMEA

    8. Results of the Process Equipment specifications for the strategy selected

    9. Deliverables Machine Tool Coolant Requirement Data Sheets Detailed Coolant System Requirements Evalutions: drawings, budgets, LCC, FMEA, R&M, and T-charts Equipment Specifications

    10. Why is Zealtek your best choice as a S. E. Partner Objectivity Resources Experience Creativity / Diverse Product Knowledge Performance Price Competitiveness

    11. Objectivity Zealtek is not constrained to one or two methods for coolant filtration or chip handling.

    12. Program Experience American Axle & Mfg. GMT 800 DaimlerChrysler Indiana Transmission Plant 45RFE Ford Livonia AX4N Ford Van Dyke FN Program Ford Windsor (TMEP) Ford Romeo Aluminum Block Expansion Program Ford Lima Engine Plant Ford Windsor 3 Valve Head Lines Ford Essex Engine Plant Ford Cleveland New V6 Ford Lima New V6 GM Livonia PV6 GM Romulus V8 GM Windsor 4T-60E GEMA Dundee, MI Navistar Huntsville, AL Navistar Indianapolis, IN Austin-Rover, U.K. Various other projects

    13. Simultaneous Engineering Experience DCX KEP 2.7L and 3.5L DCX ITP Ford Romeo Ford Windsor GM 9002 American Axle and Manufacturing Eaton Mexico GEMA Dundee, MI

    14. Creativity by Design Ford Lima and Essex Engine Plants - Completely above floor with individual pump back tanks and individual pressurized return lines DaimlerChrysler ITP - Completely above floor with individual pump back tanks and a common return header Heller/American Axle Three Rivers, MI - Completely above floor using a centralized pump back conveyor with floor mounted filter Ford Windsor - Above floor conveyors to in-floor pump back tanks to floor mounted filters Ford Romeo Engine Plant - Trench to large lift stations with floor mounted filters Navistar, GM Romulus, and GM Livonia - Trench to pit mounted filtration systems.

    15. zealtek ZBF-AAC-004-P-BB-02-01-001/10U zealtek ZBF-AAC-004-P-BB-02-01-001/10U zealtek ZBF-AAC-004-P-BB-02-03-001 10 MICRON zealtek ZBF-AAC-004-P-BB-02-03-001 10 MICRON zealtek ZBF-AAC-004-P-BB-02-01-001/10u zealtek ZBF-ASC-004-P-BB-02-03-001/20U zealtek UC-828-20N-IO (20U) zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn zealtek.cn

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