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Bellringer: 8-29-14: Brainstorm

Explore the legacy of Christopher Columbus, Portuguese explorations, conquests in Latin America, colonies, and the Columbian Exchange. Learn about the economic impact, conquests, and the New World. Reflect on Columbus's role and the era of exploration.

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Bellringer: 8-29-14: Brainstorm

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  1. Bellringer: 8-29-14: Brainstorm Directions: List 3 Things you know about Christopher Columbus or Exploration

  2. Planner: 8-29-14 Finish Columbus Journal Writing Ch. 6 Test 9/12 Ch. 6 Quiz 9/11

  3. Label all Continents and Oceans: pg. RA4 and RA5

  4. The Age of Exploration 1500-1800

  5. Exploration and Expansion

  6. Exploration and Expansion 1. Began exploring because of trade. (Spices, Precious Metals) 2. Religious Zeal (passion)-wanted to share religion with the natives 3. Grandeur, Glory and Spirit of Adventure 3. “God, Glory and Gold”

  7. Portugal

  8. Portuguese Trading Empire • Leader in European Exploration • Henry the Navigator, School for Navigation, 1419 • Sailing around Africa to Asia, looking for gold • Bartholomeu Dias- Cape of Good Hope, Africa • Vasco de Gama- India • Developed spice trading posts throughout Asia

  9. School of Navigation today, Lisbon, Portugal

  10. Voyages to the Americas • Spanish decided to sail across the Atlantic to get to Asia, landed in the Americas instead.

  11. Christopher Columbus • Sailed west to get to Asia, instead of going around Africa • Sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, he had to beg them for $ • October, 1492, he reached Cuba • After 4 trips, reached all major islands of the Caribbean and Honduras in Central America, called the Indies.

  12. Christopher Columbus

  13. Journal Writing: pg. 196Christopher Columbus- Directions: Read the selection on pg. 196 Journal on your thoughts of Columbus: Here is a starting point: Choose a side • Was he a hero who ushered in economic well being throughout the world? • Was he a prime mover in the destruction of the people and culture of the Americas?

  14. Bellringer: 9-2-14 1.Explain what God, Glory and Gold means.- pg. 190 2. What was the purpose of Navigation Schools? 3. How did Columbus really feel about the Natives?

  15. Planner: 9-2-14 Ch. 6 Test 9/12 Ch. 6 Quiz 9/11 Continent Quiz- 9/4

  16. Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 • Spain and Portugal both exploring new lands and competing with each other for these lands • Agreed to draw a line of demarcation-imagery line that divided the land. The line ran N to S • Spain got all lands W of the line, the Americas • Portugal got all lands E of the line, Africa/Asia

  17. Race to Americas • Others heard about Columbus and were racing to get to the Americas to claim land • John Cabot-England • Amerigo Vespucci- (Italian)was named after him • Ferdinand Magellan-(Portuguese) 1st to circle the world

  18. The New World • These lands were called the “New World” • Millions of people were already living in the New World, the Europeans saw opportunities for conquests.

  19. The Spanish Empire • Conquistadors- Spanish conquerors • Individuals whose guns and determination brought them incredible success.

  20. Hernan Cortez- overthrew Aztec Empire in 3 yrs. • Francisco Pizarro- took control over the Incas • In 30 years, the western part of Latin America had been taken over

  21. Aztecs Incas

  22. Bellringer: 9-3-14: Vocabulary Review Choose an appropriate vocabulary word. • _____ is the difference in value between nation imports and what it exports over time. • ______Spanish Conquerors • ______economic thought, set of principles • ______ A settlement of people living in a new territory- linked with a parent government control

  23. Planner: 9-3-14 Ch. 6 Test 9/12 Ch. 6 Quiz 9/11 Continent Quiz-Tomorrow!!!!!- Spelling Counts

  24. Explorer Sheet: Directions: Get out your Explorer Sheet and use your book to fill in the rest of the explorers, what country they came from and what did they do. Bartholomeu Dias- Portugal- southern tip of Africa

  25. Native Laborers • Queen Isabella granted the Spanish encomienda • Encomienda- the right use Native Americans as laborers- (Vocab Word) • The Spanish were suppose to protect the Indians, but didn’t since they were so far away. • Indians put to work on sugar plantations (gold, silver)

  26. Declining Population • Forced Labor • Starvation • Disease- no immune • Smallpox, measles, typhus

  27. Economic Impact and Competition • Colonists established plantations that produced goods and sent them back to Europe for economic purposes- called the Columbian Exchange • America products sent to Europe • European products sent to Americas • Exchange of plants and animals

  28. Trade, Colonies and Mercantilism • Nations began establishing colonies- settlement of people living in a certain area • This time known as Commercial Revolution • Mercantilism-principles that dominated economic thought in 17th century- (Vocab Word)

  29. Bellringer: 9-4-14- pg. 198 • What color does the red box represent? • What color does the purple box represent? • What ocean is located between the Americas and Europe/Africa? • People going to Africa were coming from what continent? • People leaving Africa were going to what continent?

  30. Planner: 9-4-14 Ch. 6 Test 9/12 Ch. 6 Quiz 9/11 Continent Quiz-TODAY

  31. Continent Quiz Directions: Use a ½ sheet of paper

  32. Answers: must look exactly like this • Antarctica 10. Australia • Africa 11. Europe • Indian Ocean • Arctic Ocean • South America • Pacific Ocean • North America • Atlantic Ocean • Asia

  33. Growth of the Slave Trade • Triangular Trade-New World Economy (Europe, Africa, Americas) • Europe to Africa- goods, guns, cloth • Africa to Americas- Slaves • Americas to Europe- tobacco, sugar, cotton

  34. The Slave Trade • Slavery had been practiced for ancient times • India, Rome, Greece • 1550’s slaves were taken to Portugal- mostly domestic servants • 1600’s – plantations for sugar cane in Brazil and the Caribbean demanded huge laborers • Native Americans had died out, so African slaves where shipped to Brazil and the Caribbean

  35. Sources of Slaves • Beginning of the 15th century, African slaves were prisoners of war • Europeans started buying these prisoners from African merchants • African headhunters collected slaves near the coast then moved inland • Some African slave companies complained, but they still needed to get paid

  36. Middle Passage • Around 10 million African Slaves were brought to the Americas btw 1600-1900 • Many died on the way to the Americas b/c of the Middle Passage, or died from disease when they got to the Americas

  37. Pictures # 1

  38. Picture 2

  39. Picture 3

  40. Picture 4

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