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Chinese Dynasty Notes

Chinese Dynasty Notes. Dynastic Rule in China A.D. 589-1644. Dynastic Rule. in China A.D. 589-1644. Sui Dynasty. Sui Dynasty. How did this dynasty rise to power? General Yang Jian conquered several areas and unified China for the first time in 400 years

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Chinese Dynasty Notes

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  1. Chinese Dynasty Notes Dynastic Rule in China A.D. 589-1644

  2. Dynastic Rule

  3. in China A.D. 589-1644

  4. Sui Dynasty

  5. Sui Dynasty How did this dynasty rise to power? • General Yang Jian conquered several areas and unified China for the first time in 400 years • Yang Jian made himself emperor and founded Sui Dynasty • Yang Jian changed his name to Wen Di New Name

  6. Sui Dynasty How did this Dynasty govern China? • Wen Di and Yang Di were harsh rulers • forced peasants to work in army and build public works projects

  7. Sui Dynasty What belief systems did this dynasty encourage? Discourage? • Wen Di was Buddhist • encouraged Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism

  8. Sui Dynasty How did this dynasty affect daily life in China? • Grand Canal promoted trade • rebuilding of the Great Wall provided security

  9. Sui Dynasty List two ways this dynasty helped unite China? • public work projects • Grand Canal, Great Wall • extended military control

  10. Tang Dynasty

  11. Tang Dynasty How did this dynasty rise to power? • Taizong helped his father to found the Tang Dynasty by rebelling against the Sui

  12. Tang Dynasty How did this dynasty govern China? • Wu Zhao (only female ruler) helped to enlarge the empire

  13. Empress Wu Zhao

  14. Tang Dynasty How did this dynasty govern China? • Wu Zhao (only female ruler) helped to enlarge the empire • bureaucracy • government made up of departments each with its own area • scholar-officials used Confucian ideas to help them serve the government

  15. Tang Dynasty What belief systems did this dynasty encourage? Discourage? • At first Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism were encouraged • Later Buddhism was discouraged • Emperor Wu Zong ordered the destruction of 4,600 Buddhist monasteries

  16. At first…

  17. then… destruction of Buddhist temples

  18. Tang Dynasty How did this dynasty affect daily life in China? • scholar class became new ruling elite • land reform gave some peasants a chance to gain wealth • golden age for poetry and art

  19. Tang Dynasty List two ways this dynasty helped unite China. • emperors directly controlled army • agricultural reforms benefited both the government and commoners

  20. Song Dynasty

  21. Song Dynasty How did this dynasty rise to power? • Tai Zu emerged after 50 years of civil war to found the Song dynasty

  22. Song Dynasty How did this dynasty govern China? • Mongolians threatened China’s northern border for 200 years • Song royal family forced to move capital of empire to southern China • northern China was under foreign rule • scholar-officials came from southern Chinese families • scholar-officials chosen by results from civil service exam

  23. Song Dynasty What belief systems did this dynasty encourage? Discourage? • (Zen) Buddhism became popular in China and East Asia

  24. Song Dynasty How did this dynasty affect daily life in China? • power of merchant rose as trade increased • new form of rice allowed farmers to double their production

  25. Song Dynasty List two ways this dynasty helped unite China. • move center of Chinese culture from the north to the south • used meritocracy to make government efficient and reliable • meritocracy=most qualified people get the job

  26. Advances under the Tang and Song • discovery of tea • manufacture of paper • wood-block printing • magnetic compass • gunpowder

  27. Daily Opener 12/6 • How many Khanates was the Mongol Empire divided into? 2. What is the name of the trade routes that connected Europe with China?

  28. Yuan Dynasty Mongols

  29. Yuan Dynasty How did this dynasty rise to power? • dynasty founded by Kublai Khan • Kublai fought Song Dynasty for 40 years before founding the only foreign ruled dynasty in China

  30. Yuan Dynasty How did this dynasty govern China? • civil-service system maintained but staffed by non-Chinese • strict social hierarchy developed • 1.Mongols • 2. Civil Servants (non-Chinese) • 3. northern Chinese • 4. southern Chinese

  31. Yuan Dynasty What belief systems did this dynasty encourage? Discourage? • Chinese belief systems were not affected • Buddhist monasteries increased under Kublai Khan

  32. Buddhist Monastery

  33. Yuan Dynasty How did this dynasty affect daily life in China? • bloody wars of conquest led to destruction of farmland • Kublai Khan maintained roads and canals, but later Yuan emperors did not

  34. Yuan Dynasty List two ways this dynasty helped unite China? • kept civil service, but staffed it with outsiders • allowed Chinese to continue to practice Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism

  35. Ming Dynasty

  36. Ming Dynasty How did this dynasty rise to power? • Chinese rebelled against Mongols • rebel leader Hong Wu founded Ming Dynasty • Ming=brilliant

  37. Ming Dynasty How did this dynasty govern China? • reintroduced the civil-service exam • emperors often ruled as despots • despot=tyrant or mean ruler • brief time of overseas explorations • Zheng He

  38. Ming Dynasty What belief systems did this dynasty encourage? Discourage? • renewed interest in Confucianism • blending of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism

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