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This kickoff presentation outlines the project management plan for the collaborative effort between Michael Baker Corporation and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. The plan includes logistical support for meetings, stakeholder identification and prioritization, plan integration, evacuation route profiling, and vehicle/driver inventory. The goal is to develop a comprehensive and coordinated evacuation and sheltering plan for the region.
MICHAEL BAKER CORPORATION Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Evacuation and Sheltering Kickoff PresentationOctober 6, 2006
Baker Team • Michael Baker Jr., Inc. • 60 year old firm with over 5,000 employees in over 40 offices including Alexandria and D.C. (600 in region) • Three decades of experience in all-hazard emergency planning nationally • One of DHS’s largest contractors • Standing Stone Consulting, Inc. • National leader in shelter planning • Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. (WBE) • Project outreach leader and GIS support • Extensive transportation planning and outreach experience in MWCOG region • Firms have successfully worked together on several projects
Project Management Plan Key Staff
Task 1: Logistical Support for Meetings Project Tasks • Support will be provided for all types of meetings • Monthly progress meetings • Stakeholder meetings (regular and ad hoc) • Stakeholder interviews • Emergency Planning Team • LEPC’s (?) • Meeting support will include: • Developing and maintaining stakeholder database • Identification of meeting times/locations • Meeting notification • Preparation of agendas, presentations, handouts, and minutes
Task 1: Priority Actions Project Tasks • Stakeholder Identification • Will be coordinated with MWCOG • Identify appropriate federal contacts • Draft formal letter from MWCOG announcing the start of the planning process and inviting stakeholder participation • Convene Emergency Planning Team, if not already designated • Formed specifically for this project • May include some/all members of this committee • May need to form smaller subcommittees for transit, special needs, sheltering, emergency responders, etc. • Review previous meeting materials to “get up to speed” on planning/discussions held to date • Establish study goals and objectives
Task 2: Plan Integration Project Tasks • Foundation of project • Collect and review existing plans (i.e., jurisdiction evacuation plans, shelter lists, transit response plans, etc.) • Conduct meetings/interviews with emergency planners from each jurisdiction • Focus on recent experiences and lessons learned • Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of current planning • Establish project web site and “data warehouse” • Identify data needs for entire study/all tasks • Collect data that can be used across all tasks • Disseminate data to all stakeholders for informed decision-making • Use protected web site as information sharing portal for all authorized stakeholders • Development of Corrective Action Plan
Task 3: Evacuation Route Profiling Project Tasks • Identify current evacuation routes • Will be coordinated with MWCOG and existing evacuation plans • Profile Existing Routes • General characteristics of the roadway • Traffic volumes (peak hour and ADT) • Existing transit service • GIS mapping/database for each route • Other characteristics/”roadblocks” • Evaluate Routes • Develop recommendations
Project Tasks Identify Candidate Routes
Functional Classification Length of Route Jurisdictions Roadway Section Dimensions Capacity Operation/Management Constraints (height, vehicle, congestion) Demand (weekday, peak) Route Signal Control Travel Times Roadway Controls Parking Project Tasks Route Profile Data
Project Tasks Route Evaluation • Identify Regions for Evacuation • Mandatory • Voluntary • Shadow • Quantify Vehicle Demand • Residents • Workers • Transients Demand Signal Timing Roadway Geometry • Define Candidate Destinations • Evacuation Routes MWCOG/TPB Model DCDOT, VDOT, MDOT • Traffic Flow Simulation • Destination Choice • Route Choice • Traveler Simulation Highway Link Speeds/Capacities Traffic Control • Review Simulation Results • Evacuation Time Estimates • Bottlenecks • Travel Speeds • Network Clearance Times Adjustments Adjustments
Develop Recommendations • Things to Keep in Mind • Travel demand management • Probable evacuation scenarios • Leverage transit assets
Project Tasks Task 4: Vehicle/Driver Inventory • Identify any agreements currently in place between agencies/jurisdictions to transport persons and/or share equipment • Review MOAs between agencies/jurisdictions • Survey providers as to informal agreements • Develop inventory • Evaluate inventory • Develop recommendations • Develop database
Project Tasks Task 4: Vehicle/Driver Inventory • Identify any agreements currently in place between agencies/jurisdictions to transport persons and/or share equipment • Develop inventory • Start from existing data • Survey traditional & non-traditional providers (type, capacity, fuel, etc.) • Particular emphasis on vehicles for people with special needs • Evaluate inventory • Develop recommendations • Develop database
Project Tasks Task 4: Vehicle/Driver Inventory • Identify any agreements currently in place between agencies/jurisdictions to transport persons and/or share equipment • Develop inventory • Evaluate inventory • Assess congruence of availability vs. needs • Identify deficiencies • Develop recommendations • Develop database
Project Tasks Task 4: Vehicle/Driver Inventory • Identify any agreements currently in place between agencies/jurisdictions to transport persons and/or share equipment • Develop inventory • Evaluate inventory • Develop recommendations • Create possible Action Plans addressing needs • Develop database
Project Tasks Task 4: Vehicle/Driver Inventory • Identify any agreements currently in place between agencies/jurisdictions to transport persons and/or share equipment • Develop inventory • Evaluate inventory • Develop recommendations • Develop database • Type, availability & amount of equipment • Emphasis on special needs populations
Project Tasks Task 5: Transfer/Pickup Points Profiles • Develop profiles for each type of collection point • Data collection • Summarize profiles • Develop recommendations
Project Tasks Task 5: Transfer/Pickup Points Profiles • Data collection • Survey Transfer/Pickup Points • Collect data on jurisdiction, type, capacity, constraints, etc. • Particular emphasis on issues which diminish utility & capacity • Special needs considerations (Cleveland) • Summarize profiles • Develop recommendations
Project Tasks Task 5: Transfer/Pickup Points Profiles • Data collection • Summarize profiles • Reflect most important data • Identify most critical constraints • Develop recommendations • Determine criticality of addressing constraints • Create possible Action Plans
Project Tasks Task 6: Healthcare Facilities Profiles • Develop profiles • Data collection • Summarize profiles • Develop recommendations
Project Tasks Task 7: Shelter/Destination Points Profiles • Collect existing list of potential or previously identified • shelters • Develop shelter profiles • Survey and qualify potential shelters • Create database of qualified shelters • Consider special needs sheltering
Project Tasks Task 7: Shelter/Destination Points Profiles Shelter Profiles - Developed in conjunction with MWCOG
Project Tasks Task 7: Shelter/Destination Points Profiles Specialized – Customized Information We will tailor the survey to create a shelter profile to meet MWCOG’s needs.
Project Tasks Task 7: Shelter/Destination Points Profiles Information Summaries, Photos, Floor Plans, Related Information
Project Tasks Task 8: Community Profiles • Develop community profiles • Threats • Populations demographics • Summarize resource needs • Develop profile per person • Extrapolate to 10,0000 • Strategically store needed • supplies
Project Tasks Task 8: Community Profiles • Threats
Project Tasks Task 8: Community Profiles • Populations demographics (Density, Age, Languages)
Project Tasks Task 8: Community Profiles • Summarize resource needs • Develop profile per person • (Red Cross Guidelines) • Water • Food • Sanitation • First Aid - Medical support • Clothing, bedding • Tools and supplies • Extrapolate to 10,0000
Project Tasks Task 9: Mass transit and alternative forms of evacuation • Inventory mass transit options • Inventory alternative transport options • Develop recommendations
Project Tasks Task 9: Mass transit and alternative forms of evacuation • Inventory mass transit options • Work with all area providers • Obtain up-to-date equipment lists and replacement plans • Understand operator & vehicle availability constraints • Special needs • Inventory alternative transport options • Develop recommendations
Project Tasks Task 9: Mass transit and alternative forms of evacuation • Inventory mass transit options • Inventory alternative transport options • Ascertain existing data • Survey taxicab companies, school districts, social service agencies, community & senior centers, faith-based organizations, etc. for equipment AND available operators • Develop recommendations
Project Tasks Task 9: Mass transit and alternative forms of evacuation • Inventory mass transit options • Inventory alternative transport options • Develop recommendations • Ascertain constraints/ shortcomings • Create possible Action Plans
Project Tasks • Task 10: Provide onsite support to provide regular updates, written and verbal, and monthly status reports on the gathering of information. • Task 11: Support the development of Draft Memorandums of Understanding between jurisdictions. • Facilitate discussions with jurisdictions • Build upon existing agreements • Maximize potential for coordination
Project Tasks • Task 12: Print and distribute the draft and final plans • Use stakeholder database for distribution • Allow for agency review and comment • Incorporate comments and distribute final plan • Task 13: Provide personnel support for DCEMA and local jurisdictions • 700 hours budgeted in cost proposal • Reallocate/increase budget?
Coordination with Neighboring States • DHS appropriation legislation requires coordination with WV & PA on mass evacuation planning for NCR • Continue present dialogue with WV and expand to PA
Action Plan for Next 30 days • Develop comprehensive project work plan and MS Project schedule for MWCOG approval • Obtain pertinent plans, preferably in electronic format to facilitate sharing among team members • Set goals and objectives for planning process • Interagency coordination • Establish/refine EPT and subgroups • Review on-going coordination and planning efforts and determine desired consultant team participation • Establish regular meeting schedule to keep dialogue going • Identify key stakeholders • Coordinate with MWCOG • Evolving process; more stakeholders will be identified through the planning process
Action Plan for Next 30 days • Conduct initial project stakeholder meetings (DHS Office of NCR Coordination, others?) • Develop project web site • Identify people for access and distribute passwords • Begin posting of pertinent materials • All latest project news/updates • Establish monthly project reporting process • Content of task progress reports • Detailed task summaries for past month • Projected work for following month • Issues/problems for resolution • Content of financial reporting/invoicing • Develop template/outline for final evacuation and sheltering plan • Establish QA/QC process