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All Actions are judged by their Intentions

Explore the profound significance of intentions in Islam through Hadith teachings, focusing on Umar ibn al-Khattab's acceptance of Islam and the impact of sincere actions. Gain insights on emigration, sincerity, and the importance of intentions in worship.

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All Actions are judged by their Intentions

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  1. All Actions are judged by their Intentions Hadith #1 Imam an-Nawawi’s Forty

  2. Translation The Commander of the Faithful, Umar ibn al-Khattab, relates that he heard Allah's Messenger (saw) say: "Actions are but by intentions and every man will have only what he intended. So whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, then his emigration was for Allah and His Messenger. And whoever emigrated to attain something of this world or to marry a woman, then his emigration was for whatever reason he emigrated." [Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]

  3. The Narrator • Who was Amir Al-Mu’Mineen? • His Acceptance to Islam was an answer to the du’a of the Prophet (saw) • The Prophet (saw) said, I am the last of the Prophets but if there were to ever be a prophet after me it would have been Umar ibn al-Khatab (An-Nisa’i)

  4. The Importance of this Hadith • Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: "The principles of Islam are covered by three hadith: the hadith related by `Umar that actions are but by intentions, the hadith related by A'ishah that states whoever innovates a matter in this matter of ours will have it rejected, and the hadith related by al-Nu`man ibn Bashir which states that what is lawful is clear and what is unlawful is clear."

  5. The Story • It is related that a man sought the hand of a woman called Umm Qays. She refused to marry him unless he undertook the emigration to Medinah. So he made the emigration and married her in Medinah. He became known as "the emigrant to Umm Qays”. (Fath Al Bari)

  6. Breaking Down “Intentions”

  7. Actions & Intentions • Allah says: "There is no good in much of their secret talk save (in) him who enjoins almsgiving and goodness and peace-making among the people. Whoever does this seeking the good pleasure of Allah, We shall bestow on him a vast reward." [Surah al-Nisa': 114] • How to we move from Mandoob to Mustahab?

  8. Making Our Actions Count

  9. Immigration vs. Emigration • I immigrated from Canada to Saudi Arabia for the sake of Islam • I then emigrated back to Canada from Saudi Arabia for the sake of my Islam • Emigrate: to leave one country or region to settle in another • Immigrate: to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.

  10. Emigration • The reasons why a Muslim must emigrate include: • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5

  11. Ikhlas versus Riya’ • Allah's Messenger (saw) said: "The first of people to be judged on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought forward and Allah will make him recount his blessings and he will do so. Then Allah will ask: 'What did you do for these blessings?' He will say: 'I fought on your behalf until I was martyred.' Allah will say: 'You are lying. You fought so that the people would call you brave, and indeed they called you that.' Then he will be summoned and dragged on his face until he is cast into Hell. Another will be a man who acquired knowledge and imparted it and recited the Qur'an. He will be brought forward and Allah will make him recount his blessings and he will do so. Then Allah will ask: 'What did you do for these blessings?' He will say: 'I acquired knowledge and imparted it and I recited the Qur'an for your sake.' Allah will say: 'You are lying. You acquired knowledge so people would call you a learned man and you recited the Qur'an so that people would call you a good reciter. Indeed they called you these things.' Then he will be summoned and dragged on his face until he is cast into Hell. Another will be a man who Allah had enriched with all manner of wealth. He will be brought forward and Allah will make him recount his blessings and he will do so. Then Allah will ask: 'What did you do for these blessings?' He will say: 'I spent money for your sake on every cause in which You wish money to be spent.' Allah will say: 'You are lying. You did this so that people would call you generous, and indeed they called you that.' Then he will be summoned and dragged on his face until he is cast into Hell." [Sahih Muslim]

  12. 2 Birds with 1 Stone? • Sometimes a person may perform some acts of devotion with a dual motive - to please Allah and impress someone else. Such deeds are also bereft of blessings. The Prophet (saw) said: "Allah - the Blessed and Sublime - says: '"I am in no need of partners. Whoever does a deed for the sake of others as well as me, I leave his deed for those others.'" [Sahih Muslim]

  13. The Du’a of Abu Bakr • {Allahuma inni a'oudhibika an ooshrika bika wa ana a’lamoo wa astaghfirooka lee ma la a'lim} • The Prophet (saw) taught Abu Bakr a supplication by which we can ask Allah forgiveness when insincerity strikes us unawares. He instructed him to say: "O Allah! I seek refuge with you from associating partners with you knowingly and I seek your forgiveness for what I do unknowingly." [al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrid]

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