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The Polar Large Telescope (PLT) a Synoptic Survey of the Southern Sky in the infrared

The Polar Large Telescope (PLT) a Synoptic Survey of the Southern Sky in the infrared.

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The Polar Large Telescope (PLT) a Synoptic Survey of the Southern Sky in the infrared

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  1. The Polar Large Telescope (PLT)a Synoptic Survey of the Southern Sky in the infrared N. Epchtein(1), W. Ansorge(2), L. Abe(1), M. Langlois(3), I. Vauglin(3), B. Le Roux(4), M. Carbillet(1), S. Argentini(7), C. Genthon(6), R.Lemrani(8), T. Le Bertre(5), G. Marchiori(9), J. Montnacher(10), C.David(11), I. Esau(12), E. Ruch (13), I. Bryson(14), G. Dalton(15), M. Ashley(16), J. Storey(16), J. Lawrence(17), and the PLT consortium (1) CNRS‐UNS‐OCA, Laboratoire Fizeau, Parc Valrose, Nice, France; (2) RAMS‐CON Management Consultants, Assling, Germany (3) CNRS‐CRAL‐Univ. Lyon1, France (4) CNRS‐LAM, Marseille, France (5) CNRS‐LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, France (6) CNRS‐LGGE, Grenoble, France (7) CNR‐ISAC, Rome, Italy (8) Centre de Calcul IN2P3, Lyon, France (9) European Industrial Engineering (EIE), Mestre, Italy (10) Fraunhofer Institute (IPA), Stuttgart, Germany (11) Institut Paul Emile Victor, Brest, France (12) Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen, Norway (13) SAFRAN (SAGEM‐REOSC), Saint‐Pierre du Perray, France (14) STFC, UK‐ATC, Edinburgh, UK (15) STFC, RAL Space Dpt., Didcot, UK (16) University of New South‐Wales, Sydney, Australia (17) Anglo‐Australian Observatory, Australia.

  2. The Project PLT • Complies with the conclusions of ASTRONET and WG ARENA1 (mid-size project ~ 150 M€) • PLT is a SURVEY FACILITY, not an « observatory » Extends or complete earlier large scale IR surveys (2MASS/VISTA/SPITZER/WISE) in the ‘new’ 2.3-5 µm range • Provides deepest, finest, broad band images at 2.4-3.2 µm (K dark and L short) • Takes benefit from earlier studies (PILOT) • addresses the « time domain » issue (LSST) Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  3. The Project PLT; basic TLR • 2- 3 m class telescope (PILOT, but optical specs. relaxed) • takes max. benefit from low sky background, low opacity, passive cooling, and excellent seeing (above BL tower) • covers several thousands sq deg, periodically • WF IR camera 256 Mpxls - GLAO subsystem • Full time observation: winter 2.3 µm, summer 3-5 µm • Pipeline is a major concern: • Fast Data on-site processing; • Pbytes data base management • quick alert management (in/out) and storage • products: • atlasses (<0.3 arcsec resolution) in 3 colours (goal 5) • point source catalogues with excellent astrometric (>0.1 ’’) and photometric accuracy (<1% absolute) + extended Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  4. feasible ONLY in Antarctica (or in space)

  5. Science with PLT • see, will’s talk ; Lawrence et al., 2009, PASA, vol. 46, 379, 397, 415 + PLT Science book • Explore the distant universe • Probe Pop III stellar populations • SNe detection g-ray bursts detection and follow-up • Monitor and characterize exoplanets (secondary transits, µlensing) in thermal IR (super ASTEP in the IR) • Deep surveys of very young low mass stars stars • Exhaustive global synoptic surveys of variable stars (all types) in the Magellanic Clouds and stream. • Astrometric surveys of nearby objects (broad dwarfs, small bodies, geocruisers, KBOs) • Complements to LSST/WFIRST/EUCLID/ JWST/E-ELT/ • Serendipitous discoveries

  6. PLT/PILOT at a glance   • Telescope baseline • Take benefit from earlier of PILOT phase A study (UNSW-AAO) • BUT: optimized for 2-4 µm. • Light structure: primary possibly in SiC • Ritchey -Chretien 2 Nasmyth foci; f ratio: f/5 (PILOT: f/10) • Focus 1: IR Camera 2- 5 µm • Focus 2: Mid –IR camera (8-30 µm) or near-IR Integral Field spectrograph : OPTIONAL • Field of view: ≥1 square degree • Infrastructure (building (a)/30 m tower (b)/ enclosure / thermalisation: see PILOT phase A study ) a • WIDE FIELD IR Camera • FOV = ~ 40’ x 40’ (minimum) • Pixel scale ~ 0.15’’ (~ diffraction à 2.2µm) (pxl pitch: 10 µm) • FPA: 250 Mpxls 16 x 4 x 4 k , buttable Teledyne, cooled at 40 K (avalaible in 2012) • Filtres: Kshort, K dark, L short, (L’, M’) –filtres étroits, GRISM • Dimension: 16 x 16 cm • Spectral domain 2-4 µm (cut-off: 5 µm) • Read-out noise <10 e- (5 e - HAWK I) • Filters Ks, Kd, Ls, L’, M’ (+ other narrow filters , GRISM tbd). New filter L s (Antarctique) centred at 3.2 µm (Dl/l = 0.16) • Optical Scheme : cold diaphragm, cold pupil, AO mirror • GLAO system to alleviate residual turbulence above 30 m c b d

  7. PLT Infrared Camera 250 Mpxl. specifications. 16 such arrays Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  8. Ground Layer Adaptive Optics in the Antarctic environment Thanks to the thinness of the turbulence layer above the ground, the Antarctic Plateau is an ideal place where to operate a relatively simple AO system called GLAO to alleviate the effect of the residual turbulence layer above ~30m In order to offer a quasi permanent image quality of 0.3’’ across its 40 square arc minute field, the PLT camera will be equiped with a GLAO device. Although this has not been achieved as yet, very encouraging simulations have been made among the PLT consortium (Nice, Marseille, Lyon). A prototype could be soon tested on an existing telescope at Dome C (e.g., IRAIT) From Carbillet et al., 2010, ARENA3, p. 157) Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  9. Observing strategy & Data Pipeline • PLT observing strategy similar to LSST • PLT will react rapidly to LSST alerts and create alerts • Data management and archiving: similar procedure as for LSST (through CC-IN2P3 Lyon) • Major differences • much smaller FOV (:20) • selected areas only (totalizing ~ 5000 sq.d.) • operating full time (7/7; 24/24) • dark time operation, mostly at 2 µm • bright time operation at 3-5 µm, only • Technical/Technological drawbacks • Due to both, the extremely limited data transmission bandwidth , and the huge amount of generated data, the pre-processing and archiving will have to be done on-site. • By experience, the very dry atmosphere (static electricity) make the requirements for all electronic devices rather demanding (*) LSST data are from the LSST Science Book (2010)

  10. Main R&D challenges of the PLT Design study • Camera Design: • Camera system and performance analysis  • 16 units 4kx4k Teledyne array detectors assembly and readout electronics • Wide field optical design • Very large vacuum and cryogenics system • A ‘big’ telescope in polar environment: (mechanical structure, light optics, enclosure, thermalization) • Adaptive Optics at Dome C • Defining the type and characteristics of a wide field Adaptive Optics system for PLT • Wide field optical configuration for AO system • System Design for Remote operation • The data pipeline, archiving and access: • Defining the data processing system architecture at the polar station for a total volume of about 500 Tbytes : production of raw data all year round, no possibility of remote control from Europe, minimal human ineraction at the Dome C base • Data transfer organization (twice a year) • Management of the alerts • Design of the long term access and disposal for the community through a VO model •  Close collaboration with CC-IN2P3 /LSST Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  11. PLT EC Design Study proposal; FP7 Nov. 2010 • Last opportunity on FP7 (25 november 2010) • Construction of new infrastructures: preparatory phase • conceptual design studies for new European research infrastructures • scientific, technical and financial feasibility  its conceptual foundations. • Expected impacts: • Technological development capacity and effectiveness • Scientific performance, efficiency and attractiveness of the European Research Area. • Conceptual design report  maturity of the concept. • These reports will be useful to policy bodies (e.g. ESFRI) for establishing plans and roadmaps for new research infrastructures of European interest

  12. PLT consortium • Involved French Labs: • CNRS • Fizeau (Nice) , CRAL (Lyon) , CC IN2P3 (Lyon), • + members of LGGE (Grenoble) , LAM (Marseille), Paris Obs. • IPEV (Brest) Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  13. The structure of the PLT Design Study workpackages RAMS CON CRAL/UKATC CRAL/CCIN2P3 SAGEM Fraunhofer IPA RAMS CON CRAL/FIZ/LAM CNRS/FIZ CNR/FIZ/NO/ CNR/FIZ EIE IPEV CNRS CNRS Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  14. PLT Design Study budget

  15. Result of evaluation 1/4 • PLT DS submitted in Nov. 2010, evaluated (March 2011) with an overall score of 13/15 – (No official statement yet): • 1 Scientific and/or technological excellence: mark: 4.5/5 • « The Polar Large Telescope fills a niche in the observation of near-infrared radiation from astronomical sources. Important astrophysical information lurks in this unexplored region. The Antarctica site also provides lower sky background and therefore better images. The proposers are well-equipped to adapt and extend existing detector technology beyond the state-of-the-art to carry out this simple, yet ambitious project, involving the design and construction of 2.5m class near-IR facility in Antarctica. The effectiveness of the detectors and survey methodology is well-tested in similar surveys at nearby parts of the spectrum. The synergies with upcoming surveys in the optical (LSST, E-ELT), radio (SKA pathfinders) and sub-mm (ALMA) make this project very attractive. The panel felt that plans for the integration of experience from IRAIT and • similar relevant facilities should have been discussed in some detail. » Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  16. Result of evaluation 2/4 • 2. Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management: mark: 4/5 • « The experience among Consortium members in developing similar equipment is considerable. The concept of the PLT considerably gains from the plans formulated for PILOT, and draws from the expertise of scientists involved in the ESO/VISTA project and adaptive optics studies. The participating research institutions are of the highest quality in terms of expertise and experience, and the industrial partners are appropriate in view of their experience in similar projects. The panel questioned the timeliness of the proposal, since the benefit of the experience gathered with IRAIT would be very valuable in the implementation of this facility. The panel is also concerned about the short duration of the proposed activities, and the number of participants, given the magnitude of the requested contribution. The management plan is well-structured, but the panel noted that for optimal operation, the two external committees could be merged into one. » Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  17. Result of evaluation 3/4 3. Potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results mark: 4.5/5 « The development of certain technologies in dealing with challenges posed by the polar environment would be a significant achievement of this programme, and would have wider applicability beyond this particular project. The IR detector assembly is largely based on existing technology, though it would be the largest such detector at these wavelengths. Designing adaptive optics for these conditions would pose a significant challenge. Operating this base in Antarctica, paying particular attention to preserving the local environment and ecosystem, would require close international collaboration and exchange of ideas, and pave the way for future European projects. The plan for outreach and dissemination is very sketchy and general. The exceptional setting of the telescope (Antarctica) can surely be used to engage the attention of the public, particularly young people, in a more planned and effective way. » Workshop_AAA_14/15 sept_2011

  18. Conclusion • PLT is a unique project, no challenger in this wl range. Options are open. • It is relatively cheap (estimation 150 M€ for 10-year operation for & 2.5 m class telescope + data management cost) • It woud provide 10 year activity to Concordia (or any other station) • No hope to get funding from EC for a while • Definitely need a world wide collaboration • Spectrospcopic survey option open • merge PILOT/PLT/KDUST and set up appropriate science team and management structure.

  19. Result of evaluation 4/4 • the short list of scientifically approved projects : we are 6th /21 • Budget of the call = 20 M€  4 projects only will be funded • PLT is thus turned down at this stage (no official reply, so far) • Then, what? • Plan B: collaboration with the Chinese project KDUST ? merging PLT/PILOT/KDUST • Wait and resubmit to FP8 (not before 2013) • look at FP 7 call 10 - but seems inappropriate • IRAIT MUST be activated asap and produce useful data • Lot of time wasted, but a basis for future proposals • and Concordia leading role in astronomy weakened

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