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Lambda Calculus: Understanding Symbol Manipulation and Computation Rules

Explore Lambda Calculus, a symbolic manipulation language for computation, rules, evaluation, and implications for reasoning about programs within mathematics and computing. Dive into substitution, reduction, and the significance of symbolic meaning in computation.

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Lambda Calculus: Understanding Symbol Manipulation and Computation Rules

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  1. Lecture 7: Lambda Calculus Revisited CS655: Programming Languages University of Virginia Computer Science David Evans http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans

  2. Menu • Review last time • Real reason for Lambda Calculus • Substitution Rules • Building Primitives CS 655: Lecture 6

  3. What is Calculus? • In High School: d/dxxn = nxn-1 [Power Rule] d/dx (f + g) = d/dx f + d/dx g [Sum Rule] Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables... CS 655: Lecture 6

  4. Real Definition • A calculus is just a bunch of rules for manipulating symbols. • People can give meaning to those symbols, but that’s not part of the calculus. • Differential calculus is a bunch of rules for manipulating symbols. There is an interpretation of those symbols corresponds with physics, slopes, etc. CS 655: Lecture 6

  5. Lambda Calculus • Rules for manipulating strings of symbols in the language: term = variable | term term | (term) |  variable .term • Humans can give meaning to those symbols in a way that corresponds to computations. CS 655: Lecture 6

  6. Why? • Once we have precise and formal rules for manipulating symbols, we can use it to reason with. • Since we can interpret the symbols as representing computations, we can use it to reason about programs. CS 655: Lecture 6

  7. Evaluation Rules -reduction (renaming) y. M v. (M [yv]) where v does not occur in M. -reduction (substitution) (x. M)N   M [ xN ] CS 655: Lecture 6

  8. Defining Substitution (|) 1. y [x |N] =N where x  y 2. y [x | N] =y where x  y 3. M1 M2[x | N] = M1 [x|N]M2[x | N] 4. (x. M) [x|N] =x. M CS 655: Lecture 6

  9. Defining Substitution (|) 5a. (y. M) [x |N] =y. (M [x|N]) where x  y and ydoes not appear free in N and x appears free in M. 5b. (y. M) [x |N] =y. M where x  y and y does or does not appear free in N and xdoes not appear free in M. CS 655: Lecture 6

  10. Defining Substitution (|) 5. (y. M) [x |N] =y. (M [x|N]) where x  y and ydoes not appear free in Norx does not appear free in M. • (y. M) [x|N] = z. (M [y|z]) [x|N] where x  y, z  x and z  y and z does not appear in M or N, x does occur free in M and y does occur free in N. CS 655: Lecture 6

  11. Reduction (Uninteresting Rules) y. M v. (M [yv]) where v does not occur in M. M  M M  N  PM  PN M  N  MP  NP M  N  x. M  x. N M  N and N  P  M  P CS 655: Lecture 6

  12. -Reduction (the source of all computation) (x. M)N  M [ xN ] CS 655: Lecture 6

  13. Recall Apply in Scheme “To apply a procedure to a list of arguments, evaluate the procedure in a new environment that binds the formal parameters of the procedure to the arguments it is applied to.” • We’ve replaced environments with substitution. • We’ve replaced eval with reduction. CS 655: Lecture 6

  14. Some Simple Functions I x.x Cxy.yx Abbreviation for x.(y. yx) CII = (x.(y. yx)) (x.x) (x.x)  (y. y (x.x))(x.x) x.x (x.x) x.x = I CS 655: Lecture 6

  15. Evaluating Lambda Expressions • redex: Term of the form (x. M)N Something that can be -reduced • An expression is in normal form if it contains no redexes (redices). • To evaluate a lambda expression, keep doing reductions until you get to normal form. CS 655: Lecture 6

  16. Example  f. (( x.f (xx))( x. f (xx))) CS 655: Lecture 6

  17. Alyssa P. Hacker’s Answer ( f. (( x.f (xx))( x. f (xx)))) (z.z) (x.(z.z)(xx))( x. (z.z)(xx))  (z.z) ( x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x.(z.z)(xx))  (x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x.(z.z)(xx))  (z.z) ( x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x.(z.z)(xx))  (x.(z.z)(xx)) ( x.(z.z)(xx)) ... CS 655: Lecture 6

  18. Ben Bitdiddle’s Answer ( f. (( x.f (xx))( x. f (xx)))) (z.z)  (x.(z.z)(xx))( x. (z.z)(xx))  (x.xx)(x.(z.z)(xx))  (x.xx)(x.xx)  (x.xx)(x.xx) ... CS 655: Lecture 6

  19. Be Very Afraid! • Some -calculus terms can be -reduced forever! • The order in which you choose to do the reductions might change the result! CS 655: Lecture 6

  20. Take on Faith (for now) • All ways of choosing reductions that reduce a lambda expression to normal form will produce the same normal form (but some might never produce a normal form). • If we always apply the outermost lambda first, we will find the normal form is there is one. • This is normal order reduction – corresponds to normal order (lazy) evaluation CS 655: Lecture 6

  21. Who needs primitives? T  xy. x F  xy. y if pca . pca CS 655: Lecture 6

  22. Evaluation T  xy. x F  xy. y if pca . pca if T M N ((pca . pca) (xy. x)) M N •  (ca . (x.(y. x)) ca)) M N •    (x.(y. x))M N •  (y. M ))N   M CS 655: Lecture 6

  23. Who needs primitives? and xy. ifxyF or xy. ifxTy CS 655: Lecture 6

  24. Coupling [M, N]z.z M N first p.p T second p.p F first [M, N] = p.p T (z.z M N)   (z.z M N) T = (z.z M N)xy. x   (xy. x) M N   M CS 655: Lecture 6

  25. Tupling n-tuple: [M] = M [M0,..., Mn-1, Mn] = [M0,[M1 ,..., [Mn-1, Mn ]... ] n-tuple direct: [M0,..., Mn-1, Mn] = z.z M0,..., Mn-1, Mn Pi,n = x.x Ui,n Ui,n = x0... xn. xi What isP1,2? CS 655: Lecture 6

  26. What are numbers? • We need three (?) functions: succ: n n + 1 pred: n n – 1 zero?: n (n = 0) • Is that enough to define add? CS 655: Lecture 6

  27. Adding for Post-Docs add  xy.if (zero? x) y (add (pred x)(succ y) CS 655: Lecture 6

  28. Counting 0 I 1 [F, I] 2 [F, [F, I]] 3 [F, [F [F, I]] ... n + 1 [F, n] CS 655: Lecture 6

  29. Arithmetic Zero? x.x T Zero?0= (x.x T) I = T Zero? 1= (x.x T) [F, I] = F succ  x.[F, x] pred  x.x F pred 1 = (x.x F) [F, I] = [F, I]F = I = 0 pred 0 = (x.x F) I = IF = F CS 655: Lecture 6

  30. Factorial mult  xy.if (zero?x) 0 (addy (mult (predx) y)) fact x. if (zero?x) 1 (multx (fact (predx))) Recursive definitions should make you uncomfortable. Need for definitions should also bother you. CS 655: Lecture 6

  31. Summary • All you need is application and abstraction and you can compute anything • This is just one way of representing numbers, booleans, etc. – many others are possible • Integers, booleans, if, while, +, *, =, <, subtyping, multiple inheritance, etc. are for wimps! Real programmers only use . CS 655: Lecture 6

  32. Charge • Read Mocking Mockingbirds • Read as much of Smullyan’s chapters as you can, but don’t feel you have to work out every puzzle (that could take many weeks...) • Read and understand all of Keenan’s paper • Be uncomfortable about recursive definitions CS 655: Lecture 6

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