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Understanding Harmful Relationships and Effective Communication Skills

Learn about the different types of abusive behaviors in relationships and how to develop strong relationships through effective communication. Complete lesson activities and vocabulary. Due Monday, Feb. 25, 2019.

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Understanding Harmful Relationships and Effective Communication Skills

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  1. Monday

  2. Warm-up • Neglect • Sexual Abuse • Physical Abuse • Interdependence • Healthful Family • Codependence • Emotional Abuse • Dysfunctional family • Enmeshment • Intimacy • A condition in which two people depend on each other, yet each has a separate identity • Violent treatment that results in physical injury to the victim • Failure to provide proper care and guidance • Verbally “putting down” another person • A problem in which people neglect themselves to try to care for, control, or “fix” someone else • A condition in which a person becomes obsessed with the needs of another person and can no longer recognize their own needs • Sexual contact that is forced on another person • A family that does NOT promote loving, responsible relationships • A family that promotes loving, responsible relationships • A deep and meaningful kind of sharing between two people

  3. Welcome to Comprehensive Health Assignments Due: Monday Feb 25, 2019 Lesson 13/15 Vocab sheet DUE TOMORROW PLEASE bring headphones to plug into a Chromebook on TUESDAY 2/26 Marriage Interview due Friday 3/1 – 20 points Friday – Meet in CTE Rm. 715 Today’s Agenda: Warm-Up Read lesson 15 in the textbook Complete Lesson 15 Vocab Essential Question: How can I develop strong relationships through effective communication skills? Objective: I will be able to list examples of conversation keepers and conversation killers.

  4. Please bring headphones/earbuds • ON Tuesday, we will be completing an on-line module on the Chromebooks in class • If you have any headphones or earbuds that can plug into a Chromebook, PLEASE bring them on TUESDAY

  5. THIS Friday • We will NOT be meeting in our regular classroom – sue to the volleyball tournament • We will be meeting in the CTE lecture hall Rm. 715

  6. Textbooks • Page 159 • Have out your Unit 3 Notes • Have out your Unit 13/15 Vocab

  7. Conversation Keepers VS Conversation Killers

  8. Conversation Keepers VS Conversation Killers

  9. Debbie Downer • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfE93xON8jk

  10. Lesson 15 Vocab • Complete the Lesson 15 side of the Vocab worksheet we started on Friday • If you do not finish in class, it is HOMEWORK DUE ON TUESDAY

  11. Tuesday

  12. Welcome to Comprehensive Health Assignments Due: Tuesday Feb 26, 2019 Lesson 13/15 Vocab sheet DUE TODAY Marriage Interview due Friday 3/1 – 20 points Friday – Meet in CTE Rm. 715 Today’s Agenda: No Warm-up Prescription Drug On-line module Essential Question: What do I need to know about prescription drugs? Objective: I will complete the online module about prescription drugs.

  13. EVERFI – Prescription Drug Safety – 3rd hour • Go to: everfi.com/register • Click on register • Enter the class code: 62c8ed35 • Fill in the information and click next • Use your existing log in and password that you use to log in to the school computers • Enter code b9672f48, click green add button, renter your birthdate • Enter code, edcb3dc3, click green add button, renter your birthdate • Begin the Prescription Drug Safety Course • You must finish ALL 6 segments before the end of class

  14. EVERFI – Prescription Drug Safety – 4th hour • Go to: everfi.com/register • Click on register • Enter the class code: 6a27b835 • Fill in the information and click next • Use your existing log in and password that you use to log in to the school computers • Enter code 574f157b , click green add button, renter your birthdate • Enter code 8003cb84 ,click green add button, renter your birthdate • Begin the Prescription Drug Safety Course • You must finish ALL 6 segments before the end of class

  15. Wednesday

  16. Warm-up If you did not finish on Monday, turn in your Lesson 13&15 Vocab BEFORE you start your warm-up

  17. Welcome to Comprehensive Health Assignments Due: Wed/Thu Feb 27/28, 2019 • Marriage Interview due Friday 3/1 – 20 points • Friday – Meet in CTE Rm. 715 Today’s Agenda: Warm-Up Trade and Grade Lesson 13/15 Vocab Pass back graded papers Complete Unit 2 Tracking Sheet and turn it in Harmful Profile Notes Domestic Violence Video Reflections Essential Question: How can people relate in harmful ways? Objective: I will be able to list and describe the 10 harmful profiles.

  18. Unit 2 Tracking SheetLearning Activity B: Lesson 8: Good Character Handout • 4 = 18-20 • 3 = 16-17 • 2 = 14-15 • 1 = 12-13 • 0 = 11 or less

  19. Unit 2 Tracking SheetLearning Activity C: Lesson 8 & 9 Vocabulary Practice • 4 = 15-16 • 3 = 13-14 • 2 = 12 • 1 = 10-11 • 0 = 9 or less

  20. Unit 2 Tracking SheetLearning Activity D: Unit 2 Test • 4 = 29-32 • 3 = 26-28 • 2 = 23-25 • 1 = 20-22 • 0 = 19 or less

  21. What is a profile? • A brief description of something or someone • The following 10 profiles are brief descriptions of how people may relate to others in harmful ways • These profiles help you understand ways harmful behaviors can sabotage your chance to have a healthful relationship

  22. The people pleaser • A person who constantly seeks the approval of others • Do anything to be liked • May engage in harmful behavior to fit in or be accepted • Described as a doormat • Lacks self-confidence • Do not demand respect

  23. The enabler • A person who supports the harmful behavior of others • Deny another person’s harmful behavior • Over look someone’s addiction • May make up excuses for that person • May contribute to their harmful behavior

  24. The clinger • A person who is needy and dependent • Feel empty inside • Constantly turns to another person to feel better • No amount of attention or affection keeps them feeling fulfilled • Very demanding of others • The other person usually starts to feel suffocated because they are not given any space

  25. The fixer • A person who tries to fix other people’s problems • Takes on problems that are not their responsibility • Quick to give advice • They avoid their own problems by fixating on other people’s problems

  26. The distancer • A person who is emotionally unavailable to others • May have been hurt in the past • Keeps people from getting too close • They don’t want to risk emotional involvement

  27. The controller • A person who is possessive, jealous, and domineering • Seeks power • Tell the other person what to do and say and wear • Does not like to share the object of their affection • May lead to violent behavior • Act like they own the other person in the relationship

  28. The center • A person who is self-centered • Me, me, me • They do most of the talking • Does not show much interest in others • Wants to do what they want, when they want • They are not interested in other’s opinions

  29. The abuser • A person who is abusive • Cause others harm • May threaten, start fights, or act in violent ways • Follows abuse with periods of gentleness • Abuse behavior returns

  30. The liar • A person who does not tell the truth • Not honest • They lie about themselves to make themselves look good • Relationships are based on lies • Lack real connection • They manipulate others into the responses they want

  31. The promise breaker • A person who is not reliable • Make plans with someone, then be a “no show” • Makes plans, then breaks them if something better comes along. • They may agree to change their behavior, but they don’t follow through • Never keep their word • Lacks sincerity and commitment

  32. Lesson 17 Vocab

  33. Pass out Domestic Violence Videos Questions

  34. Amy’s Story • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsFv4DiPKFg

  35. Crazy Love • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1yW5IsnSjo

  36. Friday

  37. Warm-up Marriage Interviews are DUE TODAY – turn in to the basket before you start your warm-up

  38. Welcome to Comprehensive Health Assignments Due: Fri Mar 1, 2019 Marriage Interview DUE TODAY –20 points Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Harmful profile group activity Lesson 17 Vocab Essential Question: What have I learned about healthy relationships? Objective: I will review what I have learned to prepare for the Unit 3 Test on MONDAY.

  39. Harmful Profile Group Activity • Your group will be assigned 1 of the 10 Harmful Profiles • Look up the description about your profile on pages 179-181 • Create a FICTICIOUS person that would fit that profile • Give them a name, a face, hair, and clothes • Around the picture, write a minimum of 3 characteristics that describe your profile • In a cartoon bubble above your character, write something that they may say that is an example of that profile • Be ready to present your character to the class

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