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Results Based Professional Learning Communities

Results Based Professional Learning Communities. Professional Development Outcomes. Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers. Student Achievement through Staff Development (3rd ed: 2002. “Good to Great” *. Disciplined people. Disciplined thought. Disciplined Action.

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Results Based Professional Learning Communities

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  1. Results Based Professional Learning Communities

  2. Professional Development Outcomes Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers. Student Achievement through Staff Development (3rd ed: 2002.

  3. “Good to Great” * Disciplined people Disciplined thought Disciplined Action *Collins, Jim. “Good to Great” New York: Harper Business. 2001 *Collins, Jim. “Good to Great” New York: Harper Business. 2001

  4. Results Orientation • Clarify Priorities • Establish indicators • Monitor Progress • Embed Continuous Improvement

  5. “Members of a professional learning community continually assess their effectiveness on the basis of results; tangible evidence their students are acquiring the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential to their future success”Learning by Doing 2006

  6. 5 Provide Ongoing Support for Learning and implementation of New Knowledge, Skills and Processes 4 Design and Implement Staff Development Intervention(s) and Evaluation 1 Analyze Student Performance Data: Identify Student Learning Needs 2 Identify Target(s) for Educator Learning and Development 3 Identify Results-Based Staff Development Interventions Aligned with Target Area(s) Improving Student Achievement Through Staff Development Source: Killion, J. (2002) Assessing Impact: Evaluating Professional Development. Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council (NSDC). Online: www.nsdc.org

  7. Attributes of Effective Professional Development ・ Results-driven ・ Standards-based ・ Job-embedded ・ Differentiated ・ Linked to learning needs (student and teacher) ・ Collaborative in nature ・ Sustained over time ・ Discipline-focused/Content rich ・ Reflective ・ Evaluated

  8. Results-Based Staff Development Source: http://www.ed.gov/admins/tchrqual/learn/nclbsummit/gentile/gentile.ppt#262,3,Professional Development Outcomes

  9. Specific, strategic Measurable Attainable Results-oriented Time-bound What are SMART Goals?

  10. Linking Goals School Board Goals School Goals Team Goals “One of the most effective strategies for bringing district goals to life is to insist that all schools create goals that are specifically linked to district goals” Learning by Doing (2006) Focus on results, not activities!

  11. Action Plan • Team SMART Goal • Strategies and Actions • Responsibilities • Timeline • Evidence of Effectiveness

  12. A Focus on Results is … • Essential to Organisational Effectiveness • Essential to Team Effectiveness • Can Serve as a Powerful Motivator • Essential to Continuous Improvement Schools and districts that focus on results by creating specific learning goals for students and monitoring learning on a timely, systematic basis are more effective in raising student achievement (Cawelti & Protheroe, 2001; Council of Chief School Officers, 2002; Lezotte, 1997; Marzano, 2003) Learning by Doing (2006)

  13. This presentation has been adapted from the book Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work (2006)by Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, Thomas Many

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