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Spartan Superway Electric Auto Association Silicon Valley

Join the movement towards zero net energy transportation with INIST's innovative Spartan Superway project, combining solar power and advanced vehicle technologies for a sustainable future. Learn about the history of solar transportation and the need for sustainable solutions. Explore the concept of solar skyways and the potential of solar race cars and podcars in urban settings. Take part in the challenge and support the mission for a greener planet!

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Spartan Superway Electric Auto Association Silicon Valley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spartan SuperwayElectric Auto AssociationSilicon Valley Ron Swenson International Institute of Sustainable Transportation June 21, 2014

  2. INIST is developing a transportation system based on zero net energy San José State has accepted the challenge.Will you join us?

  3. Here’s what it might look like in an urban setting

  4. History

  5. After my first EV, I built a solar trike 1981

  6. We did a VW conversion in Mexico 1994

  7. The burning question was, how to power transportation with solar energy 1995

  8. We raced across Australia in the WSC 1996

  9. Then we built several prototype ebikes 1998

  10. … and a solar powered electrathon 1999

  11. … and a Utility Solar Vehicle, “USV” 2002

  12. Then I figured out how to incorporate solar 2006

  13. We got a chance to build a prototype guideway that is aesthetically pleasing 2011

  14. And we first demonstrated the Spartan Superway at Maker Faire last month 2014

  15. Why?

  16. Have you noticed the climate is changing?

  17. Are we seeing a glut of oil?

  18. How long will the earth yield our needs?

  19. We are consuming more than one planet 2007

  20. We can’t solve probems using the same kind of thinking

  21. We can’t solve probems using the same kind of fuels

  22. Congestion looks like this

  23. Electric vehicles will look like this

  24. Automated cars will look like this

  25. Economics

  26. J Y “Dave” Wang told me There are two kinds of business: • Good business • Selling • Bad business • Buying 1975

  27. The USA is buying imports exports Gap 68% 32% 2012

  28. Which will it be?!

  29. Sustainable

  30. Today’s Quiz: What’s the difference between… Power … … Energy? time!

  31. Let’s revisit that Quiz: What’s the difference between… Sustainability is defined as balancing economic, environmental and equity interests. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. … time

  32. Peak Solar

  33. 1992+ Tonatiuh, Coche Solar de Carreras

  34. San José introduced solar in their first Automated Transit Network RFP • Ensure that the ATN system is built … utilizing renewable energy • … maximize energy efficiency and potentially be powered in whole or part by renewable energy. • … and calculating carbon emissions reductions achievable through renewable energy • evaluate cost/benefits of using renewable energy to offset all or a portion of the energy requirements • Provide analysis of cost/savings and recommend specifications to execute energy-efficiency and renewable energy strategies…

  35. 2 seconds apart @ 90 km/hr = 50 m 3m 2m How can we deliver on the solar skyways challenge? Solar Race Car averages 90 km/hr with 6 m2 solar panel Knowing it can be done, let’s ramp onto the Solar Highway … 17 X … Podcars have 50 m ÷ 3 m = 17 X more collection area than solar race cars!

  36. Storage?

  37. What’s wrong with this picture? Spare capacity is not spare energy

  38. Typical trip patterns closely match the pattern of sunshine, with evening extension

  39. We must raise the bar to succeed 10 X

  40. In Silicon Valley, a dollar can get you 10!

  41. How can we deliver this performance?

  42. San José State has accepted the challenge

  43. Industry is sponsoring and mentoring San José State students

  44. Visual Impact

  45. Construction Hawaii before

  46. Construction Hawaii after

  47. Construction Hawaii Beamways

  48. A solar canopy can be attractive

  49. Spartan Superway www.inist.org www.podcar.org www.podcarcity.org www.superway.us www.gofundme.com www.intersolar.us

  50. Wake Up!!! … to the Power of Solar

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