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This elective course focuses on equipping students with advanced skills in designing and developing websites and manipulating multimedia elements. It emphasizes practical application and understanding of design theories, problem-solving skills, and creativity.
C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development The Elective Part of the NSS ICT Curriculum Mr. CHEUNG Kin-sun Member of CDC – HKEAA Committee on ICT (Senior Secondary)
The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development In the light of the rapidly emerging new Internet technology, students should be well equipped with advanced skills in designing and developing web sites as well as manipulating multimedia elements.
Option features and characteristics The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Especially suitable for students learning through application; • Not only focusing on practical use of application software, but also emphasizing the understanding of theories behind such as recognising the essential design factors; • Developing students’ problem solving skills as well as creativity.
Multimedia Production (25 hours) Web Site Development (50 hours) Time allocation: 75 hrs The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development
Previous Knowledge The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Extensions of topic in Compulsory Part • Module A “Information Processing” • (e) “Presentation of information” • Module C “Internet and its Applications” • (b) “Internet Services and Applications” • (c) “Elementary Web Authoring”
Learning Objectives The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development Students will learn about: • the benefits of multimedia applications; • the different kinds of multimedia elements; • the integrated use of multimedia elements in a simple multimedia application; • design factors for presenting information effectively on the Internet; • web authoring and web site publishing; and • dynamic and interactive web pages.
The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development Changes made since 2nd Consultation • Topic Web Development was changed to Web Site Development. • Details was changed to table format. Latest version 2nd Consultation version
The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development Changes made since 2nd Consultation • Topic b. Design Factors for Presenting Information on the Internet was deleted. Learning elements subsumed under other topics. • Learning elements regrouped in all topics.
Points to be considered when organizing and planning the curriculum in this option : The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Students’ learning needs in the design and production of web pages and multimedia production; • The essential knowledge and skills required for producing multimedia products and developing web site; • Developing the potential and interests of students who learn better in a practical way.
Curriculum Planning : The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development Propose teaching sequence — • Introduction to the basic knowledge and skills for multimedia production; • Exploring possible application of multimedia products in different areas; • Design and production of multimedia products for specific purposes; • Familiarization of web authoring tools; • Use of different techniques such as client-side scripting to enhance the interactivity of web pages; • Publication of web site on the Internet.
Experience sharing: Examples of learning and teaching activities- ref Chapter 4 The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development Example 4 Topic: a Multimedia Production Theme: Presenting a report on the Sports Day
Presenting a report on the Sports Day The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Students are asked to make use of their ICT skills to present their observations on their school’s Sports Day on the Internet. They have to decide on the information to be collected and on what equipment they have to use during the Sports Day. In order to make the presentation more interesting, students have to employ different methods to produce the desired effects. • In this activity, students develop their problem-solving skills by identifying the problems, designing their own solutions, gathering the necessary information, selecting the best possible solution, and presenting and evaluating their results.
Free tools The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • OpenOffice.org 2.0 • Gimp / Inkscape • Audacity • Microsoft Windows Movie Maker (XP only) • VirtualDub • Mozilla Firefox (web developer extension) • Nvu • FileZilla
a. i. Multimedia applications The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Describe and appreciate the applications of multimedia. • Identify the benefits of multimedia applications.
a. ii. Multimedia basics The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Describe and identify different types of multimedia elements. • Describe the attributes of different multimedia elements. • Know the different multimedia file types. • Understand the meaning of digitisation, coding-decoding and compression.
a. iii. Multimedia products The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Preparing multimedia elements • Multimedia editing and processing • Finalising multimedia products • Multimedia design factors
b. i. Presenting information on the Internet The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Outline and discuss the various factors to be considered in the construction of web pages. • Know that there are guidelines to cater for web accessibility by people with special needs.
b. ii. Web authoring tools The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Construct simple web pages. • Create and manipulate browser windows. • Perform special effects. • Publish web site.
b. iii. Dynamic and interactive web pages The Elective Part C. Multimedia Production and Web Site Development • Understand the difference between server-side and client-side technologies. • Describe the characteristics of client-side scripting. • Create interactive menus upon user selection. • Validate and manipulate input data. • Retrieve and save client information.