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ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A3-51325 : Trade Union Training for FTUB on FoA & Migrant Workers Rights

ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A3-51325 : Trade Union Training for FTUB on FoA & Migrant Workers Rights. Workshop Orientation. ACTRAV-Turin. Background. Protection of Migrant Workers Rights is a major challenge before TUs today;

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ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A3-51325 : Trade Union Training for FTUB on FoA & Migrant Workers Rights

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  1. ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A3-51325:Trade Union Training for FTUB on FoA & Migrant Workers Rights Workshop Orientation ACTRAV-Turin

  2. Background • Protection of Migrant Workers Rights is a major challenge before TUs today; • Situation of Burmese Migrants is even more difficult – due to repressive politico-economic conditions in Burma, thousands of Burmese people are being forced to become refugees in other countries – such as Thailand, India, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea Singapore, US, etc; • Repression in Burma & increasing border security (in Thailand & India) have led to the growth of smuggling and trafficking of people – sometimes into forced labour and prostitution

  3. Background • Host Govts have adhoc policies regarding migrants; see Burmese more as law & order/security issue rather than as migrant workers • As ‘refugees’ Burmese people may have some rights, but being ‘non-citizens’, their rights as ‘workers’, are hardly protected in the host countries; • As legal & illegal migrants, most Burmese workers are engaged in 3D jobs, mostly in informal economy, under exploitative conditions; • Any attempt to seek rights as workers leads to threat of imprisonment & deportation;

  4. Background • Challenges before FTUB • How to ensure social protection & basic TU rights to the Burmese migrant workers is a major challenge before FTUB • Promote Democracy, Social Dialogue & Workers Rights in Burma • It is in this context that ILO-Actrav seeks to work with FTUB – to strengthen its capacities to promote Democracy & workers rights in & outside Burma

  5. Objectives of the Workshop • To train & update FTUB representatives on FoA, supervisory mechanism of ILO & other Rights of Migrant Workers under ILO instruments & UN conventions • To explore with FTUB the role that other workers organizations & ILO can play to support workers rights in Burma as well as Burmese migrant workers • Assist in development of FTUB action plan for promotion of rights of Burmese migrants

  6. Key Issues to be discussed • Situation in Burma and of Burmese Migrant Workers • Efforts by & role of the ILO & Actrav in promoting workers rights in Burma and of migrant workers • FoA, Supervisory machinery & other ILO instruments on Migrant Labour • UN Convention on the rights of migrant workers • Role of Indian and other international trade unions in assisting Burmese workers & FTUB • FTUB proposals and action plan for promotion of rights of Burmese migrant labour

  7. Evaluation • End of the Course Evaluation • Feedback is welcome on daily-basis

  8. * Any Questions?

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