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PROFILE OF HTM. 1. ABOUT HTM HTM was founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1988 because of the need and the importance to get the Tourism Oriented Companies and Institutions communicated with the different markets in a fast, consistent, professional and efficient way. 2. WHAT DO WE DO
1. ABOUT HTM • HTM was founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1988 because of the need and the importance to get the Tourism Oriented Companies and Institutions communicated with the different markets in a fast, consistent, professional and efficient way.
2. WHAT DO WE DO • HTM develops and executesstrategies of Marketing, Sales, P.R. and Publicity in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. • Ourclients are veryhappywith the results of ourwork. The majority of themworkwithus for manyyears.
We are innovative, creative, ambitious, businesspeople, whoknowhowtooptimizeourclients’ investments. • We position ourclients and contributetoconsilidatetheirreputationwithallchannels of interest. • Ourservices are given on a personal basis and we are associatedwithimportant P.R. and AdvertisingCompanies in ourmarkets.
Goals and objectives are reachedaccordingtoclients’ statisfactionwithanexcellentrelationwith the media and withcommunicationprogramstoconstructanexcellentimage of the productswewantto position in the marketplace. • Webuild up a goodrelationshipwith the communitybybeingpresent at the Tradeshows, where the consumershaveaccess, and through the media. • Wehave a constantrelationshipwithAirlinesinterestedtoincludeourdestinations in theirroute, facilitating the wayourdestinations can bereachedbypotentialtravelers.
Organize trips for Press and Travel Agents, Wholesalers, Operators and Meeting Planners to familiarize themselves with the product. • Prepare monthly newsletters to inform the market about what is new and/or emphasize on certain issues whenever this is necessary. • Prepare meetings to discuss crisis situations and/or controversial situations. • Analyze our competition on a constant basis to better position our products.
Wemake a differencebymaximizingourknowledge and experience in the marketplace. • We try toreach the objectives of ourclients. “Ifwecan’tgainanaddedvalue, givingaway can costmuch more”. • We combine passion, knowledge and brilliant ideas. • Wereachout at specialnichemarkets, such as Honeymooners, Seniorcitizenships, Divers, Family Plan, Singles, Ecotourism, Tourism of Adventure, Culture, Art, Shopping, Leisure and SpecialEvents and more. • Weadvertiseourdestinations as the perfect place for Incentive Groups, Meetings, Conventions, Congresses, etc. • We can helpgivingexcellent information toDestination Management Companieswithregardtogroupbusiness.
3. EXPERIENCE • For over 20 yearswe are helpingourclientslaunchingtheirproducts in ourmarketswithroadshows, professionalpresentations and byassisting the differenttradeshows and roadshows. • Wegiveeducationalsto the staff of ourclients so thattheyknowhowtobestsellourproducts and destinations.
4. OUR TEAM • Carmen Serrano, the Owner/Director, a graduate in Business Administrationwith a Hotel Management and Sales and Marketing background, has more than 30 years of experience in tourismrelatedbusiness. • Carmen Serrano knows the South American, Caribbean and the U.S.A. market for over 30 years. Sheisveryambitious, works in a veryprofessionalway, loveschallenges, isrespectfully, innovative, has a lot of imagination, iscreative and reaches the goalsshe sets in life. • Managedchain (Sheraton) and independenthotels in Aruba and St. Maarten. Handled incentive groups, Has a goodknowledge of Time-share.
Represented the Divi Corp. withhotels in Aruba, Bonaire, Barbados, Bahamas, Antigua, CaymanBrac & St. Maarten in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay and ispresentlyrepresentinghotels and services in Aruba and Saint Martin. • Supervised the renovation of hotelrooms, publicareas as well as the decoration of a time share hotel in St. Maarten. • Assistedherhusband, Oscar Serrano, when he was the representative of the island of Aruba.
Managedtohave the firstcharterland in Aruba on January o3rd, 1991. (Buenos Aires/Aruba/Buenos Aires with LADE airlines). Thiswas a weeklyflightfromJan 03rd, 91 until the end of February 1991. Unfortunately, because of the Gulfwar, planes wereneededtosendsoldiersoverthere. • Represented Air Aruba in Argentina and managedtoget a permittohave 13 flights Aua/Bue/Aua during the highseason (oneeveryweek) of 1992. Unfortunatelythisimportantachievementdidn’tget off the groundbecause of the demands of the airlinetohave the wholesalerspay in advance the first and the lastflight prior tocommencing the operation, with no governmentsupport.
Represented the island of Curacaoduring 5 years. Because of changeof the government and lack of funds for ourmarket, hadtoclosedown the office. Changed the image of the island of Curacao, frombeinganislandjust for a oneday shopping tripto a destinationwherestays of more nightswerejustifiedbecause of the abundance of attractions. • Signed a contractwith the Tourism Office of Saint Martin as per September 01st, 2008 torepresentthem in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Contractisvalid for oneyear.
Theo Maessen, Assistant, a graduate of Hargrave Military College, with a Business Administration background, is recently joining our team again. Possesses expansive experience in Communications, Sales and P.R. Has diplomatic attitude and good knowledge on how to handle exhaustive crisis situations. Knowledge of strategic planning and good relation with the Media and Clients
Oscar Serrano, because of his artistic background, has lots of connections with all Media, Press and T.V. Is able to get hundreds of thousands dollars worth of exposure of the island without actually spending a cent. Exposure of the island by sending top designers with their models to the island to edit their different catalogues.
Grislyn Ferrer, with a degree in Communications is a very talented sales executive with extensive knowledge of the airline business. • Karina del Pozo, with a degree in Law, is a very charismatic professional, helping with the majority of the presentations in the cities of the interior; Rosario, Santa Fe, Cordoba and Mendoza. • Diego Loyola, Public Accountant, handles all our accounting
4. OPINION • Is of the opinionthat the island of ST. MAARTEN has so muchtooffer and so does the island of SAINT MARTIN, and ifitispossibleto combine efforts, as already done in somemarkets, thiswillonlyhelpincreasing the flow of travelersto the island at a muchlowercost, as expenses willbeobviouslyshared. • UNION MAKES FORCE!
THANK YOU! Carmen Serrano October 27th, 2008