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Protecting yourself from violence Lesson #3 Pg. 341-347

Protecting yourself from violence Lesson #3 Pg. 341-347. Influences from Media. Objective 1: Identify and describe the different influences on violence. Objective 2: Identify different types of violence and strategies for avoiding violence.

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Protecting yourself from violence Lesson #3 Pg. 341-347

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  1. Protecting yourself from violenceLesson #3Pg. 341-347

  2. Influences from Media • Objective 1: Identify and describe the different influences on violence. • Objective 2: Identify different types of violence and strategies for avoiding violence. • Objective 3: Debate Illinois concealed-carry gun law.

  3. Open Book Quiz • Lesson #3 pages 341-347. • Pass out Lesson Quiz #48 and a red scantron to each student. • FOR THE SCANTRON: • Under the subject line on the scantron, please write Ch. 13 Quiz, lesson #3

  4. Protecting yourself • Violence can be complex • Your personal safety depends on YOUR ability to recognize possible sources of violence around you. • Other ways… • Identifying resources for managing relationships • Demonstrating conflict resolution skills

  5. Why does Violence occur? • Some people use violence as a means of dealing with a conflict… • Assailant- A person who commits a violent act against another. • Violence may also result from anger or frustration • Other common causes of violence… • Need to control others • Way of expressing anger • Prejudice- an unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group of people • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hLDjGdJC0Q • Retaliation

  6. Influences on violence • Weapons Availability • FACT: Most homicides that occur among 15-19 year olds, involve a firearm. • Most weapons that are carried are handguns, knives, and clubs (True or False) • TRUE • Teens with gang affiliations are more likely to acquire these weapons (True or False) • TRUE • Today, people must undergo background checks in order to purchase guns from licensed dealers. • http://www.isp.state.il.us/foid/firearmsfaq.cfm Some states require registration on handguns • http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2009/08/23/lemon.epidemic.violence1.cnn?iref=videosearch • http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2012/07/02/exp-eb-chicago-violence-crisis.cnn

  7. Influences on the Violence • Media • Fact: By the age of 13, most American children have seen 100,000 acts of violence on T.V., including about 8,000 acts of murder. • Violence is common in movies, T.V. shows, video games, song lyrics, and music videos • People become desensitized (not bothered or upset) when they see acts of violence over and over. • http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2013/01/12/ac-otoole-video-game-violence.cnn • Batman movie shooting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0kuM6vv6u4 • Alcohol and other Drugs • Drug users often turn to illegal activities • Ex: Robbery to get money to buy drugs • Alcohol and drugs may cloud your brain • Ex: Drinking and driving under the influence • Emotional disturbances may cause violent outbursts

  8. Influences on Violence continued… • Mental/Emotional Issues • Studies have shown direct correlations (relationships) between engaging in violent behavior and having negative self-concept (self-identity). • Can be acts of revenge • Anger-Management- • People who lash out at others, including those who are not a source of frustration.

  9. Types of Violence • Fact: Teens are 2 ½ times more likely to be crime victims than adults are. • About 100,000 teens are arrested each year for violence • 1) Assault and Homicide • Each day about 18,000 people survive an assault. • Assault-An unlawful attack on a person with the intent to harm or kill • Random Violence- violence committed for no particular reason • Ex: Store robberies, Drive by shootings • Homicides-The willful killing of one human being by another • After car accidents, homicide is the #2 killer among individuals ages 15-24. Mostly involving firearms!

  10. Types of ViolenceContinued… • 2) Sexual Violence- • Any form of unwelcome sexual conduct directed at an individual, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. • Sexual assault and rape are different. Why? Sexual assaults involve physical attacks! • Acts of violence rather than acts of passion • Sexual Assault- Any intentional sexual attack against another person • Accompanied by battery or the beating of the victim

  11. Types of Violence Continued…Rape • Rape- Any form of sexual intercourse that takes place against a person’s will. • Fact: It is estimated that 683,000 rapes take place each year, and only 16% are reported. • Most sexual violence is directed at females • Currently 8% of teens report being a victim of sexual violence during dating by the time the reach their FRESHMAN year! • In some states, sexual intercourse under the age of 18 can be considered rape, unless the 2 are married. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/living/2010/09/08/nr.campus.rape.report.cnn?iref=videosearch http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video?id=5248170 Survival Tools: • Goal: Survive the attack (safety) • Continue to assess the situation, if one way doesn’t work, try again! • Distractions • Stalling • Screaming to attract for attention

  12. Illinois State UniversitySexual assault Stat’s • Time Period: July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 • 21 sexual assaults were reported (*remember, most are not reported) • 66% were freshmen or sophomores; all survivors were female • 71% were assaulted by an acquaintance (2 cases, not reported) • 90% involved a single assailant (2 cases, not reported) • 84% were off campus • 16% were on campus (in the residence halls) • 80% reported using alcohol prior to the assault; 62% of those were "too intoxicated" to legally consent; 25% suspected they had been given a "date rape drug" • 43% reported use of physical force during the assault

  13. Statistics from the cdc • In a national survey…. (17 years or younger) • 60.4% of female and 69.2% of male victims were first raped before the age of 18. • 34.9% were first raped between the ages of 12-17. • 27.9% were first raped between the ages of 12-17. • A 2005 survey of high school students found that 10.8% of girls and 4.2% of boys grades 9-12 were forced to have sexual intercourse at some time in their lives. • In the first experience of female victims, perpetrators were.. 30.4% intimate partners, 23.7% family members and 20% were acquaintances. • In the first experiences of male victims, perpetrators were… 32.3% acquaintances, 17.7% were family members, 17.6% were friends, and 15.9% were intimate partners. JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION! DON’T WRITE!

  14. Gang-Related Violence • Many crimes committed by teens are… Gang Related, and include… • Sale of drugs • Physical assaults on rival gang members • Homicide • Why do people join gangs? • Peer pressure • A sense of belonging (replace family) • Gain a sense of identity

  15. Video • Gang violence • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z22vay1jTA Gang violence “Chicago Gang Violence Out of Hand 2012” • http://video.foxnews.com/v/1734044521001/gang-violence-soars-on-the-streets-of-chicago/

  16. Activity Illinois Concealed-carry Law. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtV_f3VnWQo • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfCPeORXjZk Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, is a longtime concealed-carry advocate. Under Phelps’ bill, weapons generally would not be allowed in schools, college campuses, state and federal buildings, sporting events, residential mental health facilities and police stations. Business owners also could decide whether to allow guns in their establishments. Source: http://www.rrstar.com/news/x711926175/Illinois-concealed-carry-limitations-get-OK?rssfeed=true CLASS DEBATE! After listening to the video’s…. 1. Where do you feel people should and should not be allowed to carry. 2. Should the laws in Chicago be different than the rest of the state?

  17. Interactive Study Guide • http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/free/0078726549/359995/InterActCh13Ls3.html

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