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WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES. WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES. What does etiquettes mean? The forms and practices prescribed by social convention or by authority. (Webster’s II new college dictionary) The code of a polite behaviour in a society.(Oxford Reference Dictionary). WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES.
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES What does etiquettes mean? • The forms and practices prescribed by social convention or by authority. (Webster’s II new college dictionary) • The code of a polite behaviour in a society.(Oxford Reference Dictionary) An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES Also means behaving in an ACCEPTABLEmanner and being CONSIDERATE of others…. Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES Your hard and technical skills can get you a job…. But what keeps you climbing the ladder of success are your soft skills and etiquettes. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES Manners that replace crudeness, rudeness and coarseness with gentle behaviour and finesse. It is a duty and should be a part of everyformal training. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES IMPORTANT RULES: An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • SHOW RESPECT: We all want respect no matter what job function we do, what age we are or what position we hold. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • USE OF FORMAL NAME: Address people by their formal name when meeting them for the first time, until you are more friendlier to them. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • BREAK BARRIERS: The best way to do this is to introduce people to others whenever the opportunity present itself. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • WARM GREETINGS: Give a good handshake and look in the eyes while greeting. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • USE OF COURTESY WORDS: Say “thank you” and “please” whenever required. It makes people understand you appreciate what they can do or have done for you. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • NEVER INTERRUPT: Remember it is always rude to interrupt. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • LISTEN TO OTHERS: It is rude not to listen to others while they speak. Avoid it. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • KNOCK PLEASE: Never walk in unannounced or uninvited in someone’s office. Make sure the person is not busy when you talk to him/her. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • BE KIND: Every living thing responds to kindness. Use this skill for good results in handling people. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • STOP BULLYING: Help your juniors and sub-ordinates. Don’t bully them or allow your peers to do so. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • LOOSE LIPS, SINK SHIPS: Keep gossip or hurtful information to yourself. Do not spread rumors or encourage them An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • RESPECT EVERYONE’S PRIVACY: Do not eavesdrop on anyone. It is very rude. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • REFRAIN FROM POLITICS: Indulging in office politics is against the accepted norms of etiquettes… An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • INTEGRITY: When you make a promise, you need to follow through on it. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • DRESS APPROPRIATELY: No sharp colours. No strong perfumes. Not too much jewelery. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • MIND YOUR LANGUAGE: Your point wont come across any better if you use rude, derogatory or obscenelanguage, no matter whom you are addressing. Talk like a professional. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • BE PUNCTUAL: Appreciate the value of time … yours and others’. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • CHOOSE YOUR COMPANY CAREFULLY: Be careful which crowd you associate with. It should not leave a bad impression on others. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • LEAVE GENDER OUT OF THE EQUATION: Coworkers are peers regardless of their gender. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • OFFICE EQUIPMENT: It is there to make your work more easier… use it judiciously. Care for it as you would for anything that you owned. Avoid using them for personal use. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • DON’T GRAB ALL THE PERKS: Sharing is good for you. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • NO LOUD CELL PHONES RINGTONES: Cell phones should be kept mute or with decent ringtones. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • TAKE PERMISSION: Do not use any one’s stationary, computer or any other belonging without permission. An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES • TAKE CARE OF PERSONAL HYGIENE: Don’t irritate other’s with your bad habits. • Chewing gums or popping bubble gums • Itching • Clipping nails An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan
WORK PLACE ETIQUETTES “A true professional treats others with respect and expects the same from them.” An interactive session shared by Raja Hasan