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India Power Transformer Market Outlook to 2019- Export Demand and Favorable Government Policies to Propel Market presents a comprehensive analysis of the industry covering aspects including market size by revenue generated, power transformers production and their capacity utilization and market segmentation by cooling system (liquid/dry), by power rating, by end users, by market structure and others. The report also entails a detailed description on the recent trends and developments, pricing analysis, threats and the competitive scenario of major players in the industry along with the share on the basis of production capacity and revenue generated of major companies in India power transformer market. Source: https://www.kenresearch.com/energy-and-utilities/power/india-power-transformer-market-research-report/635-103.html
MarketReport on Power Transformer Industry India (2014-2019) KenResearchPvt.Ltd. www.kenresearch.com
CompaniesCovered intheReport - - - - - - - TransformersandRectifiers(India)Limited(TRIL) BharatHeavy ElectricalLtd.(BHEL) Alstom T&D IndiaLimited(ATDIL) Crompton GreavesLimited(CGL) Technical AssociatesLtd.(TAL) ABB India Bharat BijleeLimited
Market Overview and Introduction Electricityis theprimarycomponent tomodern technologyasmostof the thingswouldhavecome tohaltwithoutit. Thereissignificantpower deficitwhichis tobemitigatedwithelectricitycapacityadditions. There isincreaseininvestmentsin thepowersectorwhichhasalsoleveraged investmentsin India Power Transformer Industry. Indiaexportsa considerablenumberofpower transformers forinternationalmarkets. Thecountriesparticularlyof Africaandcentral Asiaareimporting transformers from India.Moreover,graduallyindigenous transformers are finding theirwayindevelopedcountriesincluding theUS, theUK, Canadaandothersaswell.
Market Overview and Introduction Figure: India Power TransformerMarket Size by Revenue in INRMillionand GrowthRates in Percentage(%),FY’2009-FY’2014 Thedomesticpower transformerindustryis graduallypenetratingininternationalmarketsdue toitssoundqualityandpricing. Theoverall transformerindustrywhichincludesdistribution powerandspecial transformersisvaluedat INR 105,463.7millionin FY’2009. Therewasan increasein T&Dinfrastructurewithrapidly escalatingpowerdemandin thecountry. The power transformerindustryin Indiaisdominated bymultinationalandseverallargecompanies as itrequiredhighcapitalinvestmentprimarilydue tohighlevelof technologyinvolvesand sophisticatedmanufacturingand testing facilities.
Key TopicsCovered intheReport: • India Power TransformerMarket • Market Sizebyrevenuegenerated,power transformersproductionand capacityutilization • Market Segmentationby • Coolingsystem(liquid type,dry type) • Powerratingofpower transformers(low,medium,high) • Marketstructure(organizedandunorganized) • Typeofpower transformers(stepdownandstepup) • Endusers • TrendsandDevelopment, Pricing Analysis, GrowthDrivers,Challenges • &Restraints • SWOT Analysis • CompetitionandMarket ShareofLeadingCompanies • Future Outlook& Projections • Macro Economic Parameters
Market Size Thereliabilityof thebulkpowersystemis heavilydependentonanetworkof transmission lineswhichbasicallyrequires transformers. These transformersareanindispensable component forelectricity T&D. Theaverage powerratingofadistribution transformerisless than1MVAwhile thatofapower transformeris greater than5MVAin India. Power transformersaccounted fornearly48.5%of the totalrevenuegeneratedby India Power TransformerMarket. Itisanalyzed thatan averagesizedpower transformerofpower rating100-200MVAnearlycosts INR100-150 Figure: millionper transformer.
Market Size The reliability of the bulk power system is heavily dependent on a network of transmission lines which basically requires transformers. These transformers are an indispensable component for electricity T&D. The average power rating of a distribution transformer is less than 1 MVA while that of a power transformer is greater than 5 MVA in India. Power transformers accounted for nearly 48.5% of the total revenue generated by India Power Transformer Market. It is analyzed that an average sized power transformer of power rating 100-200 MVA nearly costs INR 100-150 million per transformer. Figure: India Power Transformer Market Size by Production Capacity in MVA and Growth Rates in Percentage (%), FY’2009-FY’2014
WhataretheMajor SegmentsDrivingChange? • Oil type transformersregisteredamightyshareofnearly95%in the overallrevenuegeneratedbypower transformermarketin FY’2014 • Power Transformersaredesigned fromlow toextrahighvoltage,small powerrating tolargeratingand fromstandard tocomplexdesigns. • Powerutilitycompanieswithheldamighty70%ofcontributionsharein totalrevenuegeneratedby Indiapower transformersmarket.
Table: PowerRating of Power Transformers ontheBasis ofCooling System(Liquid Type,Dry Type)
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