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Back-to-School/In-Service, Edgewater Park, NJ 09/04/2007 John Lestino. Cross-Content New Jersey Core-Curriculum Standards. It’s the Law …. What are the ‘characteristics’….
Back-to-School/In-Service, Edgewater Park, NJ 09/04/2007 John Lestino
Cross-Content New Jersey Core-Curriculum Standards It’s the Law…
What are the ‘characteristics’… …in your school and/or class?
How much…off-task, underdeveloped social-skills, attention getting and/or obnoxious behavior is occurring?
Social & Emotional CPIs Character Development and Ethics - STANDARD 9.2D Character Development STANDARD 2.2D Communication - STANDARD 2.2A Interpersonal Communication - STANDARD 9.2C Critical Thinking - Standard 9.2A Decision Making - STANDARD 2.2B Dependency & Addiction - STANDARD 2.3C Leadership & Advocacy - STANDARD 2.2E Planning and Goal Setting - STANDARD 2.2C Pregnancy & Parenting STANDARD 2.4C Relationships - Standard - 2.4A Self Management - STANDARD 9.2B Sexuality - STANDARD 2.4B Social & Emotional Health - STANDARD 2.1F Sportsmanship - STANDARD 2.5C Strategy - STANDARD 2.5C
New Jersey's Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) & Challenging Behavior • The New Jersey's Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) require that students learn an array of skills in the various standards, which can prevent &/or address a number of social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. A number of these resources can be accessed by stakeholders through the CPI hyperlinks below. • These CPIs can provide guidance to stakeholders in assessing a student's knowledge and skills and addressing weaknesses with precursor or prerequisite skills. Many of these CPIs also have Framework activities, Vignettes, and Vignettes with adaptations, which can assist stakeholders in addressing many of the social & emotional needs, as well as challenging behaviors our students experience. • The below hyperlinked activities can be utilized by stakeholders, including parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, CSTs, school-based intervention teams, and IEP teams to assess student's needs and delineate them in the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Statements and prevent and address challenging behaviors.
Social and Emotional Health - STANDARD 2.1F Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 6, students will: • 1. Examine how personal assets, (e.g., self esteem, positive peer relationships) and protective factors (e.g., parental involvement) support healthy social and emotional development. • 2. Choose and justify appropriate strategies to deal with conflict, violence, harassment, vandalism, and bullying. • 3. Describe home, school, and community efforts to prevent conflict, vandalism, bullying, harassment, and violence. • 4. Describe the physical and emotional signs of stress and the short-and long-term impacts of stress on the human body. • 5. Compare and contrast ways that individuals, families, and communities cope with change, crisis, rejection, loss, and separation. • 6. Discuss how stereotyping might influence one’s goals, choices, and behaviors.
Character Development and Ethics - STANDARD 9.2D By the end of Grade 4, students will: • 1. Demonstrate character traits that are important in day-to-day activities in the home, school, and community such as trust, responsibility, respect, fairness, caring, and citizenship. • 2. Conduct a cooperative activity or project that addresses a character trait. • 3. Identify ethical behaviors in the home, school, and community. • 4. Explain a person’s responsibility to obey the laws and rules. Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 8, students will: • 1. Explain and demonstrate how character and behavior affects and influences the actions of others in the home, school, and community. • 2. Describe and demonstrate appropriate character traits, social skills, and positive attitudes needed for the home, school, community, and workplace. • 3. List problems and their causes, effects, and solutions that are faced in the home, school, and/or community.
Critical Thinking STANDARD 9.2A By the end of Grade 4, students will: • 1. Recognize and define a problem. • 2. Plan and follow steps to make choices and decisions. • 3. Identify and access print and non-print resources that can be used to help solve problems. • 4. Demonstrate brainstorming skills. Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 8, students will: • 1. Communicate, analyze data, apply technology, and problem solve. • 2. Describe how personal beliefs and attitudes affect decision-making. • 3. Identify and assess problems that interfere with attaining goals. • 4. Recognize bias, vested interest, stereotyping, and the manipulation and misuse of information. • 5. Practice goal setting and decision-making in areas relative to life skills. Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 12, students will: • 1. Apply communications and data analysis to the problem-solving and decision making processes in a variety of life situations. • 2. Describe and apply constructive responses to criticism.
Interpersonal Communication - STANDARD 9.2C By the end of Grade 4, students will: • 1. Develop positive social skills to interact with others. • 2. Select and use language appropriate to the situation. • 3. Develop skills for accepting self and others through awareness of different cultures, lifestyles, and attitudes. • 4. Practice steps for effective conflict resolution. • 5. Work cooperatively with others to accomplish a task. Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 8, students will: • 1. Demonstrate respect and flexibility in interpersonal and group situations. • 2. Organize thoughts to reflect logical thinking and speaking. • 3. Work cooperatively with others to solve a problem. • 4. Demonstrate appropriate social skills within group activities. • 5. Practice the skills necessary to avoid physical and verbal confrontation in individual and group settings. • 6. Participate as a member of a team and contribute to group effort.
Self Management - STANDARD 9.2B By the end of Grade 4, students will: • 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between personal behavior and self-image. • 2. Recognize and build upon personal strengths. • 3. Accept criticism and respond constructively. • 4. Recognize personal likes and dislikes. • 5. Demonstrate steps to deal with stress and conflict. Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 8, students will: • 1. Develop and implement a personal growth plan that includes short- and long-term goals to enhance development. • 2. Demonstrate responsibility for personal actions and contributions to group activities. • 3. Explain the need for, and advantages of, lifelong learning. Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 12, students will: • 1. Revise and update the personal growth plan to address multiple life roles. • 2. Apply project planning and management skills in academic and/or occupational settings. • 3. Compare and contrast methods for maximizing personal productivity.
Relationships - STANDARD 2.4A Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 4, students will: • 1. Describe different kinds of families and discuss how families can share love, values, and traditions, provide emotional support, and set boundaries and limits. • 2. Compare the roles, rights, and responsibilities of various family members. • 3. Discuss ways that families adjust to changes in the nature or structure of the family. • 4. Discuss how culture and tradition influence personal and family development. • 5. Discuss factors that support healthy relationships with friends and family. • 6. Describe the characteristics of a friend. • 7. Describe appropriate ways to show affection and caring.
Bad behavior in school… And other places, too!
New Jersey Cares About Bullying Office of Bias Crime and Community Relations PO Box 094, Trenton, NJ 08625 609/896-8967 Randy Ross, Coordinator, New Jersey Cares About Bullying Email: rossr@njdcj.org; 609/896-8783 or 1-877/NOBULLY Michael Greene, Director YCS Center for the Prevention of Violence Email: mgreene@ycs.org; 973/854-3649
School-based policies that support bullying prevention and intervention; a pictorial account…excerpted from, • NJSA: 18A, 37-15 (3)(b)(3)… • Statutory Requirement:: • The policy contains a statement prohibiting harassment, intimidation, and bullying.
2. Statutory Requirement: from N.J.S.A. 18A…on H.I.B. “The policy shall contain a definition of harassment, intimidation or bullying…”
11. Establishment of Bullying Prevention Programs Statutory Provisions: Pursuant to N.J.S.A.: 37-17(5)(c), information regarding the district’s policy against harassment, intimidation and bullying shall be incorporated into a school’s employee training program.
No Taunting Pledge I will pledge to be part of the solution. I will eliminate taunting from my own behavior. I will encourage others to do the same. I will do my part to make the community a safe place by being more sensitive to others. I will set the example of a caring individual. I will eliminate profanity toward others from my language. I will not let my words or actions hurt others. And if others won't become part of thesolution, I will.
SUBCHAPTER 7. INTERVENTION AND REFERRAL SERVICES 6A:16-7.1 Establishment of intervention and referral services… District boards of education shall choose the appropriate multidisciplinary team approach for planning and delivering the services required under this subchapter. 1. The intervention and referral services shall be provided to aid students in the general education program; and…etc. SUBCHAPTER 7. INTERVENTION AND REFERRAL SERVICES; 6A:16-7.1 … ‘IR&S’
The core mission of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education is to promote Holocaust education in the State of New Jersey. On a continual basis, the Commission shall survey the status of Holocaust Education; design, encourage and promote the implementation of Holocaust and genocide education and awareness; provide programs in New Jersey; and coordinate designated events that will provide appropriate memorialization of the Holocaust on a regular basis throughout the state. • The Commission will provide assistance and advice to the public and private schools and will meet with county and local school officials, and other interested public and private organizations, to assist with planning courses of study on the Holocaust. The core mission will be accomplished through implementing and evaluating the following committees:
Skills and Academic OutcomesSocial & Emotional Learning and SWPBS • Evidence-Based Practices in SEL Programming… • Safe, Caring, Well-Managed Learning Environments • Opportunities and Rewards for Positive Behavior • Greater Attachment, Engagement, and Commitment to School • Less Risky behaviors • More Positive Social Development • [Elias, et al re: SPR]
Factors Associated with Successful & Enduring Implementation for Evidence-Based Intervention for SEL/SWPBS Skills [Elias, et al & Martin] • Presence of Program Coordinator or Committee • Individual's involvement with high morale & ownership • Ongoing process of formal and informal training • High inclusiveness of all school personnel • High visibility in the school and community • Components that explicitly foster mutual respect and support' • Varied and engaging instructional activities • Linkage to stated goals of the school and/or districts and state • Consistent support from school principals • Additional support from new and seasoned administrators • Additional collegial support
Social Competence and Academic Achievement: A PBS Perspective
Clear Distinction—Consistent, Staff Support, Efficient Communication Managed Behavior—Low Intensity, Low Frequency, Less Serious Rule Violations Teacher Strategies—Teach desired behavior, positive reinforcement, behavior contracts, modify curriculum, collaboration with parents and other staff Major Rule Violations—Repeated minor violations and/or more intense and serious… Teacher-Managed vs. Administrator-Managed Rule Violations Consider and review for a specific behavior support plan
Align with School-wide System Sustaining Classroom Systems Establish Classroom Rules and Expectations Teach Expectations Directly Support School-wide Initiatives Establish Clear Discriminations
Provide Advance Organizers/Precorrections Keep Students Engaged Effective Classroom Management Practices, PBIS.org Provide A Positive Focus
Consistently Enforce School/Class Rules Correct Rule Violations and Social Behavior Errors Proactively Teach and Plan for Smooth Transitions Effective Classroom Management Practices, cont.
The most important components of management systems are the application of contingent extrinsic consequences. Total management packages appear more effective than separate components. Group contingencies seem as effective as individual contingencies. The optimum management package appears to be a combination of group and individual contingencies. Supporting Classroom PBS/SEL Systems
Have behavioral expectations for students and teachers been expressed? Do empirically sound instructional strategies occur at high levels for all students?
Effective Classroom Management Practices Class meetings Primacy of relationships
PBS Team Responsibilities (Universal Interventions) • Conduct school wide self assessments of behavior problems and patterns • Develop and facilitate the implementation of a universal intervention that teaches and recognizes appropriate social behavior • Use data-based decision-making to monitor and evaluate universal intervention • Implement intervention for identified problem areas and routines
HIB ‘consultation’ : “To share…is to care…” • Confirm discussion with your building principal and/or designee. • Be prompt. • Relay your perspective of why you are requesting a HIB consultation. • Discuss your concerns with the parent(s). • Report on-going progress or concerns. • Review appropriate procedures, discussion, and/or consultation strategies, interventions, and/or techniques. • Always inform other appropriate school staff in a timely fashion….e.g. Grade-level colleague(s), counselor(s), school nurse, CST, and other staff… • IR & S…etc.
Common Themes for Teachers and Parents “Unless you do something beyond your control… you will never mature” BILL COSBY
Fear of... Fear of... Having Responsibility without Authority Losing Control Fear of... Fear of... Loss of Personal and Professional Identity Being seen as Incompetent Fear of... Fear of... Child getting Hurt Isolation
ROCKING AT RIDGWAY M.S. *Parenting Support & Outreach* Parents…Are You Feeling Stretched? ___________________________________________________________________ 6:30 pm "My Kid is Driving Me Crazy!" 9:00 am "The Homework Wars" 6:30 pm “ The Battle Between Siblings and Friends" 9:00 am "Sounding Like Mom and Dad"
The effects of school climate on changes in aggressive and other behaviors related to bullying… (Kasen, Berenson, Cohen, & Johnson) • Schools function as a socializing agent for children • Successful school bonding relates to enhanced student motivation and achievement • Schools are accountable for…more than academic distinction • School policies…and the overall atmosphere or school ethos determine the internal life or social, emotional and motivational climate of the school • Schools…may [be] an indispensable force [toward] eliminating or reducing the threat of victimization… From: Bullying in American Schools - D. Espelage & S. Swearer, 2004
School ClimatePlayground & Lunchrooms Factors (Power, Costigan & Manz et al. SPR, 2003, No. 3) • The development of violence prevention programs demand greater study of recess, playground and lunchtime environments of student's. [RPL] • RPL environmental characteristics can have a substantial impact on children’s behavior in school and classrooms.
School Playground & Recess ActivitiesPositive Effects • Playground experience may promote social competence • PRA’s [playground & recess activities]develop fine and gross-motor skills • Rough and tumble play ( e.g. chase, play fights) can help • children learn social-problem solving and social norms • PRA’s help allow for the development of friendship experiences • Recess may have direct positive impact for improving attention and learning… • Greater ‘B.T.U.’s’ [energy] available for academic work • PRA’s cultivate skills that are transferable to classroom setting, e.g. turn-taking & problem-solving
School Climate: Implications for Playgrounds & Lunchrooms • When school climate [SC] is positive…social interactions are less problematic • Feelings of trust and mutual respect are more reciprocal • Interpersonal relations show more caring interactions • Student and teacher relations are also more collaborative • SC has a positive impact on student ‘behavior’ • SC has a positive impact on academic achievement
Classroom Instruction >>>> Professional Development >>>>> Leadership Development >>>>>>>> Improved ___________________________?
We all make a difference! BRYSTANDERS…
Four Skills for Optimism: Molony & Michael: Adapted from M. Seligman…”The Optimistic Child” • Learn to recognize thoughts that come across your mind (automatic thoughts). These thoughts affect mood and behavior. • Evaluate these automatic thoughts for accuracy. • Generate more accurate explanations • De-catastrophize [ from: Seligman]
Working Positively Together It gets the job done…Who knows where you’ll land…So enjoy the ride…When you can!
Remember “A teacher affects eternity...they can never tell where their influence stops...” Henry Broke Adams, 1838-1918
The Central Premise: Beth Doll • “[the]developmental competence of children will be more evident and the impact of emotional distress lessened when [school] contexts support strong interpersonal relationships and foster self-regulated learning…” • “Resilient Classrooms”, 2004; @Guilford Pub. Authors: Doll, Zucker, & Brehm
Addendum The eleven components of H.I.B. policy mandated by NJPL#18A…. Wording and Pictures