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Narrator & Voice

Narrator & Voice. Pages 148-149. #1) Omniscient P oint of View. The narrator is NOT a character in the story Almost never refers to him/her self directly “all-knowing”. #2) 1 st Person Point of View. Talks to the reader Uses the pronoun “I” We get a personal view

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Narrator & Voice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Narrator & Voice Pages 148-149

  2. #1) Omniscient Point of View • The narrator is NOT a character in the story • Almost never refers to him/her self directly • “all-knowing”

  3. #2) 1st Person Point of View • Talks to the reader • Uses the pronoun “I” • We get a personal view • Must determine if they are: • Credible- trustworthy • Unreliable narrator- biased

  4. 3) Third Person Limited P.O.V. • Zooms in on one character • Talks with the pronouns “he” or “she”

  5. TONE • Attitude that a speaker or writer takes toward a subject, character, or audience. VOICE • Use of language or overall style DICTION • Choice of words

  6. YOUR TURN On loose leaf write a brief version of a well-known fairy tale from the first-person point of view of one of the characters.

  7. precluded- v. made impossible in advance; impossible • impunity-n. freedom from punishment or harm • retribution-n. punishment • immolation-n. destruction • connoisseurship-n. expert knowledge • impose-v. take advantage of • recoiling-adj. move backward, as in fear • endeavored-v. tried • obstinate- adj. stubborn • succession- n. series

  8. precipitous- adj very steep 2. acquiesced- v accepted complied with 3. marauders- n. people who roam in search of loot 4. exasperation- n great annoyance 5. pious- adj. showing religious devotion 6. retorted-v replied sharply 7. condolences- expressions of sympathy 8. languor- n. weakness or weariness 9. reconciliation- n friendly end to a quarrel 10. succor- n help given to someone in distress; relief

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