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SCAFFOLDING. Types of scaffolds samuel waithima 2012BC25460. Defination. scaffolding is a temporary structure made from wood or metal. It lets you work on part of a building that you can't reach from the ground. Types of scaffold. There are two types of sçaffolding
SCAFFOLDING Types of scaffolds samuel waithima 2012BC25460
Defination • scaffolding is a temporary structure made from wood or metal. • It lets you work on part of a building that you can't reach from the ground.
Types of scaffold • There are two types of sçaffolding • the putlog scaffolding ,which is supported at one end by the buildlng under construction • the independent scaffold, which has a horizontal working platform that rest on vertical poles at both ends.
parts of scaffold • standard-verticle member that carry weight of scaffolding to the ground • ledger -horrizontal members that connect the standards.they are parell to building • putlogs-cross members that have one end built into the wall of the building • braces member fixed diagonally to stiffen the scaffold.
Advantages of timber scaffold • its less expensive • it is easy to cut and fit • timber can be reused • trees are readily available
Disadvantages • it takes longer to erect • timber may have hidden defects • tinber putlog scaffold poles leaves holes in the walls, to be filled in. • the pole joints are secured with strings and nails rather than stronger purpose made fittings
Advantages of metal scaffolding • it is durable • it is quick and simple to erect • it is more adaptable • the poles are all same quality and strength
Disadvantages • the initial cost is.higher than for timber • the many joint fittings can easily be lost or stolen • the poles must be carefully stored and protected when not in use