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Welcome to Fremont Jr. High Reading. RD 54/RD 55 Reading and Linguistics IV/V. Objectives. Increase student achievement by strengthening decoding skills, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and writing Teach the 2010ELAS Common Core Standards. Reading Placement.
Welcome to Fremont Jr. High Reading RD 54/RD 55 Reading and Linguistics IV/V
Objectives • Increase student achievement by strengthening decoding skills, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and writing • Teach the 2010ELAS Common Core Standards
Reading Placement 7th Grade students are placed according to various types of data. This data includes: 5th/6th grade AIMS scores 6th grade Acuity and DRP scores 6th grade teacher recommendations (fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and overall grade level reading abilities) 8th Grade students are placed according to their 7th grade AIMS, DRP post-test, and Acuity C scores.
What is Reading and Linguistics? • Reading and Linguistics is a two semester course designed to increase the reading skills of students who are not at a proficient level. • The main curriculum focus is reading from a variety of texts and supplemental materials using explicit grammar instruction to improve reading skills.
Materials and Resources • 7th /8th grade Social Studies Resource Materials • Junior Scholastic Magazine
Staying Informed • Planners- will have any homework assignments and due dates for major tests/projects • MyMPS- will have grades posted as well as attendance records • Teacher Website Calendars- will have classroom topics and major due dates
Homework • Students will occasionally have homework - if assignments are not completed during class time. Check your child’s planner for any homework assignments. • Students should be reading a book at their independent reading level as often as time permits. • Research shows that students who read outside of school do better during school and on standardized tests.
Grading Policy • Students total grade will be made up of assessments and assignments. • Assessments will be weighted at 80% and assignments at 20%. • Students may redo any assessment or assignment as long as they have received additional instruction.
Make-up Policy • Students have two days for every one day missed (excused absence) to make up assignments and still receive full credit. • If the assignment is turned in late points will be deducted. • Students have until the end of the quarter to turn in missing work. • It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and turn in missing assignments.
Contact Information • Jillian Lowe – RD54/RD55 480.472.8357 jalowe@mpsaz.org • Tutoring Times: Posted on the board every Monday
Thanks! I look forward to a productive and rewarding school year. I appreciate the time you have taken to attend Curriculum Night.