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12 Study of Society - revision

12 Study of Society - revision. Class. Social Stratification:. Name the four forms of social strata: _________ - European feudalistic strata; present around the French Revolution time.

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12 Study of Society - revision

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  1. 12 Study of Society - revision Class

  2. Social Stratification: • Name the four forms of social strata: • _________ - European feudalistic strata; present around the French Revolution time. • _________ - Indian strata system; there is no social mobility, but the groups themselves can change their position (or prestige). • __________- Grouping of people who share a common economic position; it influences the lifestyles they are able to lead. • __________ - Extreme form of strata; ownership and exploitation of lower-class individuals

  3. Definitions: Classes • Class • Social mobility • Estate • Slavery • Caste • Upper, middle, working and underclass

  4. Karl Marx: • True or false: • Marx supported Capitalism: T/F • His primary theory is that private ownership of the means of production is the maximum form of alienation. T/F • Marx categorised the upper and middle classes into, respectively, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. T/F • Marx recognised that there was a middle class. T/F

  5. Marx continued: • Define the following: • Alienation • Exploitation • Proletariat • Bourgeoisie • Conflict theory • Consensus theory

  6. Max Weber: • Sequence the following to show the development of Weber’s big idea regarding the Protestant Work Ethic: The idea of hard work, frugality and self-discipline to satisfy a need to please God created which created which is defined as… Protestant Work Ethic Capitalism Inherent need to please God

  7. Weber continued: • What were the three things which Weber thought society was stratified by? • C____ • S_____, and • P_____. • Did Weber identify a ‘middle class’? Y/N • Complete this sentence: • Weber said that it was the v____ of your l______ (i.e. selling _______) which gives you p______. • Weber identified classes as being flexible; true or false?

  8. WEBER continued: • Put the four main classes he identified in order from upper to lower, with their definition. Those who ‘wear ties’ to work – i.e. teachers, lawyers – service jobs. Manual working class Petty-bourgeoisie Own property (i.e. material possessions) Upper working-> lower middle class White-collar workers Those working with their hands in blue-collar jobs. Propertied upper class

  9. Weber CONTINUED: • Define the following: • Status • Party • Calvinism

  10. True/False • The boundaries between classes are always clear-cut, at least as according to Weber. T/F • The basis of class difference – ownership of wealth and occupations. T/F • Working class is differentiated by skill, income and property ownership. T/F • Modern Capitalist societies are characterised by widely unequal distributions of wealth. T/F

  11. Globalisation: • What is globalisation? • What is the difference between economic protectionism and global deregulation? • What does DFI stand for? What does it mean?

  12. General Definitions: • Socio-economic order (draw a diagram & explain it ) • Capitalism • Communism • Power • White-collar jobs • Blue-collar jobs

  13. Answers: • Slide 1: social stratification • Estate, caste, class and slavery. • Slide 2: class definitions: • Social mobility – the extent to which people can move between social strata. • Upper class – those higher up in society who live luxurious lives and rarely work. • Middle class – those living comfortable lifestyles; mainly working in white collar jobs. • Working class – those who have blue collar jobs; some live in relative poverty (luxuries of the upper classes cannot be afforded e.g. computers). • Underclass – those completely out of employment, and who live in absolute poverty. (where necessities of life are not met e.g. food). • Slide 3: Marx true/false: • F, T, T, F. • Slide 4: Marx definitions: • Alienation – to seize possession of something to extort others from what belongs to them. • Exploitation – those who do not have money who are forced to under-sell themselves/their services. • Proletariat – lower classes who make the production for the bourgeoisie. • Bourgeoisie – higher classes who own the means of production. • Conflict theory – it is the Marxist idea which stresses the inequalities of a society – e.g.social, political or economic. • Consensus theory – social theory which maintains that political and economic systems in a society are fair, and that change should happen in the institutions provided by them.

  14. Weber Answers • Slide 5: • Slide 6: • Class, status and party. • Y. • Weber said that it was the value of your labour (i.e. selling yourself) which gives you power.

  15. Weber answers continued: • Slide 7:

  16. Answers: • Slide 8: Weber definitions • Status – how a person is perceived amongst others in society based upon their cultural capital. Age, gender and race can also have an affect upon it. • Party – political power of people organised into groups. • Calvinism – protestant denomination which believed God had predestined their salvation and so they focused on hard work and frugality. • Slide 9: true/false • F, T, T, T. • Slide 10: globalisation: • Globalisation – the importing of overseas-made products for cheaper prices to support a country’s economy. • Economic protectionism – protecting a country’s economy through being exclusive from globalisation. • Global deregulation – the removal of tariffs & quotas; allowing more DFI. (see below) • DFI – direct foreign investment. It’s when another foreign company/country invests directly into your business.

  17. Answers: • Slide 11: definitions: • Socio-economic order • Capitalism – government structure that people earn their way to the top; there is always a succinct division between the higher, middle and lower classes. It is an economically driven society. • Communism –the government structure that everyone is equal, though there is nearly always a leader at the top, in order to avoid exploitation of lower classes. • Power – a relationship between two parties which is often unequal as often one party holds higher power. • White-collar jobs – service-based jobs e.g. teaching. • Blue-collar jobs – jobs requiring manual labour e.g. builders. This illustrates how the middle class is over time gradually shrinking, and the gap between the highest and lowest classes increasing.

  18. All set for the exam now! 

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