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Choose Car Service Kenya for your car repair and maintenance. Where all Car parts Kenya drain the oil, replace the oil plug and replace the filter also. Visit : https://bit.ly/2JhQQuQ
K E Y C H E C K L I S T I T E M S F O R C A R R E P A I R & M A I N T E N A N C E B Y C A R S E R V I C E K E N Y A W W W . K E N Y A N T R A F F I C . C O M
K E Y C H E C K L I S T I T E M S ChooseCarServiceKenyaforthecarrepair andmaintenance. Ouressentialservice optiontoensureyourcarisrunningas smoothlyandsafelyaspossible. Duringour carrepairandmaintenance, yourvehicleis road-testedandyoureceiveareportofour inspectionuponcompletion.
K E Y C H E C K L I S T I T E M S • Changeengineoilandfilter CarpartsKenyadraintheoil, replacetheoil plugandreplacethefilter. • Checkandtopupalloilsandfluids Theengineoilistoppedupalongwiththe otherfluids, whichwouldincludethe checkingandtoppingup, ifrequired, ofthe transmissionfluid, brakefluid, power-steering fluidandanyanti-freezefluidsorcoolants.
K E Y C H E C K L I S T I T E M S • Checkbrakes Brakepadsanddiscsarecheckedforany malfunctions. • Checkexhaust Sincetheexhaustisanessentialpartofyour vehicle’semissionsystem, itisvitalthatthisis checkedthoroughlytoensurethegaseous combustionprocessisstreamlinedandsafe. • Checktransmission Itisimportanttoensurethecar’s transmissionishealthy. Itisalsohelpfulin detectingotherpossibleproblemssuchas leakselsewhereinthevehicle.
K E Y C H E C K L I S T I T E M S • Checksteeringandsuspension Checkingthesteeringandthesuspensionof yourvehicle, asyoucanimagine, isvery importantforthesafeoperationofthecar. IssuesrelatingtodamagedCVjointsoraxles canleadtomoreseriousandmuchmore costlyproblems. Thisiswhywecheckthis thoroughlybeforegivingyouthegreenlight.
K E Y C H E C K L I S T I T E M S • Check (external) enginebeltsandhoses Anyfailureofthebeltscouldleadtoserious enginedamageandverycostlyrepairwork. CarpartsKenyaensurethatthisisallcovered inourEssentialServiceoption. • Checkalllights Electricalproblemswithinthecarcanbe foundwiththehelpoffirstdetectingany lightingproblems. Weensurethatalllights, indicatorsandbrakelightsareinworking order.
K E Y C H E C K L I S T I T E M S • Checktyresandpressures CarpartsKenyawanttoensurethatthereare nonailsorforeignobjectsinyourtyres. We wanttocheckthethreadandensurethatit issafeenoughtodrive. Yourtyrepressureis alsoimportantsincethewrongamountof pressurecancauseablowout. Wewillmake surethisneverhappens. • Checkwindscreenwipersandwashers Downtothesmallthingsnobodythinksof, carrepairandmaintenanceensurethat elementsofyourcarsuchasyourwipersand yourwashersareinexcellentworking condition. Wemakesurethereiswaterin yourwasherandthatthewipersareeffective, givingyouclearsightinthemidstofastorm.
K E Y C H E C K L I S T I T E M S • Batterytestandreport Batteries, overtime, losetheirpower. Wetest batterystrengthwithaspecialdeviceto ensureitisstillgoingstrongandwillnotlet youdown. • Safetyinspection Afull, round-the-carinspectionisdoneto ensurethatwhenwereturnyourcar, itis guaranteedtotickallourhigh-standard safetyboxes, givingyoupeaceofmindand confidenceontheroad.
T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! KenyanTraffic Meltpot Building 1st Floor Room A22, Thika Super Highway, Opposite Kahawa Barracks Nairobi, Kenya +254 754 998526 info@kenyantraffic.com W W W . K E N Y A N T R A F F I C . C O M