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Second BERCEN Plenary Meeting Ohrid, September 15-16 2003 Agenda item 11

Second BERCEN Plenary Meeting Ohrid, September 15-16 2003 Agenda item 11. Key achievements in environmental enforcement and compliance, and discussion on the selected issue/problem BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA MLADEN RUDEŽ Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment Federation of B&H.

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Second BERCEN Plenary Meeting Ohrid, September 15-16 2003 Agenda item 11

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  1. Second BERCEN Plenary Meeting Ohrid, September 15-16 2003 Agenda item 11 Key achievements in environmental enforcement and compliance, and discussion on the selected issue/problem BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA MLADEN RUDEŽ Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment Federation of B&H

  2. Key achievements 1) In Bosnia and Herzegovina (in both of Entities) came in force the new set environmental laws: • Law on Environmental Protection; • Law on Water Protection; • Law on Waste Management; • Law on Nature Protection; • Law on Air Protection; • Law on Ecological Fund

  3. Key achievements (continue) 2) World Bank – IDA Grant/ The both of entity governments and parliaments B&H has adopted: • National Environmental Action Plan/ NEAP B&H, and • Implementation of NEAP with “NEAP 100 Projects” 3) EU/ EC CARDS Program: • Support for Capacity Building for Environmental Management (support to setting up Secondary Legislation in the frame new adoptedset of Environmental Laws) • Development of a National Environmental Monitoring • Support for improved Waste Managment

  4. Key achievements (continue) 4. LIFE 3th countries project: • “Setting up an Operational Unit under the Environmental Steering Committee/ESC B&H”, 5. Pakt Stability - REReP • REReP 1.7: BERCEN a) Finished: Trainings - “Train trainers”, study tours, procurement of equipment and cars for environmental inspections in MoE of Federation B&H and RS b) Setting up: Environmental Inspection in MoE of Federation B&H and RS • REReP 1.8: “Development of National Environmental Information System in B&H” – www.fmpuio.gov.ba (Synergy with LIFE project)

  5. Key achievements (continue) • REReP 1.14:”Institutional strengthening of MoE RS and Federation of B&H” - under ITF a) I Phase - Support to the work of Environmental Steering Committee (ESC) for B&H b) II Phase - “Preparation of Draft Framework Environmental Law and Feasibility Study as Precondition for the EPA in B&H” • PRSP – Development Strategy of B&H (2003 to 2007) Part – Anex VII, Sectors Priority: Environment • Underway: public disscusion - Second proposal of Strategy • Expected of B&H parliament adoption to the end of this year

  6. Introduction of Selected Issue/Problem • Main problem in environmental enforcement and regulatory compliance in B&H: • Lack of institutions and regulatory for implementation: EPA, Environmental Inspectorate and secondary legislation of Environmental Laws • World Bank Project: • It‘s finished in May 2003: Action plan of Inspectorate (in Federation of B&H andRS) including State Inspektorate - Document for reforms: • Goals of Action Plan: a) New organisation structure of Inspectorates (included Environmental Inspection) as Indipendent Autorised Bodies b) Drawing up draft of new Law on Inspectorates and its implementation; c) Training

  7. In-country Training Programme • BERCEN B&H Workshop • Scope: Minimum criteria of environmental Inspection in B&H • Objectives: • Introduction in the BERCEN Program; • New Environmental Laws in B&H • Criterias of Environmental Protection Inspection • Main elements of IPPC Procedure • Timing and location: November 2003, Sarajevo/Banja Luka • Trainers: Participants of BERCEN training program: “Train trainers”, and • Participants: Representatives of Mynistries on the State, Entity, Cantons/Regions, Municipalities responsibilities for environmental inspection, bigger polluters (approx. 25 persons)

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