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Third BERCEN Plenary Meeting December 16 . - 17 . 2004, Brussels Belgium

Third BERCEN Plenary Meeting December 16 . - 17 . 2004, Brussels Belgium. The key achievements in environmental enforcement and compliance. REPUBLIC OF SERBIA SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Stanojevi c Ljiljana senior adviser Ministry for science and envir onmental protection.

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Third BERCEN Plenary Meeting December 16 . - 17 . 2004, Brussels Belgium

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  1. Third BERCEN PlenaryMeeting December 16. -17. 2004,BrusselsBelgium The key achievements in environmental enforcement and compliance REPUBLIC OF SERBIA SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Stanojevic Ljiljana senior adviser Ministry for science and environmental protection

  2. The territory of Serbia occupies the central area of the Balkan peninsula where three mountain ranges come together; Rodope, Carpathian-Balkan and Dinaric mountains. The highest mountain peak is Djeravica 2,656 m on Prokletije mountain. Other mountains note for their scenic beauty are Zlatibor, Kopaonik , Tara, Bukulja, Jastrebac, etc. The rivers of Serbia flow into three seas: the Adriatic , Black and Aegean. The largest river is the Danube, with its tributaries the Sava, Tisa, Morava, and others. The capital of Serbia, and also of the Serbia and Montenegro, is Belgrade .

  3. ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION SITUATION IN SERBIA • Ministry for science and environmental protection was founded in Serbia,on february .2004;Directorium for Environmental Protection • At the moment,Law on environmental protection system is waiting to be passed by the Parliament;3 draft of laws are also in the parliament procedure-EIA,CEIA and IPPC; • On the November 6th,the lows entered in Parliament procedure • The objective of the Laws is to transpose Environmental legislation and other international standards



  6. Negotiation on transposition of legislation with EU • Approximation to EU legislation • Frame deadline until 2007. • Forthcoming negotiations with EU • Definition of transitional period given for existing installations to comply with permit requirements

  7. Reason and purpose of adoption • REASON • Harmonization of legislation of the Republic of Serbia with the IPPC Directive 96 /61 / ЕЕC • PURPOSE • prevent and reduce emissions pollution substances into the environment • achieve the high level of prevention of the environment • minimize use of raw and energy • simple controlandstrengthen the role of inspection

  8. Categories of activities and installations • New and existing installations • Activities for issuing permits • Energy industries • Processing of metals • Mining and mineral industry • Chemical industry • Waste management and other activities • Total: 161 existing installations

  9. Complying with EU requirements • Harmonization dynamics programme • New installations • Existing installations deadline - 2015 • Application for change permit or updating permit conditions if they have utilization permit • Application or issuing permit if they have not utilization permit

  10. Next activities • Phase II of YUGOLEX project • Capacity Building Programme • Development of BAT Guidance • Support from financial and other institutions for further implementation of IPPC

  11. Next activities:Capacity building program • Capacity building for the environmental administration (state and local level) is a priority area. The CBP will be designed on the pilot case scheme. • Activities: Preparation and approval of the Final CBP Selection of the participants for training for accordance with the Program for capacity building Writing/compiling the training material Implementation of CBP

  12. Recommendation 31/2001/EC on minimum criteria for environmental inspection • The implementation level in Serbia

  13. ENVIRONMENT INSPECTORS CAPACITY BUILDING • September 2003- 66 inspectors • October 2003- 78 inspectors • October 2004-100 inspectors

  14. ENVIRONMENT INSPECTORS CAPACITY BUILDING • EPA course in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, February 2004. -Principles of Enforcement- for 42 participants;6 environmental inspectors were participated • EPA course in Prcanj,Montenegro,November,2004-Principles of waste management;4 environmental inspectors were participated • Minisrty for science and environmental protection of Serbia,May 2004,Belgrade-Training for implementation CITES convention in SCG-50 participants

  15. Capacity building environment inspectors • BERCEN activity:

  16. BERCEN ACTIVITIES IN PERIOD SEPTEMBER 2003- DECEMBER 2004 • 2 participants from Serbia were participated onBERCEN exhange program for environmental enforcement agencies and inspectorates-October2004, Prague, Czech Republic • 4inspectors from Serbia were participated on BERCEN training program on IPPC Permitting for the Environmental Enforcement Agencies and Inspectorates-March 2004, Prcanj, Montenegro • 1 inspector from Serbia participant on the 3rd BERCEN study tour-Jun.2004.in Poland • First National BERCEN Training for 33 participants-october 2003. in Obrenovac,Serbia

  17. The first National BERCEN training-Minimum criteria…. • On the First national BERCEN seminar there were 33 participants present – 18 republic inspectors from Serbia and Montenegro, employees from other sectors of the Ministry for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment and 6 inspectors from Autonomous province of Vojvodina. • Having in mind that in the Republic of Serbia on three levels (republic, autonomous and municipal) work about 200 inspectors, as well as that the increase of number of inspectors is planned on all levels, it is necessary to train all inspectors according to the program of First national BERCEN seminar. The program for municipal inspectors should be adjusted in accordance with their competencies.

  18. The first National BERCEN training-Minimum criteria…. • Recommendation of participants is to start the implementation of PROPOSAL OF EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL OF EUROPE – Minimal requests for inspection control of environmental protection in the regular work of republic inspection. The basis will be the check lists prepared for inspection oversight in Thermal-electric Plant Obrenovac, inspection oversight in the field and prepared reports on First national BERCEN seminar.


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