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Supervising Professional School Counseling Interns Missouri State University. Dr. Marci Dowdy mdowdy@missouristate.edu 417.818.3992. Supervision.
Supervising Professional School Counseling InternsMissouri State University Dr. Marci Dowdy mdowdy@missouristate.edu 417.818.3992 Revised Spring 2014
Supervision • Kaffenberger (2007) states, “Understanding what supervision means and perceiving the importance of the relationship component in supervision are only the beginning of the supervision process. “ She also emphasized the importance of selecting and implementing a model of supervision as being critical for, “ an organized intentional, and grounded approach to training school counseling students.” • This is crucial as we consider our own supervision experiences and how this has contributed to our own role. 2
Supervision • Thompson (2004) identified 3 stages of supervision: 1. Dependency 2. Trial and Turbulence 3. Growth (leads to individuation) 3
Site Supervision Expectations and Documentation A faculty member from MSU will visit EACH site supervisor EVERY semester • Please refer to the Site Visit Documentation form in your packet • Roles and Responsibilities • Orientation and Guidance • Directed Observation and Participation • Demonstration • Planning • Teaching Techniques • Conferences/Supervision • Evaluation
Course Requirements • Hours must be within one of the FOUR Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Components (Guidance Curriculum, Responsive Services, System Support, Individual Planning) • Non-Guidance hours may NOT count for the 20 hours of on-site activity • Minimum of 1 hour per week of face-to-face supervision with the site supervisor • 1 ½ hours per week at MSU for group supervision • 1st semester students stay for 3 hours per week • All take TWO semesters of Internship
Course Requirements 1st Semester Students • 240 on-site hours (15 hours per week X 16 weeks = 240 hours) • Minimum of 120 DIRECT • 48 MSU in- class supervision (3 hours per week X 16 weeks = 48 Indirect hours) • 12 off-site hours for shadowing school counselors in other school districts (minimum 3 hours), research, curriculum planning, planning for group facilitation, and attending professional development workshops or conferences, reading professional journals or books related to particular school counseling issues, presentations, etc. • TOTAL = 300 hours 4
Course Requirements2nd and 3rd Semester Students • 240 on-site hours (15 hours per week X 16 weeks = 240 hours) • Minimum of 120 DIRECT • 24 MSU in- class supervision (1.5 hours per week X 16 weeks = 24 hours) • 36 off-site hours for shadowing school counselors in other school districts (minimum 9 hours), research, curriculum, planning, planning for group facilitation, and attending professional development workshops or conferences, reading professional journals or books related to particular school counseling issues, presentations, conducting PRoBE project, etc. • TOTAL = 300 hours
Course Requirements All Students • Video Taping of Lessons • Visit with another school counselor (minimum ½ day) • Six-Week Group facilitation • Ethical Issue Presentation = ASCA Website • Internal Improvement Review • PRoBE Training and PRoBE project presentation • Diversity Log • Calendaring and School Counselor Website Class Presentation • Mid-term and Final Evaluation by Site Supervisor 5
Course Requirements Con’t. • MSU Weekly Group Supervision • 1 ½ hours group processing each week • Presentations by course instructor • Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Program Components • PRoBE Training • Performance Based Counselor Evaluation • American School Counselor Association Ethical Standards • Crisis Intervention in the School Setting • Mandated Reporter Training • The School Counselors Role in Common Core • Students are required to facilitate a six week group during one of their semesters of internship. • Students are encouraged to become a member of Southwest Missouri School Counselor Association, Missouri School Counselor Association, and American School Counselor Association and attend professional development workshops provided by these organizations. 8
PRoBE (Partnerships for Results Based Evaluation)Guidance Lessons Group Facilitation • Students will access the Missouri Center for Career Education Guidance ELearning website for Guidance Lessons, Group Lesson Plans, and PRoBE ideas http://missouricareereducation.org/curr/cmd/guidanceplacementG/elearning/ • Students are encouraged to submit their final PRoBE project to school site supervisor, administrator, and DESE for publication on this website 7
Requirements for 3rd Semester Students • MSIP Checklist • Personal Plan of Study for 8th Grade Student • Crisis Plan Training for staff (PowerPoint for faculty)
Supervisor Requirements • 3 Years experience as a Certified School Counselor in the state of Missouri (in the area for which they plan to supervise (elementary, secondary) • Be willing to fulfill the “Internship Agreement/ Contract”, which is the contract between the student, site, supervisor, and Missouri State University. • During first meeting, site supervisor and student should complete this agreement including an outline of duties for the student 10
First Supervision Session • Schedule day/time for weekly one hour sessions. 2. Go over Contract/Agreement Form detailing duties. • Review Practicum Evaluation • Review Background Check 5. Complete and share Values Clarification for Supervisors and Intern (see packet)
Internship Agreement/Contract • By signing this contract, the site and site supervisor agree that they abide by the American School Counseling Association code of ethics and do not abide by any other code of ethics that are in conflict with these standards. • By signing this contract, the student agrees to strive to serve clients as a multi-culturally competent student counselor.
Student Evaluation • Weekly Progress Report/Verification of logs • See packet – Supervisor will verify and sign each week • Mid-Term Evaluation • Final Evaluation • Group Evaluation 12
Supervisor Evaluation & Payment • Supervisor’s are encouraged to ask for student feedback through an evaluation • Supervisor’s will receive $115 at the end of the semester. Personal information must be submitted to Judith Campbell at 417-836-5000. (see attached form) • As part of our CACREP accreditation, we are required to keep a copy of your resume’ on file. Please send your resume’ to Dr. Joe Hulgus at: josephhulgus@missouristate.edu • 13
Missouri State University Thank You!!