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The Abyssinian Crisis

The Abyssinian Crisis. Italy and the League of Nations 1934 to 36. Aims of the lesson. By the end of this lesson you will learn about The ambitions of Mussolini How the League of Nations failed to stop Italian aggression in Abyssinia. Background.

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The Abyssinian Crisis

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  1. The Abyssinian Crisis Italy and the League of Nations 1934 to 36

  2. Aims of the lesson By the end of this lesson you will learn about • The ambitions of Mussolini • How the League of Nations failed to stop Italian aggression in Abyssinia

  3. Background • The League of Nations was a good idea but in practise it was a failure • Difficult to make decisions – too much self interest • USA, Germany and USSR were not members • In Manchuria the Japanese (a member of the council) was allowed to get away with an aggressive invasion – LoN did nothing

  4. Mussolini • Fascist ruler of Italy since 1922 • Wanted to build an empire in Africa – already controlled Libya, Somaliland and Eritrea • Had tried to conquer Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1896 and failed • Humiliating – wanted revenge • December 1934 – 30 soldiers killed in a border clash. Gave Italy the excuse to invade

  5. The invasion • Very successful – Abyssinian army had spears and Italians machine guns • Britain and France did not want to upset Italy in case it made her friendly with Hitler • April 1935 – Stresa Front. Britain, Italy and France agreed to join together against Germany.

  6. LoN inaction • Most British people wanted her to stop the invasion – Government not keen • September 1935 – Samuel Hoare (GB Foreign Secretary) called for collective action against Italy • Tough talk in public – but sucking up to the Italians in private • October 1935 – invasion succeeded

  7. Haile Selassie • Emperor of Abyssinia • Appealed for help to LoN • LoN imposed economic sanctions – no country allowed to trade with her • Just bought from USA • Britain and France allowed Mussolini to use the Suez Canal – breaking own sanctions

  8. Treachery • Hoare and Laval (French Foreign Minister) devised a plan to divide Abyssinia in two • Italy to be given two thirds and rest to Haile Selassie if Mussolini stopped fighting • Hoare-Laval Pact – details leaked in December 1935 • Uproar – looked like Britain and France were putting self interest above Abyssinia and the League of Nations

  9. The consequences • By May 1936 the Italian had conquered the whole of Abyssinia • Selaisse fled the country and went to Geneva to address the League • Too late – LoN was totally discredited • Backfired in October 1936 Mussolini signed the Berlin-Rome Axis pact with Hitler.

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