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STAAR Review

STAAR Review. I want you to Pass the STAAR Test. Boss Tweed. Political Machines. “Gilded Age”. Western expansion Homestead Act Klondike Gold rush Railroads (TCRR). Civil Service Reform. Assimilation. Indian Wars. Dawes Act. Free Enterprise. American Indian Citizenship Act.

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STAAR Review

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  1. STAAR Review I want you to Pass the STAAR Test

  2. Boss Tweed Political Machines “Gilded Age” • Western expansion • Homestead Act • Klondike Gold rush • Railroads (TCRR) Civil Service Reform Assimilation Indian Wars Dawes Act Free Enterprise American Indian Citizenship Act Immigration Push/Pull Factors Industrialization Labor Unions Populism Urbanization (living conditions) Andrew Carnegie/ John D. Rockefeller Cattle Boom Shipping Cost • Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 • Nativism • Americanization Quotas Entrepreneurship

  3. American Imperialism Pros cons Need for dominance/superiority Sanford B. Dole (Hawaii) Missionaries Social Darwinism • Military protection & increased naval strength • Alfred Thayer Mahan- argued need for powerful navy • Economic support • Increased need for raw materials & markets to sell manufactured goods • Open Door Policy • Dollar Diplomacy • Example: Panama Canal

  4. Who When Where 1898 -USS Maine is sent to Cuba to protect US economic interests -explosion of Main is seen as a direct attack on US Cuba -Havana -San Juan Hill Pulitzer & Hurst Philippines -Manila Bay (Colonies of Spain) War – USA vs. Spain Spanish American War (SPAM) Why How Significance Land- US Volunteer force led by TR & “Rough Riders” USS Maine sinking -US blames Spanish for mysterious explosion US won Puerto Rico, Guam, & bought Philippines for $20 million Sea- US defeats Spanish navy in a few hours DeLome Letter -called President McKinley “weak” outraged Americans Result – US is recognized as a world power Media- uses of yellow journalism

  5. Progressive Era Reforms

  6. Progressive Era Reforms

  7. Who Technological Innovations Effects of Technological Innovations • Central Powers vs. Allied Powers • American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) led by Gen. Pershing • Alvin York – medal of Honor winner • Machine Gun • Tanks & Airplanes • Poison Gas • Submarines (U-Boats) • Western Front • Trench Warfare • Battle of Argonne Forest turning point of the war • Stalemate • Massive death toll 1914-1918 World War I Causes How Significance • Treaty of Versailles Germany had to pay reparations and accept war guilt clause • Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points- created League of Nations (peace keeping organization) Sinking of the Lusitania (Unrestricted submarine warfare) M A I N ilitarism lliance system mperialism Zimmerman Telegram ationalism Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  8. The Roaring Twenties(The Great American Mullet) “Business in the front” “Party in the Back” Social Adventure Charles Lindbergh Glenn Curtiss Changing role of women Flappers Cultural values Prohibition Organized crime Scopes “monkey” trial Clarence Darrow (Evolution) William Jennings Bryan (Creation) Art & Literature Harlem Renaissance Ten Pan Alley • Political • Harding & Teapot Dome Scandal • “Return to Normalcy” • Social • Race Relations • Eugenics • Marcus Garvey • KKK • Great Migration • Nativism/Red Scare • Immigration Quota/Citizenship Act 1924 • Economic • Economic boom • Mass production/assembly line • Henry Ford • Laissez-faire • Buying on Credit

  9. Great Depression to New DealAmerica’s Road to Recovery *Overproduction *Speculation & buying on the margin (stock market) *Buying on credit *Shaky banking practices October 29, 1929 “Black Tuesday” Stock market Crash People who invested in market couldn’t repay loans -> bank failures ->”run on the bank” Demand for goods decreased ->factories close ->unemployment • Laissez-faire attitude & “rugged individualism *believed gov’t shouldn’t intervene in eco aid • Reconstruction finance corp -> small loans would “trickle down” avg American (failure) • Hoovervilles (shack and shanty towns) sprung up around towns/cities In the great plains region *series of droughts +1million must move west +overuse of water resources + depleting nutrients from top soil = dried up crops + topsoil = dust *Hoover passes act to send Mexican-American immigrants back to Mexico *Forcibly he moved (even if already US Citizen) * reason: need for any employment 1932 *Promises a NEW DEAL for Americans * Brian Trust & fireside chats *Eleanor Roosevelt (Wife)-political activist *new view on gov’t responsibility to its citizens Relief- short term measures – “quick aid” Recovery – eco stimulus – create demand & production Reform-change gov’t system- “complete overhaul” • Some thought 3R’s went too far –conservatives felt FDR had too much control • Some thought 3R’s didn’t go far enough- Huey P Long’s “Share our Wealth” *Some New Deal programs were deemed unconstitutional *FDR fears more rejection by Supreme Court & attempts to pass law to appoint new SC Justices (fails)

  10. FDR’S New Deal Band-Aid Cast New Limb Bank Holiday- closed all banks until they were financially stable Emergency mortgage Loans Work Relief Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Public Works Admin (PWA) Works Progress Admin (WPA) National Recovery Admin (NRA)- set price & production controls & minimum wage Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) – paid farmers to plant less; gov’t bought farm surplus (in effort to control prices) Social Security Admin (SSA)- provides unemployment insurance retirement pensions- workers pay in contributions Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)- watches stock market activity & prevents fraud Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)- Insures bank deposits up to $250,000 *All of these programs are still in effect today Increased employment Decreased spending/demand Decreased hours/wages Increased demand/spending Increased wages/hours Unemployment

  11. June 6, 1944 D-Day Invasion August 1945 Atomic Bombs dropped 1942 Battle of Midway Dec. 7, 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor Hideki Tojo Flying Tigers Bataan Death March Island Hopping Navajo Code Talkers Chester Nimitz Douglas McArthur George Marshall Isolationism  War Appeasement Cash & Carry Lend-Lease Pearl Harbor 9066 + Interment camps War information/ propaganda War bonds +rationing+ victory gardens = patriotism Volunteer/enlist/mobilization Vernon J. Baker Adolf Hitler dictator Benito Mussolini aggression Joseph Stalin George Patton Dwight Eisenhower Omar Bradley D-Day Invasions Liberation of Camps Tuskegee Airmen Holocaust

  12. Free Market Economy Capitalism • Economic freedoms • Private ownership of business & property • Supply & demand determine prices • Multi-party system • Freedom of the press, expression & religion Command Economy • no economic freedoms • state-owned industries (education, transportation, etc) • gov’t controlled radio, TV, news • State ownership of business production • Communist party control (one party/leader) Soviet Union/USSR USA/Europe Truman, Marshall Churchill, Thatcher Regan Stalin Khrushchev Gorbachev Yelstin United Nations Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Containment Domino Theory NATO/ Collective Security Warsaw Pact Satellite Nation Iron Curtain Berlin Wall Iron Curtain

  13. Soviet Union Détente Star Wars Berlin Airlift Germany/Berlin Berlin Wall Dissolution of SU Space Race Moon-landing Arms race HUAC Red Scare Joseph McCarthy Rosenberg Trials Verona Papers Presidents Truman – start CW Korea Eisenhower- Korea-Vietnam Kennedy- Cuban MC, Vietnam Nixon-Vietnam, China, USSR Ford (X) Carter (X) Reagan- USSR Bush – Fall of Wall end of CW Space Race Sputnik Arms Race Mao Zedong Korea Korean War Vietnam War Domino Theory Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Escalation Tet Offensive Vietnamization Fall of Saigon War Powers Resolution Fidel Castro Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuban Missile Crisis

  14. Fear of Communism Baby Boom Interstate Highway Act Housing Boom GI Bill Increased $ in math & science education Polio Vaccine Blue  white collar jobs Little Tiny Boxes American Dream Levittown - Suburbs

  15. Increased Consumption & Spending Free Time Prosperity Rebellion & Divergent Thinking Beat Generation Beatniks Pop Culture Rock & Roll

  16. Civil Rights Acts 1957 1964 Voting Rights Act 1963 24th Amendment 13- Free 14- Citizens 15-Vote Plessey v Ferguson Brown v Board of Ed Thurgood Marshall Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks Little Rock 9 Affirmative Action Sit-ins Freedom Rides MLK jr Non-violent Letter from Birmingham Jail Selma March March on Washington “I have a dream” George Wallace Orval Faubus Lester Maddox S. Democrats

  17. Non-violent Civil disobedience Passive resistance SNCC/SCLC Integration Montgomery Bus Boycott March on Washington Selma March Equal Rights *1968 assassinated Feminist movement Betty Friedan Title IX Roe v Wade NOW Equal Pay Act Cesar Chaves Dolores Huerta Hector P. Garcia Chicano Mural Movement AIM –American Indian Movement Red Power Non-violent (transitional) Muslim Segregation Nation of Islam Mecca Pilgrimage *1965 assassinated Militant Community- based political organization Segregation Black power Stokely Carmichael Huey Newton Bobby Seale

  18. “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” -Peace Corps -Civil Rights Acts -Voting Rights Acts -Medicare/Medicaid -War on Poverty -Job Corps -Space Race -moon landing -$ math & Science education Hawks -26th Amendment/ Draft -Role of media -Credibility gap -Silent majority Doves -Rebellion -Rock n’ Roll -Divergent Thinking Break from traditional lifestyle -hippies -commune living -recreational drugs JFK Hippy LBJ

  19. Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon President Nixon Accomplishment/Fail Nixon Ford Ford Carter Carter Carter Carter

  20. Regonomics Peace Through Strength -Star Wars Iran-Contra Affair War on Terror Sandra Day O’Connor Sun Belt End of the Cold War (1991) Persian Gulf War Rust Belt Use the Jarrett Book page 341 to summarize these

  21. NAFT GATT 2008 Financial Crisis -Emergency Economic Stabilization Act 2009 American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Balkan Crisis Third Parties & Ross Perot 2000 Election -Al Gore 2001 Terrorist Attack Patriot Act -TSA -Homeland Security War on Terror -al-Qaeda -Iraq -Bin Laden 2008 Election Sona Soto Mayor Contract w/America & Newt Gingrich Scandal & Impeachment NCLB Illegal Immigration Hurricane Katrina Hillary Clinton Oprah Winfrey

  22. Communication, Tech,& Science -Satellite -Cell Phone -PC -Robotics -GPS -Genetic engineering -IT Computer movement JIT Time-Study Analysis E-Commerce Out-Sourcing Global Marketplace Free Enterprise/ capitalism (free market economy) Business cycle Small business v Big business Bill Gates/ PC Sam Walton/ Wal-Mart Estee Lauder Robert Johnson Lionel Sosa

  23. You get to answer by yourself

  24. Assimilation Americanization Urbanization How the other ½ lives Industrialization Child Labor Immigration Nativism Gilded Age Boss Tweed West. expansion Manifest Destiny SPAM 1898 USS Maine New Deal Social Security Administration Am. Imperialism Panama Canal & TR Progressive Era TR Muckraker Meat inspection WWI 1914-1918 G. Depression S M Crash 1929 G. Depression Migrant mother Roaring 20’s Flappers Civil Rights 1968 MLK assassination Space Race Sputnik 1957 Space Race Moon landing Baby boom Housing Boom WWII 1939-1945 Cold War Red Scare Civil Rights Rosa Parks 1960s Anti- War movement 1970s Watergate crisis 1980s Era of Conservatism 1991- Fall of Communism 2001 Terrorist Attacks 2008 Obama 1st black President Civil Rights Caesar Chavez Chicano mvmt

  25. Benjamin Rush- Father of American Medicine John Hancock- signer of DOI John Jay- wrote some of the Federalist Papers John Witherspoon- President of Princeton University John Peter Muhlenberg- Minister who recruited soldiers Charles Carroll- helped financed the Revolution Jonathan Trumbull Sr-only colonial governor to side with colonists John Locke- Unalienable rights George Washington- commander of Continental Army Thomas Jefferson- writer of the DOI

  26. Creates a balance of power among 3 branches Religion Assembly Press Petition Speech L Approve judges Overrides veto Appoints judges E Veto legislation Declares executive actions unconstitutional Declares legislation unconstitutional Right to bear arms J No quartering of troops Division of power based on location Federal  State  Local No unreasonable search & seizure *just cause *warrant -no self incrimination -no double jeopardy -grad jury (must show cause for fed. Trial) -just compensation (for gov’t to take property Divides Gov’t powers into 3 branches 1.Legislavtive (H.R/Sen) -law making body 2. Executive (President) -executes the law 3. Judicial (S. Court) -judges the law -trail by jury -right to a lawyer -right to confront your accusers -speedy trial Criminal cases The gov’t only has the powers granted in the Constitution (9th & 10th amendments) Civil cases -trial by jury -no cruel & unusual punishment -no excessive bail A democratic gov’t chose by the people Representative form of gov’t Rights of the people are no limited to those in the Constitution Ex. Elect reps. People hold supreme power All powers not specified in the Constitution are given to the states Rights of the people found in the Bill of Rights

  27. -all have the same right to participate in government -free to choose -private association -no gov’t control -a society of equals -ability to own land allowed people to be viewed as equals Alexis de Tocqueville Discusses how democracy in America is a unique case and unlike democracy in Europe “hands-off” -freedom -protections against a tyrannical gov’t -rule of law (gov’t is not above the law) -no government control or influence on the economy

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