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Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Diseases

Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Diseases. Disease, Disorder, and Syndrome. Key Terms Disease - abnormal symptoms Homeostasis - state of normalcy Disorder - abnormality of function Syndrome - symptoms caused by a specific disease. Pathology. Pathology - study of disease

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Diseases

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  1. Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Diseases

  2. Disease, Disorder, and Syndrome • Key Terms • Disease - abnormal symptoms • Homeostasis - state of normalcy • Disorder - abnormality of function • Syndrome - symptoms caused by a specific disease

  3. Pathology • Pathology - study of disease • Pathologist - one who studies disease • Pathogens - microorganisms or agents that cause disease • Pathologic - caused by disease process

  4. Pathogenesis • Pathogenesis - description of how a particular disease progresses • Pathogenesis: • Acute: short term with sudden onset • Chronic: long term or slow healing process

  5. Etiology • Cause of disease • Idiopathic - cause is unknown • Iatrogenic - problem related to treatment • Nosocomial - disease acquired from hospital environment

  6. Predisposing Factors • Age • Sex • Environment • Lifestyle • Heredity

  7. Diagnosis • Diagnosis - identification or naming a disease • Diagnosis: • Medical history • Physical examination • Diagnostic tests

  8. Diagnosis • Symptoms - problems a patient reports • Signs - what physician sees or measures • Skills utilized by physician: • Auscultation • Palpation • Percussion

  9. Prognosis • Prognosis - expected outcome • Acute disease - sudden onset with short duration • Chronic - insidious and long lasting • Remission - disappearance of symptoms • Exacerbation – flare-up of symptoms

  10. Prognosis • Complication - onset of second disease or disorder • Mortality - mortal or destined to die • Fatal/lethal - deadly

  11. Treatment • Holistic Medicine • Considers whole person rather than just physical symptoms • Interaction between spiritual, cognitive, social, physical, and emotional • Areas work interdependently

  12. Treatment • Treatment Interventions • Medications • Surgery • Exercise • Nutritional • Physical therapy • Education

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