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President’s Report February 17, 2011. Faculty Senate Meeting February 17, 2011. President’s Report February 17, 2011. IFC Academic Integrity changes were voted on, and it passed. Next step is unclear, since Columbia Council hasn’t endorsed it.
President’s ReportFebruary 17, 2011 Faculty Senate Meeting February 17, 2011
President’s ReportFebruary 17, 2011 IFC Academic Integrity changes were voted on, and it passed. Next step is unclear, since Columbia Council hasn’t endorsed it. Retirement Benefit committee is continuing to meet. MAFS Michael Davis attended the meeting. There was some interaction with the legislators at the Capital
President’s ReportFebruary 17, 2011 • Policy and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure • Some departments on campus do not have a sufficient number of tenured full professors to form the committee • Even including similar disciplines • Alternative arrangements are needed • At the request of the Rolla campus, IFC discussed the issue • There was a suggestion to look for tenured full professors in the same discipline on the other campuses to serve as the first option • This may not be a good arrangement because of “cultural” differences • IFC agreed on a compromise to let the department form the committee with the following options: • professor emeriti • Tenured full professors from similar departments • Tenured full professors from other UM campuses • Next step is ratification by senates/councils • Because of time sensitivity, full vetting was not possible • Senate needs to approve adoption
President’s ReportFebruary 17, 2011 • Grievance Procedures • Background • Previous procedures were too “lawyerish” and adversarial • Took too much time (sometimes upto 2 years) • Panels did not have expertise to conduct the proceedings • Pilot programs were tried at Rolla, Columbia and KC for 2 years • IFC received input from campus panels and oversight committees in order to formulate new policies • IFC discussed issues such as having an administrator on the panel, problems with frivolous complaints, release time for panel members, and others. • The new policies are in the spirit of conflict resolution, and do not resemble legal proceedings. (Grievant will have that option after the panel makes its recommendation) • Senate needs to approve adoption