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HE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (HELM) . Higher education and national development: leadership challenges, choices and capacity 17 – 19 April 2005. KEY CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FACING ACADEMIC LEADERS IN CONTEMPORARY SA. DEALING WITH THE “THEN” AND “NOW” HE SCENARIO “THEN” Academic focus

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  1. HE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (HELM) Higher education and national development: leadership challenges, choices and capacity 17 – 19 April 2005

  2. KEY CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FACING ACADEMIC LEADERS IN CONTEMPORARY SA • DEALING WITH THE “THEN” AND “NOW” HE SCENARIO • “THEN” • Academic focus • Centralized decision making • Entrenched hierarchies • “NOW” • Diffused focus • Inclusive decision making • Alternative perspectives

  3. KEY CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FACING ACADEMIC LEADERS IN CONTEMPORARY SA • MOVING FROM SPECIALIST TO GENERALIST MODE • No longer a purely academic focus • Strong business and financial management and leadership skills • Sound knowledge of new HE policy and legislation • In-depth understanding of the type, role and function of the institution within the overall context of the HE strategic framework

  4. KEY CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FACING ACADEMIC LEADERS IN CONTEMPORARY SA • GROWING LEADERSHIP SKILLS • Acknowledge the need for a changed mindset • Identify strengths • Acknowledge shortcomings • Define new roles and responsibilities • Plan and implement personal upskilling • Be aware of staff and student needs

  5. PERSPECTIVES ON EFFECTIVE AND SUCCESSFUL LEADERS IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT • EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP • Have a vision/ be passionate about what you do • Build a climate of trust, loyalty and commitment • Transparency, consistency and integrity • Lead by example: honesty and courage under pressure • Draw on the knowledge and experience of others • Surround yourself with other good leaders • Be able to lead, but also be a good team player • Understand the difference between leadership and management

  6. PERSPECTIVES ON EFFECTIVE AND SUCCESSFUL LEADERS IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT • INEFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP • Subjective rather than objective • Cronyism • Bulldozing changes, bullying • Undermining colleagues • Creating mistrust through gossip and un-collegial information gathering • Neglecting the details • Deliberately impeding necessary changes • Having a personal agenda

  7. PERSPECTIVES ON EFFECTIVE AND SUCCESSFUL LEADERS IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT • THE CHANGING ENVIRONMENT • Accept and acknowledge change • Acknowledge and deal with your own fears • Acknowledge staff fears, uncertainties and aspirations • Be empathetic but realistic • No rumour mongering • Institute and implement a change management strategy • Ensure an environment conducive to change

  8. DEANS AS VISIONARIES, RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE LEADERS IN HE • THE ROLE AND FUNCTION OF DEANS • Mainly heads of Faculties or Colleges (Unisa) • Diverse range of functions in new dispensation • Need broad knowledge of institutional types, disciplines, functioning and offerings • Must be multi skilled • Be aware of danger of falling back into “what you know”

  9. DEANS AS VISIONARIES, RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE LEADERS IN HE • LIVING THE VISION • Have a clear vision and ensure your own buy-in • Work for a balance between the vision and the practical reality of its implementation • Equip/skill yourself to implement the operational plan • Balance the dream with good governance • Ensure legal compliance

  10. DEANS AS VISIONARIES, RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE LEADERS IN HE • CARPÉ DIEM • Identify competent people • Acknowledge and encourage potential • Seize on “windows of opportunity” that present themselves in the change process • Always work with the “bigger picture” in mind

  11. PERSONAL LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCES • Compromise • Assertion • Low point • Highlight

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