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Trends in ict application in teaching – learning: theory and practices in teacher training. Dr. NGUYEN Van Hien Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) Vietnam. INTRODUCTION. Computers are not magic, teachers are ( Craig Barrett – Ex CEO of Intel Corp. )
Trends in ict application in teaching – learning: theory and practices in teacher training Dr. NGUYEN Van Hien Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) Vietnam
INTRODUCTION Computers are not magic, teachers are (Craig Barrett – Ex CEO of Intel Corp.) • Therefore, it is essential to develop ICT competencies for both pre-service teachers and in-service teachers; • Identifying trends of ICT in education helps to define needed skills & appropriate approaches in developing ICT competencies for teachers.
BACKGROUND • Trend is a common direction in which targeted things tend to move to in the same period. • There were many papers discussed on trends of using ICT in teaching and learning (S.Retalis, To Xuan Giap, T.Leinonen, Maria Ranieri, Gerry White…)
BACKGROUND ICT in education ICT as tool of teaching & learning ICT as a learning subject ICT as a manag-ement tool ICT as an instruct-ional tool ICT as a learning tool Model of S.Retalis, To Xuan Giap ICT as learning environment
BACKGROUND Model of T.Leinonen
BACKGROUND Three E-Learning Methodological Models of M.Ranieri
BACKGROUND • Gerry White, Dong Thi Thu Thuy:
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • Model of three trends in ICT application in teaching and learning ICT Teachers Students 3 ICT Teachers Students 2 ICT Teachers Students 1
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A comparision of these three trends
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • Identify some necessary ICT skills to train pre-service teachers Skills of infusing ICT into teaching & learning Related technological skills Pedagogical Skills General Model of Teachers’ ICT competencies
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • Identify some necessary ICT skills to train pre-service teachers
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • Identify some necessary ICT skills to train pre-service teachers
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • Identify some necessary ICT skills to train pre-service teachers
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION • Practice in training ICT skills for pre-service teachers (a case study at the Biology Faculty, HNUE) • The status of ICT in education in Vietnam under the three trends model • Develop ICT skills of trend (1) and (2) for pre-service teachers • Use the “through technologies” training model. Since “teachers teach as they were taught”
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 6 Topic 5 Keys: • ICT and learning theories, learning methods • Knowledge of moral, laws associated with ICT in education Skills of mining internet, editing and selecting multimedia resources for lessons • Designing ICT – integrated constructivist Biology lessons • Implementing lessons integrated ICT as trend (1) and trend (2) • Designing ICT – supported constructivist Biology lessons : Lecturing with presentions to organize students' discussion : Have students used the NiceNet website in their learning (www.nicenet.org) : Have students practice in the computer lab : Have students used, created Webquests : Have students created and presented their own multimedia presentation
CONCLUSION • The paper has presented a new approach in identifying ICT trends in education in which ICT is put in an interacting system with teachers and students • The three trends of ICT application in education that have been identified by the author helps to define some needed ICT skills for pre-service teachers • The author have implemented an ICT training course for pre-service teachers of Biology at the Biology Faculty at HNUE. The course aims to develop for students ICT skills that match with the three trends of using ICT in teaching and learning and is run under the “through ICT” training model.
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