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Getting Started: Integrating Community Mental Health Services into School-wide Positive Behavior Support in a Large Urban District. Bob Putnam May Institute Steve Gramet Syracuse Public Schools Jennifer Parmalee Onondaga County Department of Mental Health Monique Fletcher Say Yes.
Getting Started: Integrating Community Mental Health Services into School-wide Positive Behavior Support in a Large Urban District Bob Putnam May Institute Steve Gramet Syracuse Public Schools Jennifer Parmalee Onondaga County Department of Mental Health Monique Fletcher Say Yes National PBIS Forum October 28, 2011 Rosemont, IL , Ph.D.
Where are you in implementation process?Adapted from Fixsen & Blase, 2005
School Mental Health Partnership More than a place for services
Challenges Education Mental Health Community mental health services often focused on those with severe and persistent mental health issues Limited prevention services due to funding tied to direct services Accessibility of services Limited data based decision making Use of evidence based practices • Primarily focused on services during school day • Use of evidenced based practices • Limited data based decision making • Less focus on the family • Limited mental health expertise • Limited continuum of services
Contrasting Perspectives in the Education and Mental Health Systems • Education • IDEA • Behaviors disorders, challenging behavior • Behaviorism , social learning theory • Behavior management, skill development, academic improvement • Mental Health • DSM • Psychopathology, abnormal behavior, impaired functioning • Psychoanalytic approaches, behavior theory, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, biological/genetic perspectives, psychopharmacology • Insight, awareness, improved emotional functioning • Overarching influence • Language • Important theoretical influences • Focus of intervention Duchnowski & Kutash, 2009
Outcomes for Students with Mental Health Concerns • Early appearing behavioral problems during a child's preschool years are the single best predictors of school dropout, delinquency, gang membership, and adult incarceration (Center for Evidence-Based Practice, 2004) • Furthermore, unless behavioral problems are dealt with early on, the child's behaviors tend to become chronic (Campbell & Ewing, 1990).
Outcomes for Students with Mental Health Concerns • Highest rate of dropouts among all disabilities are those with EBD. • Depression, anxiety and conduct disorder in adolescents are one of the lead indicators of substance abuse.
School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support • Evidence-based features of SWPBIS • Prevention • Define and teach positive social expectations • Acknowledge positive behavior • Arrange consistent consequences that don’t allow the functions of problem behavior to be achieved • On-going collection and use of data for decision-making • Continuum of intensive, individual intervention supports. • Implementation of the systems that support effective practices
Integrating Education and Mental Health Services can Enhance Overall Services • Enables PBS schools to work better with children in Tiers Two and Three and to engage families. • Significantly strengthens a mental health system of care by engaging the school and enabling all parties to come together around a single plan of care • An effective mental health system of care can assist teachers and other personnel through consultation on mental health issues and help schools fully engage families.
Benefits Cited by Mental Health Agencies Collaborating with PBS Schools • PBS focuses on prevention and early intervention. • Communication improves among stakeholders—schools, families, mental health and other community service providers—resulting in increased support to children and families. A unified plan, understood by all stakeholders, is more likely to be effective. • A less disruptive and more supportive school climate increases the likelihood that students with mental health problems can stay in school and succeed. • (Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, 2006)
Benefits Cited by Mental Health Agencies Collaborating with PBS Schools • Teachers have more time to focus on the academic strengths and needs of students with serious mental disorders because less behavior problems no longer divert their attention. This can lead to greater school success and improved functioning for children with serious mental disorders. • Mental health staff feel they develop a better understanding of a student’s behavioral motivations and psychosocial needs when they are co-located in the school and can observe the student in school. • (Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, 2006)
Local Demonstration w/ Fidelity Need, Agreements, Adoption, & Outcomes 1. IMPLEMENTATION PHASES 2. 4. Systems Adoption, Scaling, & Continuous Regeneration Sustained Capacity, Elaboration, & Replication 3.
Getting Ready • Commit to a process that will result in the implementation of a joint initiative. • Training of leadership across both organizations in collaborative SW-PBIS models and systems of care • District leadership team is formed. • Education and mental health authorities should ensure that the PBS planning group with inclusive participation from school and mental health leadership • Once formed, the leadership team should engage in a joint goal setting exercise and delineate the objectives and outcomes desired from the PBS initiative.
Getting Ready • Commitment to establishment of systems of care (PBIS) by both the school and mental health that will serve not only children with serious mental disorders, but also children who show behavior or other social/emotional problems that put them at risk for serious disorders. • Formulate policy and plan training and technical assistance that will improve the quality of services to children, using the most effective services and a strength-based, family-driven, culturally relevant approach to service delivery.
Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement 4 PBS Elements OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior
Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ~80% of Students
Tier 1 Systems Education Mental Health Representative/s participate on team Training around SWPBS model for administrative/clinical supervisors Training for school based clinical staff on SWPBS and building based SWPBS plan • Develop and implement SW-PBS Plan • Training for staff around mental health disorders • Training for coaches around incorporating universal prevention strategies for most common mental health disorders • Screening for internalizing disorders
Tier 1 Practices • Training and technical assistance in developing and implementing a SWPBS plan • Three to five positive worded school rules • Teaching matrix for common areas in the school • Training staff and students to fluency on these expectations • Reinforcement system for students for following the expectations/staff for following the plan • Consistent consequences for infractions • Data collection system in place for data based decision making
Tier 1 Data • SWIS data • ODRS • Student • Problem behavior • Location • Time • Suspensions • Academic performance • Data from screening for internalizing disorders (i.e.; Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders)
Tier 2 Systems Education Mental Health Connections to family/ community Training of mental health providers on evidenced based interventions Review of student progress Referral to appropriate services • Tier 2 team • Mental health representative participates on Tier 2 team • Training of coaches in evidenced based social/behavior and mental health interventions
Tier 2 Practices • Check and Connect • Behavior Education Program • Functional based social skills groups • Evidenced based social skills groups diagnostic groups (anxiety, depression) • Mentoring • Homework club
Tier 2 Data • ODRs • Suspensions • Attendance • Academic success • CICO Data • Brief functional behavior assessment • Social skills assessments • Mental health assessments • DBR (Daily behavior report) measures
Tier 3 Systems Education Mental Health Actively participate in Tier 3 team Coordinate wrap around services for individual students Advocate for family needs Training of staff on evidenced based interventions • Tier 3 Team • Wraparound teams • Monitor effectiveness of services • Training of staff on evidenced based interventions
Tier 3 Practices Education Mental Health Conduct intensive FBAs Develop and implement coordinated behavior support plans/wraparound plans Intensive assessment and implement individualized evidenced based social/behavior and mental health interventions Provide supports to family Coordinate medical and psychopharmacology • Conduct intensive FBAs • Design and implement wraparound plans • Develop and implement coordinated behavior support plans • Implement individualized evidenced based social/behavior and mental health interventions
Tier 3 Data • ODRs • Suspensions • Attendance • Academic success • CICO Data • Functional behavior assessment info • Social skills assessments/progress monitoring • Mental health assessments/progress monitoring • Emotion thermometers • DBR (Daily behavior report) measures • SIMEO measures
Family Involvement • Family involvement is crucial. Families and youth must receive training and support so they can participate fully in leadership and planning groups at the school and district level. • Self-assessment tools i.e.; family engagement checklist (Muscott & Mann, 2004) should be used for district and school levels. External assessment of family involvement is also a good idea.
Syracuse City School Districtand Promise Zone Steve Gramet Director of Pupil Services
Syracuse City Schools is an urban district located in Central New York. Approximately 90, 000 residents Home of Syracuse University (Say Yes partnership) New Superintendent of Schools, Sharon L. Contreras Who we are 32
We operate 32 schools 21, 094 students 5 High Schools 6 Kindergarten – 8th grade buildings 6 Middle Schools (6 - 8) 15 Elementary Schools Who we are
Enrollment 50% African American 25% Caucasian 13% Hispanic 7% Asian 5 % other Who we are
14 % of students are English Language Learners or long term English as a Second Language students (2900) 20% of students are listed as Special Education (4,457) Close to 85% of students are eligible receive free or reduced price lunch. We are a dependent district that relies on local, state and federal dollars for funding Who we are
Over the last three years SCSD 22% have been students suspended out of school at least one time That equates to approximate 24,000 days each year of lost instructional time for these students. In addition over the last three years, 5,000 days of instructional time is lost to In School Suspension. There has been a downward trend the last three years in these indicators Data – Averages Over the Past Three Years
School based Intervention Teams (SBIT) for academics have been operating in the district for the last ten years. SBIT uses data based decision making system to assess, progress monitor, and evaluate a tiered set of academic strategies. Curriculum based measurement (DIBELS, CBM measures) In order to effectively use our social and behavior support resources the district adopted a teired system for social/behavior modeled after the SBIT-A teams Tiered Academic Services – Committed to Data Based Decision Making
Protocol PBIS Leadership Team Examines School Wide Data, Creates Matrix, Plans Kickoff, etc. Members include Admin., Parent, Teacher, Pupil Services Staff Student Support Team Looks for any student receiving three (3) referrals, makes initial intervention Members include Admin., Social Worker, School Counselor, Say Yes Site Director, others as appropriate Intervention and Data monitored by Day Yes Site Director and Student Support Team members SBIT-B Team Students receiving seven (7) referrals, close examining of function of behavior, individual or small group intervention, family involvement Members include Clinician, School Psychologist, Social Worker, Say Yes Site Director and others as appropriate Intervention monitored by Say Yes Site Director, if issues continue referral to Onondaga County Access Team for wrap around services and other family intervention Referral to clinic services can happen through either SST or SBIT –B team
Full implementation began in September 2010 (a few schools have been using PBIS strategies for several years) SCSD hired a PBIS District Coordinator PBIS staff development has been enhanced with emphasis on the universal strategies SET’s were implemented to all schools in October 2010 and again in the spring of 2011. PBIS
In 2007 Say Yes to Education became an external partner of SCSD. As a result, relationships between the SCSD district and county improved Due to funding cuts, the district and the county entered into agreement to try to integrate their services. This unique partnership between the district, county, Say Yes to Education provided easier access to services. Interconnected Services
Steps To Implementation • A stated goal of our previous Superintendent was for every school to provide Mental Health services at school due access issues of our population and data based decision making. • Schools were given a brief overview of the possible services and proposed protocol. • A rollout plan approved by the current Superintendent has been approved and we are moving forward
Syracuse Promise Zone A partnership of the Dept. Mental Health, Syracuse City School District, Say Yes to Education, System of Care, & Community Based Organizations Jennifer Parmalee, Onondaga County Department of Mental Health Monique Fletcher Say Yes to Education
Grant to 3 Urban districts for innovative solutions that result in improved student achievement Designed to increase community collaboration and the districts ability to identify and support students with serious emotional challenges What is Promise Zone
Long Term Improve academic performance Increase graduation rates Increase student wellness Short Term Reduce suspensions Keep students in class and ready to learn Match students emotional behavioral needs with proper and targeted interventions Mission
Expand mental health clinics from 13 to 35 and integrate clinician into Tier 3 teams District Wide Protocol for identifying and supporting youth Clarify the role of the social workers Expand PBIS with fidelity District Leadership team to monitor progress at building and district levels concerning PBIS/RTI Clarify the role of the Say Yes Site Director Improve the Crisis Response for students and staff Action Plan - Systems
Highly effective Academic School Based Intervention Teams (SBIT) based on RtI framework Mental Health Clinic Satellites currently serving 13 schools Say Yes to Education site directors in all elementary and K-8 schools Talent of Social Workers District wide implementation of Positive Behaviors and Supports System of Care Community Community Strengths from Which to Build
Oversight Planning and Quality Improvement Contract Management (95 programs) County (City) Demographics Population: 454,753 (138,560) Children ages 5-19: 95,308 (32,423) 95% of funding from State Authorities (OMH, OASAS OPWDD) Onondaga Department of Mental Health
Partnership of Mental Health, Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, Family Organization, Community Based Organizations Guiding Principles All our children/youth Parents/Caregivers as “experts” Family-driven & Youth-guided “Community Table” to “Kitchen Table” “No Wrong Door” Single plan of care Strength Based approach Cultural and Linguistic relevant ONCARE – System of Care
Blended funding Syracuse City School District Multiple Onondaga County Departments Say Yes resources Outpatient agencies Family support Other resources How is data shared to determine the selection of interventions? How is data shared to determine effectiveness of interventions Maximize the Use of Blended Funding to Improve Effectiveness and Efficiency
Say Yes To Education • Say Yes to Education, Inc. (Say Yes) is a national, non-profit education foundation committed to dramatically increasing high school and college graduation rates for our nation's urban youth. • Say Yes provides comprehensive supports, including the promise of free college tuition, aligned with what research indicates is needed to enable every child in the program to achieve his or her potential.
Say Yes Community-wide Involvement • After school-Tier 1 • 9 Community based organizations in 20 schools • Summer camp-Tier 1 • Syracuse University • Tutoring-Tier 2 • Syracuse University Literacy Corp Volunteers • Family Support Services-Tier 3 • Huntington Family Centers • Student Assistance Program-Tier 3 • Contact Community Services • Facilitated Enrollment-Tier 3 • Salvation Army • Legal clinics-Tier 3 • Pro bono services from legal community