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Directions:. To get full credit, you must do this step before any other step. Save this Powerpoint file as ‘ yourname-blankLab ’ in your documents folder, using your actual name as the name of the file.
Directions: To get full credit, you must do this step before any other step. Save this Powerpoint file as ‘yourname-blankLab’ in your documents folder, using your actual name as the name of the file. Then address an email to me at egenest@madison.k12.wi.us . Press the paperclip button to attach the file you saved in Step 1. Email it to me. On each slide replace blankswith a correct word. On each slide, replace broken glass with images obtained from the indicated Internet sites. The blue slide has already been finished to give you an example From the menu click Insert / Header&Footer and from the grey pop-up box, change “your name” to your actual name. You’re almost done! Save this file as ‘yourname-finalLab’ in your documents folder. Address an email to me at egenest@madison.k12.wi.us . Press the paperclip button to attach the file you saved in Step 1. Email it to me. your name
Warmup. Use yesterday's notes or worksheet to help you on these. 1) If the wind direction is swirling clockwise, the pressure at the center is probably ____________ (high? low?) 2) If the wind directions are swirling counterclockwise, the weather in the center of the circle is probably ______________ (sunny? snowing?) 3) If the wind directions are swirling counterclockwise, the pressure of the isobars probably gets ______________ (higher? lower?) as you get near the center of the pressure system. 4) If the pressure at the center of a weather system is low, how should the numbers on the lines near the center of the map look? ____________________________ 5) If the pressure at the center of the map is high, the weather report should predict ____________ (rain? sun?) 6) If the isobars look like the picture on the left, the weather report should predict ____________ (rain? sun?) your name
There are two main types of swirls in wind maps • The wind on the left is swirling ____________ (clockwise? Counterclockwise?). • The wind on the left is swirling ____________ (clockwise? Counterclockwise?). your name
Swirls on a wind map indicate the center of a weather system. Based on just these nonmoving images below it is ___________ (easy? Difficult?) to tell which direction the wind is swirling. your name
Predictions 1) In the United States, if wind is swirling clockwise the center of the weather system is probably _________________ (low pressure? High pressure?) 2) If the wind directions are swirling counterclockwise, the weather in the center of the circle is probably ______________ (sunny? snowing?) 3) In the United States, if wind is swirling counterclockwise the center of the weather system is probably _________________ (low pressure? High pressure?) • Which of the two pressure numbers would be more likely near the center of a high pressure system? ____________________________ ( 1100? 990?) • Which of the two pressure numbers would be more likely near the center of a low pressure system? ____________________________ ( 1100? 990?) 6) If the isobars look like the picture on the left, the weather report should predict ____________ (rain? sun?) 7) Countries in the Northern Hemisphere all have high pressure systems where the wind swirls clockwise. Which countries on the following list would have a high pressure system swirl counterclockwise, _____________________ (Russia? Australia? Japan? Canada?) your name
In a browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc) open http://hint.fm/wind/gallery/ Go to the next page of this Powerpoint… your name
Find an image where the wind is swirling counter clockwise. Paste a screenshot below. Crop your screenshot. Enlarge it to make it look good. The latitude and longitude at the center of my swirling wind is: _______________________. I predict the center of this swirl is a _______________ (high? Low?) pressure system. I predict it will have ______________________ (fair? Rainy?) weather. The date and year of this swirl is ______________________ your name
In Google Earth, paste your latitude and longitude. “According to Google Earth, there is a town near the center of my swirling wind named __________________” your name
In a browser, go to http://www.wunderground.com/history/?MR=1Search for the weather in your town from the previous slide, on the date of the wind swirl you found there. “According to weather records found at the Weather Underground website, in the town of __________ on the date __________________ the weather was ___________ (cloudy? Rainy? Sunny? Therefore my prediction was _________ (correct? Incorrect?)” your name
Find an image where the wind is swirling clockwise. Paste a screenshot below. Crop your screenshot. Enlarge it to make it look good. The latitude and longitude at the center of my swirling wind is: _______________________. I predict the center of this swirl is a _______________ (high? Low?) pressure system. I predict it will have ______________________ (fair? Rainy?) weather. The date and year of this swirl is ______________________ your name
In Google Earth, paste your latitude and longitude. “According to Google Earth, there is a town near the center of my swirling wind named __________________” your name
In a browser, go to http://www.wunderground.com/history/?MR=1Search for the weather in your town from the previous slide, on the date of the wind swirl you found there. “According to weather records found at the Weather Underground website, in the town of __________ on the date __________________ the weather was ___________ (cloudy? Rainy? Sunny? Therefore my prediction was _________ (correct? Incorrect?)” your name
Congratulations, you have a 8 out of 10 ptsif completely done through here. your name
For full credit, get the name of a town a hundred miles away from either one of the towns you did today. Use Weather underground to fill in the following blanks. My town was called _______. There is a town about a hundred miles from my town called _______. On the date of ____________ the exact barometric pressure in the first town was ________ and the barometric pressure in the second town was ___________. This means that the first town was the center of a ___________ (high? Low?) pressure system. This ___________ (agrees? Disagrees?) With the prediction I made in my first slide about that town. your name