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Factors Influencing Access to Healthcare Services

Factors Influencing Access to Healthcare Services. Guide : Dr.Bupendra Shah, Ph.D. Pranav Gadgil MS (Pharmacy Administration) Long Island University. Index. Objective. To study different factors acting as a barrier to the access of healthcare.

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Factors Influencing Access to Healthcare Services

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  1. Factors Influencing Access to Healthcare Services Guide : Dr.Bupendra Shah, Ph.D. Pranav Gadgil MS (Pharmacy Administration) Long Island University

  2. Index

  3. Objective • To study different factors acting as a barrier to the access of healthcare. • To study whether every individual in India is getting an equal access to the healthcare services.

  4. Introduction • Health care is the treatment and prevention of illness delivered by professionals in field of medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and allied health. • There are many factors which act as a hindrance to this access and creates differences among population.

  5. Barriers to healthcare Access

  6. Barriers Reported By Patients • Socio – Economic status • Lack of Information about free and reduced cost health care • Health Insurance status • Transportation problem • Language • Immigrant Status

  7. Barriers Reported by Healthcare Providers • Resource Limitations • Training constraints • Confidentiality limitation • Providers travel • Unavailability of all drugs

  8. Inequality in Access to the Healthcare in India • Health resources in India are not adequate but ample • Pharmaceutical sales are $16.32 billion in 2010 till date according to IMS health report • From 1991-2000 hospitals –11174 (57% private) -18215 (75% private) • Every year there are 15000 new graduate doctors and 5000 post graduate doctors

  9. Inequality in Access to the healthcare in India (contd…) • Barriers to healthcare access in India a. Socio-economic inequality b. Geographical Distances c. Health Insurance status d. Unequal distribution of resources e. No ambulatory service in rural area f. Lower number of government healthcare setup

  10. Summary • Access to the healthcare is unequal between urban and rural population • Socio-economic status and health insurance are important factors affecting access to the healthcare • In diverse country like India with large population living in rural area, geographical distance, economic status are major hurdles for access to healthcare

  11. Implications • WHO ( World Health Organization) • Government organization • Non-profit social organization • Pharmaceutical companies • Media

  12. Conclusion • Socially under privileged population are unable to access healthcare due to geographical distances, socio-economic parameters and unequal distribution of resources and it burgeons the gap between rich and poor towards healthcare access • Healthy family, society and country is every person’s dream. Reducing these barriers can make this dream come true.

  13. References 1. Barriers to healthcare as reported by rural and urban interprofessional providers, journal of interprofessional care, March 2006, 20(2): page no. 105-118 2. Barriers to healthcare access in a non-elderly urban poor American population, Journal of health and social care in community 9(6): page no. 445-453 3. Barriers to the healthcare in Asian Americans, Journal of social work in public health 2010: page no. 286-295 4. Socio-economic inequality and its effect on healthcare delivery in India: inequality and healthcare, Electronic journal of sociology (2004)

  14. Questions Thank you

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