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Lidia Nonn, Director Office of Grants & Research www.uwgb.edu/research. "Funding opportunities at the Graduate level" . level!. Welcome to the next, . FALL 2012. Consider this your new hobby!. Fellowships and grants Query the Graduate School for
Lidia Nonn, Director Office of Grants & Research www.uwgb.edu/research "Funding opportunities at the Graduate level" level! Welcome to the next, FALL 2012
Consider this your new hobby! • Fellowships and grants • Query the Graduate School for • - Fellowships & Training Grants -stipend, medical supplement (optional), tuition assistance (optional) • - Travel Grants reimburse for travel related expenses to conferences • Assistantships • Types • - Teaching assistantships – salary, fee remit, medical insurance supplement • - Research assistantships – salary, fee remit, medical insurance supplement • - Administrative/professional assistantships– salary, medical insurance supplement • - Hourly employment – Tutors, Exam proctors, Note takers • Student loan • Information is available from the Division of Financial Aid (DFA) and the U.S. Department of Education. • Funding Basics • Disciplinary Funding • Engineering and the science disciplines fund graduate students primarily through research and teaching assistantships. Fellowships fund the top students. • Social Sciences and the humanities graduate students are primarily funded by teaching assistantships while research assistantships and fellowships are less prevalent. • Funding Sources • Federal Agencies are a primary source of funds for graduate research assistantships and fellowships. • Foundations • Corporations• Professional Organizations • Disciplinary Organizations funds which support graduate assistantships. Types of Funding
If it was easy . . . • Start early, usually one year before you start Graduate School • Application deadlines often occur early in the fall for fellowships or late spring for assistantships. • Review Funding Opportunities • Search online and cross reference with graduate school info to determine eligibility and unique options. • Query the Graduate School • Locate opportunities that align with your goals and needs. • Search the Graduate School website, faculty webpages and the Sponsored Programs/Research Office • Contact your graduate program • Teaching and research positions are most often available through your department or college. • Search outside your department • Mathematics or Foreign Languages & Literature will hire teaching assistants from other graduate programs. • Libraries and Residence Halls, and Student Services hire graduate students as administrative/professional staff. • Use your network • Use your network of colleagues, faculty, and staff to identify funding opportunities • for graduate school as well as future career opportunities. Resources for opportunities
What can I do, today?! http://www.cur.org/projects_and_services/registry/student_register/ CUR’s Undergraduate Researchers’ Graduate School Registry The Council on Undergraduate Research has initiated a Registry of Undergraduate Researchers. The purpose of this registry is to facilitate matchmaking between undergraduates with research experience and a desire to pursue an advanced degree, and graduate schools seeking high quality students who are well prepared for research. Currently the Registry is open to students and graduate schools/employers in nearly all fields. Join a resource especially for students!
What do I need to know now? Grants: available to graduate students conducting research that will promote the field of study in which they are working. At the national level, grants are available through many sources within the student’s respective field of study. Grant programs are offered for students studying in a variety of fields, including research, projects, and programs. A comprehensive list of grants can be found on individual organization websites or by conducting a search using an internet search engine such as Google. Fellowships: are available nationally for students who are members of various organizations (such as fraternities and sororities), are writing dissertations, pursuing doctoral degrees, or interested in conducting research. Scholarships and Awards: If your state has a professional association for your field of interest, you can contact them for a list of scholarships available within the state. They may also offer awards in the form of conference/travel grants, scholarships, or small awards to be used in developing a program at your internship site. University Assistantships: Research, graduate, and teaching assistantships are the most common sources of funding for graduate students. Research assistantships may include conducting literature reviews, data collection, and data analysis. Teaching assistantships allow graduate students to teach undergraduate courses and assist with graduate course preparation under the supervision of a professor. Graduate assistantships may provide support in a range of duties from administration to working with college students. In return for these services, students are provided with a stipend based on the number of hours assigned to the assistantship position, as well as partial or full tuition remission. At some public universities, graduate assistants are eligible to receive health care benefits at greatly reduced rates and are eligible for in-state tuition, even if they are out-of-state residents. Scholarships and Awards: At the university level, scholarships are available university-wide and/or through departments. The department of graduate studies might offer opportunities to apply for scholarships or award scholarships to undergraduates planning on attending graduate school, as well as to students enrolled in graduate degree who meet the application’s requirements. Your alma mater’s Alumni Association may also grant scholarships. Finally, similar to the national scholarships and fellowships, there may be funds for minority students, as well as students participating in certain activities and organizations at the university level. University awards can also come from funds given in memory of individuals who have made a significant contribution to the field. Your university may also have research competitions with cash awards. KNOW the definition of these words
How can I really get started? Graduate Schools typically assist in paring students with funded faculty. Additionally, announcements of extramural funding opportunities are available by email through the Graduate School or their website. Go ahead, try Google [its free]. Google is not the best database to search for graduate school funding But, I know you are going to try anyway, just remember I told you so. Instead, search Google to research graduate programs, graduate faculty and their publication and funding history. Resources for opportunities
http://www.nsf.gov/funding/education.jsp?fund_type=2 Resource for opportunities FREE from ANYWHERE
http://www.gdnet.ucla.edu/asis/grapes/search.asp Resource for opportunities FREE from ANYWHERE
UWGB purchases use of these databases. YES, it’s better than doing a Google Search! Funding Opportunity Databases Community of Science (COS)and, Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN)databases contain thousands of federal and non-federal funding opportunities in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Each provides program summaries that include sponsor names, program titles and descriptions, contact information, deadlines, and restrictions. COS, and SPIN are services by subscription, and therefore only available to the UWGB community. Access is FREE for those using a UWGB public terminal. Visit the Institute for Research website for access @ www.uwgb.edu/research Resource for opportunities UW-Green Bay Networked Computer
Additional Searchable Databases . . . Links are available from www.uwgb.edu/research The Grant Advisor(is a paid subscription)The Grant Advisor is a leading source of information on grant, research, and fellowship opportunities for U.S. institutions of higher education. Grants.gov(FREE)Grants.gov is a source to find and apply for federal grants. Not all searchable databases are easy to navigate, you have to find your own personal style. Resources for opportunities
What will you discover? Fellowship Opportunities The National Research Council (NRC) Research Associate-ship Programs (RAP) Upcoming Deadline: November 1 The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans - The purpose of the fellowships is to provide opportunities for continuing generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. The Program is established in recognition of the contributions New Americans have made to American life and in gratitude for the opportunities the United States has afforded the donors and their family. Eligible applicants must be under thirty and within the first two years of grad school at the time of application, as well as either (1) a resident alien, (hold a green card), (2) naturalized as a US citizen, or (3) the child of a US naturalized parent (other parent cannot be US born). Thirty fellowships are awarded annually, providing a $20,000 annual stipend and tuition costs up to $16,000.Deadline: November 1, 2010 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) – This program provides three years of support for graduate study leading to research-based master’s or doctoral degrees and is intended for students who are in the early stages of their graduate study (ie-no more than 12 months after beginning any graduate program). The Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) invests in graduate education for a cadre of diverse individuals who demonstrate their potential to successfully complete graduate degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of the National Science Foundation. Deadlines vary per research focus (BioMed-relevant disciplines shown): Interdisciplinary deadline: November 2, 2010 Life Sciences deadline: November 6, 2010 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Graduate Fellowships(See Full Description Below)Upcoming Deadline: November 15 The Department of Education (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE SCGF) Program - will support outstanding students to pursue graduate training in basic research in areas of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computational sciences, and environmental sciences relevant to the Office of Science and to encourage the development of the next generation scientific and technical talent in the U.S. The Fellowship award provides partial tuition support, an annual stipend for living expenses, and a research stipend for full-time graduate study and thesis/dissertation research at a U.S. academic institution for three years.Deadline: November - 2010 (check site for updated deadline) November Deadlines
Travel Awards EPSCoR Travel Funds- for graduate students (and undergrads) presenting at conferences on or before November 30, 2010. The following conditions apply:- Conferences must be aligned with marine life sciences, genomics or proteomics- Students must be presenting at the conference- If the PI is funded we will match 50% of travel up to $1000- If the PI is not funded we will pay up to $1000 of travel- Travel paperwork (TAR and TEV) must be processed through our main office- Trips must be completed by November 30, 2010If interested have your mentor send an informal request to Sara K. MacSorley and Jennifer Specker (contact info below). Requests should include applicant's name, name and location of conference, abstract/project summary, an estimate of cost, and a justification of how they related to the marine life sciences, genomics or proteomics. Sara K. MacSorley, Project Administrator, Rhode Island NSF EPSCoR, 116 Woodward Hall, University of Rhode Island (401) 874-2481. Federation for American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program Travel Awards - Candidates must be US citizens, non-citizen nationals, or permanant residents w/a green card and from a qualified underrepresented minority group at the time of application submittal. Applications are due six weeks prior to the conference. Keystone Symposia- Travel Awards available for Keystone Symposia meetings Deadlines for Applications: See list of meetings, generally 4mos prior to meeting Scholarship Info Minority Scholarship Info Global Health Travel Award Info Gordon Research Conferences (GRC)Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship Program - this fellowship offers $600 or support towards the conference you choose. While there is no specific deadline, awards are made on a first come first serve basis. Also, while deadlines to register for conferences are generally three weeks in advance, some are different, and most fill up before their deadlines pass. Check the new GRC Grad Student/Postdoc Resources page for details. BoehringerIngleheim Foundation Travel Grants - For junior researchers pursuing experimental projects in basic biomedical research in international locations. Applicants may be non-European citizens if the travel is to a location in Europe.(details on site) A flat-rate contribution is provided which may cover the expenses for travel, lodging and course fees for short-term visits of up to 3 months. Other limitations apply, see site for details.Deadline is at least 6 weeks prior to travel (no more than 6 months early) November (and future) Deadlines
Research Opportunities The National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship Programs (RAP) - Promote excellence in scientific and technological research conducted by the U. S. government through the administration of programs offering graduate, postdoctoral, and senior level research opportunities at sponsoring federal laboratories and affiliated institutions. Not all programs open to graduate students, please look at specific opportunities.Deadline: February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Higher Education Research Experiences for Students - opportunities to participate in research in a broad range of science and engineering activities related to basic sciences, energy, and the environment at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tenn. Duration varies with academic level; full-time or part-time appointments. Benefits include weekly stipend (varies with academic level); one round-trip travel reimbursement; housing allowance.Deadline: Open, but for best results apply Feb. 1 for summer, June 1 for fall, Oct. 1 for winter/spring Plum Island Animal Disease CenterResearch Participation Program - opportunities to conduct research on foreign animal diseases within the disciplines of veterinary medicine, pathology, microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, virology, epidemiology, bioinformatics, computational biology at the Plum Island Animal Disease Centers in Connecticut, and New York. Benefits include stipend (based on degree, research areas, and experience); limited travel reimbursement.Open/No Deadline The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Graduate Fellowships - STRI is a division of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC and maintains research facilities for marine and terrestrial research at various locations on the Isthmus of Panama. STRI offers multiple fellowships for graduate research in the areas represented by its scientific staff. Disciplines include ecology, anthropology, paleontology, paleo ecology, evolutionary biology, molecular phylogenetics, biogeography, animal behavior, neurobiology, soils sciences, and physiology of tropical plants and animals. Annual Deadlines: March 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15 National Geographic Society Waitt Grants Application - This program funds projects that require venture capital, supporting exceptional projects while foregoing a time-consuming peer-review process. NGS/Waitt grants are able to fund "proof of concept" research for applicants at an earlier stage in their careers than other NGS grant programs. Special emphasis is placed on expedited grant processing and turnaround. The selection committee endeavors to have funding decisions made within ten weeks of application submission. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.Open/No Deadline Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS)Graduate Research Internship Program is designed to allow graduate students to pursue thesis or dissertation research. The resources and environment of BIOS are most suited to students interested in biological and oceanographic studies of subtropical, shallow-water environments, and the open ocean. Graduate interns at BIOS must be enrolled in a Ph.D. or M.S. program at an accredited university. All applicants must have a BIOS faculty member accept their research proposal, and get approval from their Brown University mentor to proceed, see site for details.Open/No Deadline November (and open) Deadlines
Learn how to write grants For grant writing information the following links are available on the Institute for Research website or, use Google to locate others! Elements of a Grant Proposal by the Paladin Group - This site will provide you with a straight-forward, detailed guide to writing an effective and complete proposal. For grant writing geared towards non-federal sponsors: The Foundation Center - This virtual classroom provides several informative tutorials for the different steps involved with grant and proposal writing. Proposal Writing Tutorial - Online short course from the Foundation Center. Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal - By S. Joseph Levine. A detailed guide to proposal writing for the social sciences. For grant writing geared towards federal sponsors: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) & National Institutes of Health (NIH) - This is an extremely detailed guide for grant writing, specifically for the NIH. It includes links to the necessary forms as well as the answer to almost any question you may have. Useful tools for your toolbox
Why? It is sometimes said that without research, there is nothing to teach. Grants are an excellent means to support or augment research you or your faculty advisor may currently be doing, or possibly to provide an opportunity that would not otherwise exist to begin new work in your fields of interest. They provide possibilities for your future students to learn and understand the importance of research, and perhaps to even directly participate in sponsored programs that will better prepare them for graduate school. Further, in making the whole of the academic experience better through sponsored research, many factors such as your own professional outlook, potential for publication and opportunities for collaboration will grow with your own experience. I encourage you to learn more and start writing grants; not merely for funding and outputs, but to allow for yourself the opportunity to improve as a student through research and to improve the field of study as a whole. Learn how to write grants
Graduate Assistantships • Graduate assistantships are available on a competitive basis to students in the Environmental Science and Policy program. Students receiving assistantships are expected to devote approximately 20 hours per week performing assigned duties. Typical duties are serving as a classroom assistant in a laboratory or discussion section, assisting in a center or institute, or serving as a research assistant. The stipend for an assistantship in 2009-10 was $11,255. The exact stipend amount for the 2010-11 academic year will be determined when pay packages are finalized by the Wisconsin State Legislature. This typically occurs during the summer months. • To be eligible for graduate assistantships students must: • be fully admitted to the M.S. degree program; • be enrolled for a minimum of six credits of course work each semester and no fewer than 15 credits during the entire academic year; • maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average for graduate courses. • Applications for graduate assistantships should be filed as early as possible but no later than March 1 for the following September. • Persons who wish information on availability of assistantships should inquire at the • Office of Graduate Studies. Application forms can be requested from the Office of Graduate Studies and also are available online at www.uwgb.edu/graduate/. Completed forms should be mailed directly to the Office of Graduate Studies, CL835, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, 2420 Nicolet Dr., Green Bay, WI 54311-7001. Opportunities at UW-Green Bay
COFRIN CENTER FOR BIODIVERSITY http://www.uwgb.edu/biodiversity/index.htm Competitive graduate research assistantships are available for work with the Biodiversity Center through the Environmental Science and Policy Graduate Program at UW-Green Bay. These awards include a monthly stipend during the academic year for a variety of projects associated with the Center for Biodiversity. Eligible students must be working toward their Master's degree under the supervision of an Environmental Science and Policy faculty member. For information about applying visit the web site of the Environmental Science and Policy Graduate Program. Cofrin Research Awards Thanks to a generous endowment from the family of Dr. David Cofrin and the late John Cofrin, annual awards are available for student research on the Cofrin Arboretum and UW-Green Bay natural areas. Students carry out a field project in collaboration with a UW-Green Bay faculty member and present results in an Annual Research Symposium, held during mid-spring. Funding ranges from $500 - $1000 and can be used for a student stipend, field equipment, or research supplies. Students interested in applying should contact a faculty member in the area of interest and design a brief (2-5 page) proposal containing an introduction (with literature review), objective, proposed methods, and anticipated outcomes of the work. Point au Sauble Research Awards A gift from the Fox River Group, a consortium of seven companies from the Fox River Valley, has provided annual funding for field research at the Point Sauble Nature Preserve near the UW-Green Bay Campus. Funding is awarded to students for work on field projects directed by UW-Green Bay faculty and staff. The application deadline for Point Sauble Field Research Awards is the first Monday in April. Students are encouraged to contact faculty or staff field researchers for more information about ongoing projects and to find out how to apply. NAS Heirloom Plant Sale Grants for Student Travel, Student Research, and Speakers The Heirloom Plant Sale arose out of need to provide funds for student research projects as well as to bring in speakers so that students could hear other perspectives on scientific research. The funds raised are used to provide an opportunity for students to meet and hear a diversity of perspectives and learn about latest research. Heirloom funds provide grants in 3 different categories: student travel grants, student research grants, and speaker grants. Opportunities at UW-Green Bay
http://www.uwgb.edu/giving/funds/ Scholarships & Endowments The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay works to ensure the long-term health of the institution by working with donors to secure gifts that will benefit students for generations. One of the most popular ways in which UW-Green Bay meets this goal is through the creation of endowments for scholarships and academic-oriented initiatives. Office of Development Opportunities at UW-Green Bay For more information on current scholarships and endowments available at UW-Green Bay, or for more information on how to create your own scholarship, visit the links to the right or contact the Office of Development at 920.465.2074.
Don’t forget . . . If you don’t A - S - K, You won’t G - E - T!