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Outline. IntroductionGraph-based ApproachesDistance MeasureClustering Object GraphSTRG-Index StructureExperimentsConclusions and Future works. Introduction. IntroductionContent-based video retrieval systemsIssues in video retrieval systemsGraph-based ApproachesDistance MeasureClustering O
1. STRG-Index: Spatio-Temporal Region Graph Indexing for Large Video Databases
Jeongkyu Lee
University of Bridgeport
2. Outline Introduction
Graph-based Approaches
Distance Measure
Clustering Object Graph
STRG-Index Structure
Conclusions and Future works
3. Introduction
4. Content-based video retrieval system Visual feature based retrieval systems
: color, shapes, and textures of key frames
Keyword based retrieval systems
: manual annotation of segments
Object based retrieval systems
: spatial and temporal features of extracted objects
5. Issues in video retrieval systems How to parse a video efficiently
: low level feature or high level feature
How to compute (dis)similarity
: considering time (e.g. Lp-norms, DTW, LCS, and ED)
How to index and retrieve the units
: spatial and temporal relationships (3DR-tree, RT-tree, and M-tree)
6. Our Solution is
7. Graph-based approach
8. Motivations for graph-based approach Graph is
a powerful tool for pattern representation and classification
Key issues
Modeling unstructured data using a graph
: spatial and temporal relationships
Reducing high computational complexity
: graph decomposition, indexing
Graph matching to compute (dis)simialrity
: graph edit distance
9. Region Adjacency Graph Region segmentation using EDISON (Edge Detection and Image Segmentation System)
Region Adjacency Graph (RAG)
10. RAG cont. Example
11. STRG cont.
12. STRG cont. STRG
Temporally connected RAGs
Represent temporal as well as spatial relationships among segmented regions
13. Spatio-Temporal Region Graph Neighborhood Graph
Finding corresponding neighborhood graph over RAGs
: using most common subgraph and maximal clique detection
SimGraph (G, G) = |Gc| / min (G, G)
14. Object Graph Object Region Graph (ORG)
Extract temporal subgraphs, which represent a trjectory of tracked regions
Temporal relationships
Object Graph (OG)
Merge ORGs into OG
A linear graph connected by only temporal edges
15. Background Graph Backgound Graph (BG)
Foreground/background distinction
OG elimination
Nodes overlapping
Reducing index size
16. Distance measure
17. Extended Graph Edit Distance Good distance metric for OGs requires
Lower computation, handling time-varying, and considering attribute value
Extended Graph Edit Distance (EGED)
Let and be s-th and t-th OGs
19. Metric vs. non-metric spaces EGED is not in metric space, since it does not satisfy the triangle inequality.
Example: {0}, {1, 1}, and {2, 2, 3}.
EGED cannot be used for indexing key values.
If gi is a fixed constant, then EGED is a metric.
It is proved by using induction.
We refer EGED in metric as EGEDM.
EGEDM can be used for indexing key values.
20. Clustering Object Graph
21. Purpose of clustering Graph-based video indexing needs clusters of OGs for more effective indexing.
Each cluster has a similar pattern of OGs.
Each cluster forms a cluster node of indexing tree as a branch node.
For this clustering, we use EM and EGED.
22. EM clustering for OG Gaussian mixture density with EGED
Log-likelihood function
E-step: Compute the conditional expectation of the complete log-likelihood
M-step: Update the parameter estimates
23. STRG-Index structure
24. STRG-Index tree structure [Top-level] Root node: a BG for each record
[Mid-level] Cluster node: a centroid OG of cluster for each record
[Low-level] Leaf node: OGs belonging to a cluster indexed by EGEDM(OGmem, OGclus)
25. STRG-Index cont.
26. STRG-Index construction Root node: extracted BGs are stored.
All OGs sharing one background are in a same cluster node.
This can reduce the index size significantly.
Cluster node: synthesized centroid OGs are stored.
Each record is a representative OG of each cluster.
This centroid OG can be updated when member are changed.
Leaf node: actual OGs in a cluster are stored.
Records are indexed by EGEDM.
Key value is EGEDM (OGmem, OGclus)
27. Search algorithm using STRG-Index k-NN Search Algorithm
28. Experimental results
29. Results of clustering EM-EGED performance
30. Indexing power STRG-Index Performance
31. Real video streams Real video data set
32. Conclusions
33. Conclusions We propose a new data structure, STRG for video based on graphs. It represents spatial and temporal relationships of video objects
We propose a new distance function, EGED in both non-metric and metric spaces for matching and indexing, respectively.
We propose a new indexing method, STRG-Index, which is faster and more accurate indexing.